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Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

August 2010

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

Products Across America: Working Together to Build Tools for Learning and Living
142nd APH Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests

Jim Gibbons

Phil Hatlen

LaRhea Sanford

Ellen Trief

Carl Augusto

Jim Deremeik

Together we imagine and create the products that meet our students’ educational needs. This partnership provides the foundation for the 142nd Annual Meeting of APH Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests, October 14-16, 2010, at the beautifully renovated Galt House Hotel.

You won’t want to miss the opening session and reception on Thursday evening. Sharing his personal story of success will be our keynote speaker, Jim Gibbons, CEO and President of Goodwill Industries, Inc. Also, Drs. LaRhea Sanford and Rebecca Burnett will be honored with APH Virgil Zickel Awards, for the development of the Functional Vision Learning Media Assessment (FVLMA). The Creative Use of Braille Award will be presented to the California School for the Blind for their innovative braille fortune cookie project that is run by and for students.

Would you like to know more about new APH products and have input on those that are still in development? APH staff members and product authors will provide training sessions and information on new and planned APH products. The popular Information Fair will again offer posters and demonstrations of products, projects, and other exciting activities at APH.

Want to get together with other professionals who have interests similar to yours? A huge variety of related meetings will take place before and after Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. You can find a tentative listing of these meetings on our Annual Meeting website.

Want to meet talented artists and celebrate Hall of Fame legends? Then the Friday evening banquet is for you as we honor our APH InSights Art Award winners and celebrate the induction of AFB Founder M. C. Migel and Seeing Eye Founder Morris Frank into the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field.

Want to have some fun? This year we’ll top it all off with a Saturday night dinner and riverboat excursion on the historic Belle of Louisville.

Annual Meeting 2010 registration packets will be mailed within a few days and are available, along with an agenda, on our website. For your convenience, we are pleased to offer online registration for payment with credit cards or purchase orders on our Annual Meeting website.

In addition to APH staff members, presenters will include Ellen Trief, Jane Erin, Carl Augusto, Cay Holbrook, Frank Simpson, Nancy Niebrugge, Kay Ferrell, Phil Hatlen, Rebecca Burnett, LaRhea Sanford, Jim Deremeik, and many, many more…to be announced.

Deadline for registration is Friday, September 10, 2010.

If you have questions or would like additional information about our 142nd Annual Meeting, please call 800/223-1839, ext. 367, or email

Products Across America APH Annual Meeting October 14-16, 2010

APH Annual Meeting Dates and Louisville Locations:

2010: October 14 – 16, Galt House
2011: October 13 – 15, Galt House
2012: October 11 – 13, Galt House

APH On Capitol Hill: Photo Gallery

Explore our photo gallery of Federal officials, Congressional staff, and APH Board of Trustee and staff members who participated recently in "APH on Capitol Hill"—our visual and tactile report to Congress on how APH appropriation funds are used.

Field Evaluators Needed!

APH is seeking field evaluators for Getting to Know You, a curriculum that engages students who are blind or visually impaired with their sighted peers in activities that promote social skills and ability awareness.

Lessons involve a variety of games and activities, and are grouped by the following grade levels: Kindergarten-Second Grade, Third-Fifth Grades, and Middle/High School. There are approximately 10 lessons per level, and each lesson takes 30-45 minutes to complete. A variety of materials, including blindfolds and low vision simulators, are included with the kit. Other materials will need to be provided by the teacher.

The target date to ship field test kits is August 23, 2010. Each site will have 3 months to complete the field test. If you would like to be considered as a field tester for this prototype, please e-mail Charles "Burt" Boyer, Early Childhood Project Leader, at

APH Product Tutor in the News

Chase Crispin

Our young Nebraska Student, Chase Crispin, has been interviewed by the Omaha World Tribune.

He covers APH, Washington, D.C., the Braille Challenge, YouTube videos, roller-coasters, and more…He’s such a pro! Go Chase!

