Eye of the Beholder : Images of People with Vision Loss in the Nineteenth Century
Object ID:
Carte de visite of L.D. Sine, a blind Ohio businessman
ca. 1864
The calling card is printed on glossy stock. A photo of a middle-aged blind man with beard, dressed in a business suit and holding a cane in his left hand, is printed on front of the card. On the back of the card is printed his name "L. D. Sine." Beneath this is a description of Sine as "the pioneer of Gift Enterprises." According to the card, he became blind from "a premature explosion of powder in 1851" when he was 22 years old. He started his business in 1854. A Cincinnati address is also listed.
Card stock
Print Size:
4 x 2 1/2 in.
Click to Enlarge
L.D. SineL.D. Sine