Rosanne Hoffmann, Project Leader
Andrew Dakin, Model Maker
Tom Poppe, Tooling Advisor
Andrew Moulton, Technical Assistant
InGrid Design, Graphic Designers
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Catalog Number 1-08979-00
Copyright © 2013 by the American Printing House for the Blind. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
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Reference Citation: Hoffmann, R. (2013).
DNA-RNA Kit Guidebook. Louisville, KY:
American Printing House for the Blind.
The Project Leader thanks the following field testers and their students for their valuable time and input during the development of the DNA-RNA Kit: Nancy Arnold, Christine Butler, Carlton Cook-Walker, Sandra Craig, Kate Fraser, Becky Heck, Laura Hospitál, Nancy Knight, Karen Koehler, Janice Leslie, Melisa Liao, Alan Roth, and Robin Wolf.
The DNA-RNA Kit demonstrates the basic structure and function of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, and the formation of messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA. The kit contains 32 DNA subunits and 32 RNA subunits which represent nucleotides, the building blocks of all nucleic acids. The guidebook explains how to use the model to form single- and double-stranded DNA, and how to demonstrate transcription of a single template strand of DNA to mRNA.
The concepts presented in this guidebook are aligned with the Framework for K-12 Science Education on which the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are based. Applicable Core Ideas from the Framework for K-12 Science Education are presented here.
The DNA and RNA nucleotide subunits have three areas that represent the components of all nucleotides:
DNA subunits are identifiable in the following ways:
RNA subunits are identifiable in the following ways:
The visual DNA nucleotide indicator is the black foam backing. The tactile DNA nucleotide indicator is the smooth, diamond-shaped area (deoxyribose).
White DNA Nucleotides - Adenosine monophosphate
Blue DNA Nucleotides - Guanosine monophosphate
Yellow DNA Nucleotides - Cytidine monophosphate
Brown DNA Nucleotides - Thymidine monophosphate
The visual RNA nucleotide indicator is the white foam backing. The tactile RNA nucleotide indicator is the raised circle in the diamond area (ribose).
White RNA Nucleotides - Adenosine monophosphate
Blue RNA Nucleotides - Guanosine monophosphate
Yellow RNA Nucleotides - Cytidine monophosphate
Orange RNA Nucleotides - Uridine monophosphate
To link subunits together, press the tab or blank of one nucleotide down into the appropriate tab or blank of another nucleotide (see Figures 1 & 2).
Figure 1. Phosphate to sugar
To separate attached subunits, pull them apart horizontally in the plane of their attachment (see Figures 3-5 and 6-8).
Figure 9. Do not twist the nucleotide subunits apart!
Figure 10. Do not separate the nucleotide subunits vertically!
These actions will cause the laminate to separate from the foam.
1. Start with the first nucleotide oriented so that the sugar-phosphate side is on the left and the nitrogenous base blanks/tabs are on the right. In this orientation, the phosphate will be at the top left of the subunit (see Figure 11).
2. A single strand of DNA is formed by linking nucleotides vertically, from the sugar (diamond shape) of one nucleotide to the phosphate (circle area with raised arc) of the next nucleotide. Note that free nucleotides are always added to the sugar end of a lengthening strand (see Figures 11 & 12).
3. Linking nucleotides this way demonstrates the formation of the sugar-phosphate "backbone" of DNA strands, which leaves the nitrogenous bases (blanks/tabs) available for base-pairing and the formation of a second, complementary strand (see Figure 13).
Note: For demonstration purposes, the sequence of nucleotides in a single strand does not have to follow a particular order.
The design of the nucleotides facilitates correct pairing of nitrogenous bases. Pairing of nitrogenous bases is horizontal and results in the formation of two attached strands of DNA that are complementary to each other.
Cytosine (C) always pairs with Guanine (G), and Guanine (G) always pairs with Cytosine (C).
Three hydrogen bonds stabilize the bonding between these two nucleotides. This is demonstrated in the model by the trapezoid-shaped tab of the Guanine (G) nucleotide that fits into the trapezoid-shaped blank of the Cytosine (C) nucleotide (see Figure 14).
Adenine (A) always pairs with Thymine (T), and Thymine (T) always pairs with Adenine (A).
Two hydrogen bonds stabilize the bonding between these two nucleotides. This is demonstrated in the model by the large, round tab of the Thymine (T) nucleotide that fits into the large, round blank of the Adenine (A) nucleotide (see Figure 15).
1. Form a single strand of DNA subunits making sure the sugar-phosphate "backbone" is on the left and the unpaired nitrogenous bases face right. Do this by linking the phosphate of each free nucleotide to the sugar (deoxyribose) of the previous nucleotide. In other words, always add free nucleotides to the sugar end of a lengthening strand. Any order of nucleotides is OK (see Figure 16).
2. Select a free, unattached nucleotide that is complementary to the bottommost nucleotide in the single DNA strand just formed. Make sure the free nucleotide is oriented so that the sugar is up, the phosphate is down, and the base tabs/blanks face left. Then, press the base tab or blank of one nucleotide into the complementary base tab or blank of the other nucleotide (see Figure 17). This procedure ensures that the nucleotides of the second strand are added only to the sugar side of the growing DNA strand and demonstrates the directionality of nucleotides and DNA strand structure and formation.
