Examples of Engraved Stones Placed by Generous Donors

J. Max Woolly, A Man of Noble Integrity

Celebrating Wm. H. English, Friend - Legend

Natalie Barraga, Superb Mother, Teacher-Mentor

You can support the exciting Hall of Fame project by donating and placing an engraved stone in the Wall of Tribute. The Wall is a part of the Hall of Fame and allows you to permanently honor a person or organization that has made a difference in your life.

Here are some examples of stones now proudly displayed in the Hall of Fame Wall of Tribute by generous donors. At left is a picture of Lou Tutt, Executive Director, AER, standing before two columns of engraved stones on the Hall of Fame’s Wall of Tribute.

For a complete list of stones in the Wall of Tribute–with links to pictures–visit the Gallery of Stones.