Dr. Sally Mangold

Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field Induction Ceremony

By Dr. Susan Jay Spungin

The most important thing to remember is not only how to leave this world to our blind children but how to leave our blind children in this world.

Sally Mangold’s name is synonymous with Braille. In the years 2008 with the American Printing House for the Blind celebrating its 150th anniversary, as well as in January 2009, Louis Braille celebrating his 200th Birthday, it is only fitting that Sally, at this time, be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I feel she is very much with us here tonight, in Louisville, enjoying this party in her honor as well as busy making preparations for the grand birthday party for Louis Braille in Paris.

Some of us shoot for the moon but most of us land among the stars, which, in this wonderful field of ours, is not a bad place to be. But Sally has always been the exception to the rule-she made it to the moon.

The American Foundation for the Blind’s President and CEO Carl Augusto has said "Sally Mangold’s writings, technological breakthroughs, and teachings have not only enabled children and adults who are blind or visually impaired to learn braille, but also have raised awareness to the critical importance of braille literacy."

Sally has always had a passion for Braille, long before passage of state Braille bills and the proliferation of books and articles on Braille literacy. She was a coveted speaker in the field, always delivering inspiring addresses, and captivating her audiences. Many of us here tonight heard her speak at APH, which for me seems just like yesterday! Her techniques in teaching Braille reading and writing brought fellow professionals from far and wide to observe, listen, and learn.

Sally always had high standards, for wanting to develop the best teachers for blind and visually impaired students she could. Through her materials she continues to help prepare teachers of blind children, and to create generations of teachers who were and are among the nation’s leading experts in the teaching of Braille reading and writing, as well as knowing on how to create and adapt learning experiences for blind children. Phil Hatlen comments, that Sally’s beautiful personality, her sense of humor, her creativity, and her genuine love of people brought great joy to all of us who had the privilege of sharing a part of Sally’s life. Sally was many things… a friend, a mentor, a professor, an author, an inventor and most definitely a leader and a legend. Stephanie Herlich continues by saying that leaders are people who make change happen. When I think of what makes a leader, I think of someone who not just utilizes the resources at hand, but creates what is needed to make change. Sally was a leader. When she saw a need for something, she figured out a way to make it happen. She had a natural ability to know just what would work with a student.

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Today, with the announcement of the new generation APH-Perkins Brailler Sally must be throwing the biggest noisy hell of a party up stairs that I am sure we all would love to attend. Perhaps we can.

Sally made it to the moon and tonight when all is said and done let’s all look upward- to starry skies above and say- "Sally, did you hear? Aren’t you excited! And where is my drink? And, oh, by the way, special congratulations for being in the Hall of Fame!"

Sally your life has enriched everyone here and beyond and will continue to impact all blind children around the world for years to come. Thank you Phil Mangold, for all your love, work and support for Sally. Thank you, Sally, for allowing us to be part of your journey.

Some women see things as they are and say why? Sally dreamt of things that never were and said why not?

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