3. Continue to link nucleotides upward until you have formed two complementary DNA strands that are attached via sugars and phosphates and between the bases (see Figures 18 and 19).
Note: After the first complementary base is attached, subsequent nucleotides need to be linked between the nitrogenous bases and between the phosphate blank and the sugar tab (see Figures 18 and 19).
1. Form a double strand of DNA with eight nucleotides using complementary base-pairing. The result is a double-stranded DNA molecule with four base pairs (see Figures 19 and 20).
Figure 21. Separate the two strands and tighten links.
Figure 22. One double DNA strand, separated
2. Separate the two strands by pulling them apart horizontally between the base pairs, leaving some space between the left and right single strands of DNA (see Figures 21 and 22). The links holding the sugar-phosphate backbone together may need to be tightened.
3. Using free nucleotides and base-pairing rules, form new strands of DNA that are complementary to the left and right strands of the original DNA molecule. Start at the bottom of the left strand and progress up as you link the nucleotides together. Start at the top of the right strand and progress down as you link the nucleotides together (see Figure 23). This demonstrates the directionality of nucleic acid strands: Nucleotides are added only to the sugar end of a growing nucleotide strand (see Figure 24).
Figure 25. Two identical double strands of DNA
4. Continue adding nucleotides to each strand until two identical double strands of DNA are formed (see Figure 25). This demonstrates semiconservative DNA replication: Each of the two new double-stranded DNA molecules are composed of one "parent" strand from the original DNA molecule and one new strand formed from free nucleotides.
Cytosine (C) always pairs with Guanine (G), and Guanine (G) always pairs with Cytosine (C).
Three hydrogen bonds stabilize the bonding between these two nucleotides. This is demonstrated in the model by the trapezoid-shaped tab of the Guanine (G) nucleotide that fits into the trapezoid-shaped blank of the Cytosine (C) nucleotide (see Figure 26).
Thymine (T) always pairs with Adenine (A) and Adenine (A) always pairs with Uracil (U).
Two hydrogen bonds stabilize the bonding between these nucleotides. This is demonstrated in the model by the large, round tab of the Uracil (U) and Thymine (T) nucleotides that fit into the large, round blank of the Adenine (A) nucleotide (see Figure 27).
Transcription is the formation of a single strand of messenger RNA (mRNA) from a (single) template strand of DNA.
1. Form a double-stranded DNA molecule using DNA base-pairing rules at least six base pairs long (Figure 28). Separate it into two single strands and choose one to be the template strand (Figure 29).
Figure 30. Add RNA nucleotides starting from the bottom of the left template strand.
2. Using free RNA nucleotides and base-pairing rules for transcribing DNA to mRNA, form a complementary mRNA strand along the DNA template. A left-hand template strand (bases point right) begins transcription at the bottom of the DNA strand; add RNA nucleotides from the bottom up (Figure 30). A right-hand template strand (bases point left) begins transcription at the top of the DNA strand; add RNA nucleotides from the top down. This demonstrates the directionality of nucleic acid strands: Nucleotides can only be added to the sugar end of a growing nucleotide strand.
Figure 31. Complementary mRNA strand attached to DNA template
Figure 32. mRNA ready for translation
3. After forming the complementary mRNA strand (Figure 31), separate it from the DNA template. A single strand of mRNA remains (Figure 32) and is ready to demonstrate translation.
Note: The figures here demonstrate the start codon of mRNA (AUG) and the codon for proline (CCC). The DNA template strand reads TACGGG, which is transcribed to AUGCCC. This mRNA sequence codes for the amino acid methionine first and then proline in the transcribed mRNA. Translation typically begins with the amino acid methionine. All 64 combinations of nucleotide triplets code for either start (AUG), stop (UAA, UAG, UGA), or one of the remaining 19 different amino acids (see Universal Genetic Code here).
Messenger RNA (mRNA) Codons and Amino Acids
Amino Acid
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Methionine (START)
Alignment With Disciplinary Core Ideas—Life Sciences
A Framework for K-12 Science Education Standards1
Life Science 1.A: Structure and function
How do the structures of organisms enable life’s functions?
All cells contain genetic information in the form of DNA. Genes are specific regions within the extremely large DNA molecules that form the chromosomes. Genes contain the instructions that code for the formation of molecules called proteins, which carry out most of the work of cells to perform the essential functions of life.
Life Science 3.A: Inheritance of traits
How are the characteristics of one generation related to the previous generation?
DNA molecules contain four different kinds of building blocks, called nucleotides, linked together in a sequential chain. The sequence of nucleotides spells out the information in a gene. Before a cell divides, the DNA sequence of its chromosomes is replicated and each daughter cell receives a copy. DNA controls the expression of proteins by being transcribed into a "messenger" RNA, which is translated in turn by the cellular machinery into a protein.
1 National Research Council. (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science Education Standards. Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13165
Howard Hughes Medical Institute: BioInteractive DNA: Animations
National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine: Genetics Home Reference Handbook: Cells and DNA - What is DNA?
DNA from the Beginning
Understanding Evolution: DNA, the Language of Evolution: Francis Crick & James Watson
Catalog Number 1-08979-00
Copyright © 2013
American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
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