Ex Officio Trustee Promotes Federal Support for APH

Barbara Perkis

On July 26, 2010, U. S. Senator Richard J. Durbin (Illinois) visited The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired. Senator Durbin is the Assistant Majority Leader in the Senate—the second highest ranking position. He is a member of the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Subcommittee, which directly oversees APH’s federal appropriation. Senator Durbin was at The Chicago Lighthouse to participate in a panel discussion on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on the 20th anniversary of the signing of this landmark legislation into law.

Before the panel presentation, Senator Durbin took a tour of The Chicago Lighthouse which included a stop at the Illinois Instructional Materials Center (IIMC). Barbara Perkis, IIMC Director and APH Ex Officio Trustee, had set up a display of products provided by APH for the Senator. Ms. Perkis took the opportunity to shake Senator Durbin’s hand and personally thank him for supporting the federal funding that APH receives. Barbara explained that APH makes it possible for the blind and visually impaired children of Illinois to have the large print books, braille books, and educational aids they need for their education. Senator Durbin commented that he was pleased to see federal dollars being so well spent.

Tuck Tinsley comments: "We at APH sincerely thank Barb Perkis for taking advantage of this rare opportunity with a distinguished federal official to call attention to the products and services APH provides to students. We applaud you for standing up and being an advocate, and for standing out—because you did. We wish you the best in your retirement. You will be missed; not only by folks in Illinois, but by many in the field of vision."

Have you mapped your data today?

APH Board of Trustees member Bart Perkins asks this timely question in a recently-authored article in Computerworld magazine.

Mr. Perkins writes, "Are you connecting your data to a map? You should. Attractive and easy to understand, map-based presentations often make patterns more obvious than charts and graphs do. Many organizations are discovering the power of geographic information systems to incorporate location-specific data into effective visual presentations."

Ever consider a career at APH? Now you can call the new Job Line for the latest employment information!

APH now has a Job line! Call 502/899-2225 for the latest employment information. You can also view position postings on our website.

What’s Happening in the Migel Library?

The M.C. Migel Library APH Continues the AFB Legacy

The M.C. Migel Library, one of the largest collections on the non-medical aspects of blindness in the world, arrived at APH last September from the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). At AFB, the Migel was a circulating library, so many titles had several copies. Staff at APH have been "weeding"—removing unnecessary duplication—the collection as they prepare it for public use. Duplicates have been offered to other libraries this summer, starting with the Hayes Library at the Perkins School and the tenBroek Library at the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). Almost 3,000 books, bound magazine articles, pamphlets, proceedings, and journals were shipped from Louisville to Boston and Baltimore this summer.

"The first box we opened includes some fascinating articles taken from popular magazines of the mid-twentieth century, as well as an obscure master’s thesis from 1935," said NFB librarian Ed Morman. "We are still at the start of the process of building the first research collection owned by a membership organization of the blind themselves, and it is clear that much of the material we are receiving from the Migel would otherwise be very difficult, if not impossible, to find."

"I’m delighted to find two Perkins titles that have been missing from our collection," said Perkins research librarian Jan Seymour-Ford. "These titles not only fill gaps in our collection, they restore our history! Thank you so much for your generosity!"

More than 2,000 publications remain in the Migel "weed" pile. If you know of an academic or research library with an interest in acquiring any of these materials, give Mike Hudson a call at 502/899-2365 or email

Can you help us fill gaps in the Migel collection?

The Migel Library at APH is looking for a few well loved magazine issues to fill gaps in its collection of journals and professional publications documenting blindness and visual impairment. Dr. Rosanne K. Silberman at Hunter College recently donated a number of magazines on our wish list, which made us think there may be other folks looking to do some spring cleaning. If you’re looking for a new home for those magazines stacked in the stairwell, consider a gift to the Migel. Here is our current list of needs:

  • Braille Book Review: 1982-1993
  • The Braille Forum: 1962-1994
  • British Journal of Visual Impairment 1979-1982, 1995-2009
  • Disability & Society: 1986-2004
  • Disability Studies Quarterly: 1982-1995
  • The Educator (formerly ICEVH Educator): 1952-1992
  • Light: 1959-2002
  • The New Beacon: 1987-present
  • The Seer: 1976-present
  • Talking Sense: 1956-1983

If you’re interested in making a donation to the Migel, contact Mike Hudson at 502/899-2365, or email

Treasures from the APH Libraries

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH. The collection is closed to the public, but arrangements can be made to use the materials on site. Contact Inge Formenti at or 502/899-2347 for more information. One of many "Treasures from the APH Libraries" is described below.

