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February 2011

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

1st Kentucky Regional Braille Challenge

For the first time since the Braille Institute initiated the Braille Challenge® competition, Kentucky’s students who are blind and visually impaired were able to compete in their home state. On January 27, 2011, APH and the Kentucky School for the Blind hosted a one-day braille reading and writing literacy contest for students in the region.

There were 33 students registered in 5 levels: Apprentice, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Varsity and Varsity. After a pep rally—when they learned about the prizes to be awarded—they were all especially eager to put their skills to the test. Students raised their right hand and took the Braille Challenge Pledge before dividing up to demonstrate their abilities in several categories, including: Braille Spelling, Proofreading, Reading Comprehension, Speed and Accuracy, and Charts and Graphs.

Other activities included displays of APH products, discussion groups for parents, an outstanding story teller, and an award ceremony featuring Patrick Henry Hughes and Louisville’s new mayor, the Honorable Greg Fischer. Mayor Fisher’s daughter Mary assisted in presenting prizes and medals to the contestants.

Kentucky’s students are hoping to be among the top-scoring 60 students participating in 36 regional competitions all across the nation who will travel to Los Angeles in June for the national Braille Challenge finals, hosted by the Braille Institute of America.

First, Second, and Third Place
Back Row: Brooke Berger, Danielle Burton, Ashley Alvey, Cheyenne Harper, Damon Boards, Eric Scott, Allie Johnson, and Jessica VanBruggen.
Front Row: Justin Hedges (center-left, with green-sleeved shirt), Shane Lowe,
Alex Stine, Mason Tilley, and Mari Durrett.

The Integration of the Kentucky School for the Blind

Colored Department, Kentucky School for the Blind. Photo Courtesy University of Louisville Photoarchives

National Black History Month
Saturday, February 26, 2011
10 a.m.—12 noon

Join us in the Museum for a presentation on the integration of the Kentucky School for the Blind. As part of the program, guest speaker Louis Tutt, from the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, will talk about how schools for the blind in other states dealt with the issue. The Colored Department of the Kentucky School for the Blind was established in 1884 in a structure about a quarter mile from the KSB building. The school remained divided into white and "colored" departments until the 1950s. Considered a progressive social reform at the time, the Colored Department nonetheless promoted racism among those least equipped to understand it. In the seventy-five years of its existence, the school sheltered dedicated teachers, both black and white, and students who went on to successful lives and careers. Call 899-2213 by February 24 to register. Best for older teens and adults.

Product Feedback Survey

Textured Sorting Circles and Shapes (1-08834-00) was first introduced by APH as a new product in January 2010. Karen Poppe, the project leader, is seeking product feedback from teachers who regularly use this product with their students. The survey will ask about the product’s usefulness, various uses, and ideas for improvements/related materials, etc. If you would like to receive and complete this survey, please email Karen at

Sports Camps—Across America!

Over 30 camps from 17 states now list their sports camps on the APH Physical Education website. Winter sports camps are happening now! Don’t miss out on snow and ice activities while making new friends. Find the camp nearest you and send your registration in early. Experience individual, dual, and team sports.

Leaders to Leaders: Linking APH Trustees with Members of Congress

Most of you know by now that APH launched an advocacy program in 2009 in which Ex Officio Trustees are asked to try to meet with their members of the U.S. Congress each spring in their home state or outlying area to discuss the educational needs of students who are blind and visually impaired. Since many of the educational products our students use are purchased with appropriation funds through APH’s Federal Quota program, we need to ensure that the members of Congress making critical decisions on education funding understand the unique needs of the students we serve. APH Public Affairs staff meets with congressional members and their staff in Washington throughout the year, but members are always interested in hearing directly from their constituents.

APH Ex Officio Trustees will each be receiving a packet of information in the coming month via both email and U.S. mail. This will explain the Leaders to Leaders program and provide data on the students you serve in your state or outlying area, along with a sample letter to Congress. Please help support the educational opportunities our students need and deserve by participating in this national advocacy effort. We also ask that you keep us informed on your correspondence with members so we can refer to your communication when we work on Capitol Hill and try to measure the impact of our collective efforts.

