Educational Aids : Spelling, Math, Geography, Science, and Music
Object ID:
APH Student Speech Plus Talking Calculator
The talking calculator can perform six mathematical functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, and square roots. There is an independent memory key, a memory swap, a sign change key, and a floating decimal point. The push-button keys have highly visual notations for students with low vision. The calculator's 24-word vocabulary is produced by solid state electronics. The exterior is blue plastic with black function keys. "APH Student Speech +" is printed next to display window. On the back is the serial number S1D 000994 and 1977 Telesensory Systems, Inc. Includes a battery charger for use with calculator; serial no. S14010.
H-4.75 W-7 D-1.125 inches
ca. 1978
Made by:
Telesensory Systems ; American Printing House for the Blind
Place of Origin:
Palo Alto, CA ; Louisville, KY
APH Collection
Introduced in 1978, a joint project with Telesensory Systems, a leading accessibility technology firm founded in 1970 at Stanford University. Telesensory designed the calculator, a modification of that company's talking calculator. Partial assembly was performed by APH, which also distributed the calculators. Sold originally for $455. Discontinued by 1982.
Credit Line:
APH Collection, 2003.151
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APH Student Speech+ CalculatorAPH Student Speech+ Calculator