Braille Translation by Micro-Computer and a Paperless Braille Dictionary, by Osamu Sueda (1979), was presented at the Computerized Braille Production Conference in London. After discussing the issues of Japanese braille, including the language’s three print alphabets, he outlines and illustrates the technology that would be needed for braille input, computer translation of text files to braille, and a refreshable braille output. Sueda’s presentation contains a remarkably forward looking quote for this time before internet access: "With wide use of the paperless Braille system in the near future, a blind person will be able to get the latest Braille book in his home over the telephone." This piece is accompanied by a sample of Japanese interpoint braille, which includes dot embossed Japanese print characters on the cover, as well as a decorative dot graphic. Dr. Sueda has been a professor of Human Engineering for many years. He has served as President of the Rehabilitation Engineering Society of Japan, assisted in the creation of several International Organization for Standardization (ISO) accessibility standards, and has had an international reputation in the field of assistive technology.

Errata: In the July 2010 edition of the APH News, the "Treasures from the APH Libraries" section incorrectly noted the Optacon was a Freedom Scientific development. It was, however, a product of Telesensory Systems, Inc. We thank Paul Lewis for pointing out the error!

You Are Invited to Attend the National Braille Association Annual Professional Development Conference

October 7-9, 2010
Embassy Suites Raleigh-Durham Airport/Brier Creek
Raleigh, North Carolina

This fall’s NBA Professional Development Conference will offer two courses:

  1. Braille Formats: All About All the Rules
  2. Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics

A detailed schedule of each course can be found on the NBA website:


We regret to report that the APH Demo Disc 2010 contains a virus. The affected disc has a light blue background and says ©2010. The braille label on the sleeve is also dated 2010. If you received this disc by mail or picked it up at the recent ACB, NFB, or NEA conferences, PLEASE DISCARD IT IMMEDIATELY.

New "Handy List": Discontinued Products

To aid in ordering, especially for our Federal Quota customers, we’ve published a new list of discontinued products. This is a list of major APH products that have been discontinued in the last year. Some of these products may continue to have replacement parts available for a limited time.

We now have three lists in our Handy List series, which you can find on our shopping site beneath the yellow left-hand navigation box.

Chief Executive Officer Wanted in Duluth!

The Lighthouse for the Blind in Duluth, MN is seeking a Chief Executive Officer. Qualified candidates will have a four-year degree, Master’s preferred. Serious candidates should send cover letter and resume to or to Ken Buck Consulting, LLC Suite 600 Wells Fargo Center, Duluth, MN 55802-1953.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Cheryl L. Heibeck, the Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center, replacing Bruce Schultz.

Deborah Stamp, the New York State School for the Blind, replacing Erin Meehan-Fairben.

Melanie M. Hennessy, the Illinois State Board of Education, replacing Barbara L. Perkins.

John Davis, the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind, replacing Alice Woog.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


August 13, 2010
Book Port Plus Product Training Session-Cincinnati Association for the Blind;
Cincinnati, OH

August 16-17, 2010
United States Department of Education Expert Panel;
APH in Louisville, KY

August 23-28, 2010
BVA 2010;
Washington, DC

August 29-September 1, 2010
Wilson Reading System Webcast Training;
APH in Louisville, KY


September 20, 2010
Firebrand Technologies Community Conference;
Newburyport, MA

September 22-25, 2010
Envision 2010;
San Antonio, TX

September 25, 2010
Indiana Vision Expo 2010;
Indianapolis, IN

September 28, 2010
Veteran’s Administration Product Training;
Location TBA

September 30-October 1, 2010
New Hampshire TVI Product Training (FVLMA and other products);
Concord, NH


October 7-9, 2010
FAHPERDS—Florida Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance;
Orlando, FL

October 8-9, 2010
APH Braille Plus and BookPort Training;
Portland State University in Portland, OR

October 14-16, 2010
APH Annual Meeting;
Galt House in Louisville, KY

October 22-24, 2010
12 State Vision Midwest Conference;
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI

October 27-29, 2010
Texas Division for Blind Services Conference;
San Marcos, TX

October 28-30, 2010
ATIA 2010 Chicago;
Schaumburg, IL

Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale 2010, July 1—September 30. As always, first come, first served.

