Accessible Tests Services
APH’s Accessible Tests Staff is committed to making tests and related materials accessible to individuals who are blind and visually impaired. APH is prepared to assist with all phases of test accessibility from item development and bias review through production, shipping, and product support. Accessible Tests staff works with customers on a contract basis, and also receives federal funds in order to identify and address high-priority needs of legally blind students of less than college level and their direct service providers. The fax number for Accessible Tests is 502-899-2219.
Services Available Include:
- Collaborate with test developers, test publishers, school psychologists, test administrators, researchers, teachers, parents, and test takers
- Consult on issues related to testing students who are blind and visually impaired
- Conduct test item bias review
- Conduct accessibility review
- Edit tests for presentation in accessible media
- Transcribe tests into braille
- Design and create tactile graphics and large print masters
- Produce tests in braille, large print, and audio formats
- Prepare alt-tags and/or text-based descriptions of graphics, and mathematical/scientific equations and symbols as needed
- Assist with preparation of electronic files for computer-based or online delivery via assistive technology
- Prepare written scripts and/or make recorded version of written scripts
- Proofread transcribed braille tests using certified proofreaders
- Develop test administration notes for accessible versions of tests
- Provide trainings, workshops, information, resources, etc.
- Adapt, create, or provide accessible test-related tools and materials (e.g., rulers, protractors, raised line graph paper, etc.)
- Provide test preparation materials, practice tests, answer documents, administration manuals and other test-related documents in accessible media
- Share resources and disseminate information via the Accessible Tests Resource Center
- Back-translation of braille: For example, we can take an answer sheet that a student has created in braille and translate it into print.
APH provides free, no obligation estimates for reviewing and/or producing tests and/or related materials in alternate media (hard copy braille, large print and digital formats) and make Test Administration Notes available as requested or specified in contractual agreement. For more information, contact Doug Trent ( in Contract Administration
APH’s Corporate Capability Statement and information needed in response to RFPs for potential test contracts are available from Doug Trent ( in Contact Administration.