Educational Aids : Spelling, Math, Geography, Science, and Music
Object ID:
APH Individualized Study Screen
American Printing House for the Blind
(a) Rectangular aluminum frame, track in frame holds a second aluminum frame known as a "tension strip"; two adjustable wooden legs bolted to the base of the main frame; APH label on leg, catalog#1-0330, manufactured in March 1986; (b) 25 sheets of transluscent 11x14" drawing paper stored in the brown paper cover of a braille edition of "My Weekly Reader," January 1986; (c) original product flier.
H-11.5 W-17.5 D-6 inches
Made by:
American Printing House for the Blind
Place of Origin:
Louisville, KY
APH Collection
Introduced by APH in 1974 to benefit children experiencing difficulty seeing a film or slideshow projected onto a wall screen. Images could be projected onto a transluscent paper suspended in the frame, either from in front or behind, allowing magnification and manipulation of the image by low vision students. In 1988-89, the screen was redesigned in the APH model shop in acrylic. This example was used in Tom Poppe's model shop during the re-design process.
Credit Line:
APH Collection, 2006.60
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Individual ScreenIndividual Screen