Abacus Made Easy, Braille Ed., Now Available as Free Download

The Abacus Made Easy in braille (catalog number 5-00220-00)is an addition to our growing list of free-of-charge downloadable manuals. You may print or emboss these manuals as needed. We will continue to package hard copies of these manuals with their products and sell hard copy replacements. We do not keep these manuals in stock, but make them on demand as orders are placed for them; therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

REVISED! Refreshabraille 18™

1-07445-01 — $1,695.00 + shipping

All shipments will incur actual UPS shipping rates based on the destination.

Now compatible with VoiceOver for Mac!

This unique handheld refreshable braille display sets a new standard in functionality, flexibility, and portability. Refreshabraille 18 from APH is an ideal refreshable braille display and braille keyboard for the Braille+™ Mobile Manager and other mobile devices such as notebooks, mobile phones, and PDAs. Connects to your mobile device via USB cable or wireless Bluetooth®. Supports common screen readers like Window-Eyes® and JAWS® for the PC; VoiceOver for the Mac®; and Talks® and Mobile Speak® for mobile phones and PDAs. It combines an elegant design, reliability, and ease-of-use with a rugged metal case.


  • 18 eight-dot braille cells
  • 18 cursor routing keys
  • Eight-dot braille keyboard input
  • Forward and back scroll buttons
  • Five-position joystick
  • Auxiliary space bar
  • USB or wireless Bluetooth connectivity
  • Protected USB charging port
  • Long battery life
  • Works with APH’s Braille+
  • Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (not user-replaceable)
  • Reversible operation (operate with braille cells away from you or flip so they are close)


  • Refreshabraille 18 display unit
  • USB cable
  • CD-ROM
  • Quick Start Guide, braille
  • Quick Start Guide, print
  • One-year limited warranty

Use Refreshabraille 18 to Access Other Equipment

Refreshabraille, like a computer’s monitor and keyboard, is a device designed to be used with other equipment. Refreshabraille provides the screen and keyboard for that other device. Therefore, you must connect Refreshabraille to the device you plan to use. Whether that device is a cell phone, PC, or APH’s own Braille+ Mobile Manager, every effort has been made to make the process simple, reliable, and trouble-free. Be aware, however that the device you plan to use must have software running on it that has the ability to communicate with a braille display. In the case of your PC, that software is the screen reader program, like VoiceOver, JAWS, or Window-Eyes. For phones and off-the-shelf PDAs, screen reader software like Mobile Speak or Talks is required. Accessible devices like Icon and Braille+ already have software (as of version 2.0) that integrates with the display.

The APH Refreshabraille 18 and the iPod Touch-iPhone

Chase Crispin, our APH YouTube Product Tutor has done it again!

Check out his latest video:

APH Refreshabraille Display paired with the iPod Touch-iPhone

NEW! Building on Patterns (BOP): Primary Braille Literacy Program: First Grade Level, Unit 5

Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U5 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U5 — $135.00

Replacement Items:

Unit 5 Teacher’s Edition:
Print: 8-78461-U5 — $65.00
Braille: 6-78461-U5 — $65.00

Unit 5:
Student Textbook: 6-78463-U5 — $17.00
Assessment Check-up Forms (print & braille): 8-78466-U5 — $16.00
Lesson Monitoring Sheets: 8-78463-U5 — $19.50
Worksheet Pack: 6-78464-U5 — $17.00

Related Products:

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 4:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U4 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U4 — $135.00

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 3:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U3 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U3 — $135.00

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 2:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U2 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U2 — $135.00

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 1:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U1 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U1 — $135.00

BOP Kindergarten Level:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78450-00 — $256.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78450-00 — $274.00

Building on Patterns (BOP) is a complete primary literacy program designed to teach beginning braille users all language arts–reading, writing, and spelling. Note: Building on Patterns: First Grade replaces Patterns Reading: Preprimer, Primer, and First Reader Levels. The remaining lesson units of Patterns First Grade (Units 6-7) and Unit 8 (Introductory and Supplemental Information) will be available for sale in the near future.

The Building on Patterns series addresses phonemic awareness (ability to hear and interpret sounds in speech), phonics (the association of written symbols with the sounds they represent), comprehension, fluency, and oral vocabulary, all of which have been identified as important for reading instruction.

This program also addresses specific skill areas needed by the child who is blind, such as language development, sound discrimination, tactual discrimination, and concept development. Braille contractions are introduced from the beginning along with sound and letter associations.


  • Braille taught and presented in a logical manner
  • Ideas for incorporating technology
  • Tactile graphics for teachers to explore with the student
  • Flexible activities designed to fit individual needs
  • Lesson overviews for planning ahead
  • Five-day lesson sequences
  • Suggested concept development activities for parents
  • Read-aloud books accompany the lesson (suggestions provided)
  • Appropriate braille library books (suggestions provided)
  • Lesson Monitoring Sheets
  • Unit Check-ups/Assessment

Recommended ages: 6 to 7 years and up.

Prerequisite: Building on Patterns: Kindergarten or equivalent skills.

NEW! O&M Family Booklet Software

CD-ROM: D-03480-00 — $50.00
Digital Download: D-03480-ED — $50.00

Customize a family booklet about your student’s O&M and connect with students’ families in a whole new way! With O&M Family Booklet, let the software do the work—just type or select what you want the family to understand.


  • Input your contact information once and use it in other family booklets.
  • Introduce yourself to families in the style that fits best for each.
  • Invite contact and communication—with email, cell phone, or personal meetings.
  • Explain the meaning and importance of orientation and mobility skills for the student in your own words, with language provided by the software, or a combination of both.
  • Show the family the impact of the eye condition and visual functioning on the student’s orientation and mobility with:
    • Eye conditions and definitions pull-down
    • Input fields for relevant functional vision information
    • Editable explanations of acuities, fields, visual fluctuations, glare sensitivity, and use of lenses and/or optical devices
  • Describe the student’s O&M goals for the coming year, mark those skills the student has mastered and indicate those that he or she is working on.
  • Offer the family some general ideas about how they can foster the student’s independence at home: you can use or edit those already in the software and you can add and save your own.
  • Choose specific activities that the family and student can do together—the software has suggestions from preschool to transition or add and save your own.
  • Let the software format and print.

Clip your booklet into a cover and send it on its way!

Minimum Requirements to Run

  • PC running Windows® 2000, XP, Vista®, or later
  • Microsoft Net Framework 2.0
  • Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (7.0 or later recommended)
  • CD-ROM drive

NEW! Desktop Stick-On Number Lines, Large Print/Braille (5-pack)

— $12.00

Related Product

Consumable Number Lines
Large Print: 1-03012-00 — $10.00
Braille: 1-03013-00 — $10.00

APH’s Desktop Stick-On Number Lines are great for reinforcing beginning number concepts such as counting, sequencing, number recognition, number relationships, addition, and subtraction. Use the self-adhesive number lines on a student’s desk or tabletop for quick reference. The adhesive will not permanently stick to surfaces or mar them. Each number line is reusable for approximately five times before the adhesive becomes ineffective.


  • 5 large print/braille number lines with numbers 0-20

Recommended ages: 6 years and up.

NEW! Primer: Your First Electronic Magnifier, Color Model

1-03932-00 — $425.00 + shipping

Related Product

Primer: Your First Electronic Magnifier, Black & White Model
1-03929-00 — $325.00 + shipping

Primer is NOT available with Quota funds.

A $10.00 shipping charge will be added to orders shipping within the contiguous United States. All other locations will incur actual shipping rates based on the destination.

This lightweight, handheld electronic magnifier connects in minutes to your television set. Magnification depends on the size of your TV.


  • Displays images in full color, normal gray scale, and other positive or negative enhanced modes, on round or flat surfaces.
  • Built-in roller to stabilize tracking and a one-button control making it very easy to use.
  • Stronger than a magnifying glass.
  • Focus free.
  • Magnification Range:
    • 14-inch TV: 3.6X–11.2X
    • 20-inch TV: 5.4X–17.3X
    • 27-inch TV: 7X–21.6X
    • 35-inch TV: 9.1X–28X
  • Can also be used with personal computer with optional adapter.

Note: Primer works with flat panel TVs! TV set not included.

NEW! iBill Currency Scanner

1-03931-00 — $99.00

Not available with Quota funds.

Avoid the confusion of wondering which bill you pulled out of your wallet or purse. With iBill™ you’ll know within seconds! This currency scanner recognizes all U.S. bills in circulation and is easily updateable to recognize new banknote designs.


  • Ultra-slim and compact "key fob" design measures 3 x 1.6 x 0.7 inches
  • Ultra-high accuracy—better than 99.9%
  • Recognizes currency in any orientation
  • Clearly indicates unidentifiable bills—e.g., torn or badly defaced ones
  • Durable, heavy-duty engineering-grade polycarbonate construction—fully sealed design resists dust and fluids
  • Clear announcement of denomination by speech, tone, or vibration
  • Long battery life


  • One AAA battery
  • User manual in large print and audio
  • One-year limited warranty

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Before Green Gables
by Budge Wilson: T-N1775-00 — $88.00
This prequel to Anne of Green Gables portrays Anne’s childhood before her eleventh birthday. Anne’s parents died in an epidemic when she was a baby, leading her to have many adventures at foster homes, orphanages, and school. Fiction, Grades 5-8. *(AR Quiz #127483, BL 5.4, Pts. 20.0)

In Search of Wagner
by Theodor Adorno: T-N1756-30 — $51.00
A German philosopher examines the influence of Richard Wagner’s music on Nazi culture. Provides musicological analyses of Wagner’s scores and production techniques. Also reflects on Wagner’s social character and ideological impulses. Translated in 1981 by Rodney Livingstone.

This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War
by Drew Gilpin Faust: T-N1770-80 — $109.50
President of Harvard University interprets the significance of the U.S. Civil War’s death toll. States that two percent of the country’s population was killed and many died without proper burials. Analyzes the way those losses transformed American society, culture, and politics through the experience of shared suffering. Violence.

by Steve Heighton: T-N1773-90 — $90.50
When members of the Polaris expedition become stranded on an ice floe off the coast of Greenland in 1872, Lieutenant Tyson takes charge. Initially well supplied, the crew waits for the ship’s return and then, for any ship. Morale suffers and discipline erodes as chances for survival dwindle. Fiction.

Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down
by Colin Woodard: T-N1773-80 — $117.00
Award-winning journalist examines the Golden Age of Piracy (1715-1725), when outlaws, defected sailors, privateers, and runaway slaves forged a republic in the Bahamas. Chronicles the lives of pirates Samuel "Black Sam" Bellamy, Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch, and Charles Vane. Discusses British war hero Woodes Rogers’s defeat of the pirate alliance.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Jan Carroll, Transcription Services Coordinator
  • Ashley Edlin, Human Resources Assistant
  • Inge Formenti, Barr Research Librarian
  • Micheal Hudson, Director, APH Museum
  • Ricky Irvine, Website Associate
  • Nancy Lacewell, Director, Government and Community Affairs
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Julia Myers, Director, Resource Services
  • Cathy Senft-Graves, Research Assistant
  • Gwynn Stewart, Administrative Assistant, Communications

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

For additional recent APH News, click the following:

July Issue –
June Issue –
May Issue –

Archive of all previous issues –

The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

Please share this web link or any items that appear in this publication with anyone who might benefit.

Thank you.

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