If you are not an Ex Officio Trustee but would like to help advocate, please contact our Public Affairs office and we will share information and help with any questions you may have. Gary Mudd, Vice President of Public Affairs,, 502-899-2308.

Math NIP in WV

Field Services Representative Kerry Isham assisted Susan Osterhaus, extraordinary consultant from the Texas School for the Blind, with a two-day National Instructional Partnership (NIP) workshop entitled "Teaching Mathematics to Students with a Visual Impairment," where over 50 APH products were showcased. The workshop took place in Charleston, WV from January 6 through 7, 2011, and was co-sponsored with the West Virginia Department of Education and the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation. The information and teaching techniques Susan shared were very enthusiastically received by the 44 TVIs participating.

Little House at the Printing House

To celebrate National Braille Literacy Month in January, the Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind hosted a birthday party for Mary Ingalls, the older sister of children’s book author Laura Ingalls Wilder. Mary lost her sight at the age of fourteen and Laura became her sister’s eyes, describing the world around her so her sister could "see" as well. Mary was college-educated—an exceptional accomplishment in a time when it was rare for a woman to go to college. As an adult, Mary could read braille, Moon type, New York Point, and raised print, and she owned a sizeable library—some of her books were published by the American Printing House for the Blind. Like her sister, she was a writer, publishing several poems and essays.

The formal birthday celebration included an audio program narrated by APH’s Mitzi Friedlander, a performance of Pa Ingalls’ fiddle tunes by local musician Barbara Henning, and selections from Mary’s poetry, read by Gary Mudd, Deanna Scoggins, Kris Hughes, Kate Herndon, and Museum volunteer Elizabeth Renner. Guests participated a sing-along of the songs the Ingalls family sang, worked on crafts described in the pages of Laura’s books, and enjoyed cake made from a nineteenth century recipe.

Regional Professionals Collaborate to Promote Awareness of Students with Visual Impairments

Prior to the holidays, two activities included efforts to promote awareness of students who are blind or visually impaired in Kentucky. Carey Moore, Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist and parent of a child with a visual impairment, along with Pamela Howard, Kentucky School for the Blind Outreach Consultant, partnered with friends, families, and teachers for the blind/visually impaired throughout the Big East Educational Cooperative in the northeast region of Kentucky to make this effort possible.

Carey facilitated the process of student- and teacher-made ornaments, as well as gathering materials from vendors and organizations to enter a tree into the well renowned "Festival of Trees" event at the Paramount Arts Center in Ashland. Materials from several organizations including the American Printing House for the Blind, Office for the Blind, Maxi-Aids Inc., Big East Educational Cooperative, and other companies or organizations that generate educational materials for students who are blind or have a visual impairment were featured on the tree. The tree won 1st place in the competition!

A float was also organized and included in the Ashland, KY parade to support blindness/visual impairment awareness. The title of the float was "Do You See What I See?" There were 47 participants present to take part in the parade float. Some students rode on the float while older students led them in singing Christmas carols. Other students traveled behind the float with white canes in hand distributing candy canes and alphabet Braille cards donated by APH to build awareness.

2011 Nomination Process for the Hall of Fame: Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field

The Hall of Fame is now accepting nominations for 2011 induction consideration. If you are interested in learning more about the process for submitting a nominee to join the 44 inductees, please visit: The nomination process will close March 31, 2011.

"The Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field is dedicated to preserving, honoring, and promoting the tradition of excellence manifested by the specific individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame and through the history of outstanding services provided to people who are blind or visually impaired."

Meet Your Accessible Tests Team

The APH Accessible Test Department team is available to assist you with making your test items accessible for students who use braille, tactile graphics, large print, or audio media for test-related purposes. A major role of Accessible Tests is to review the test items, and to share and discuss our recommendations with you to help ensure that the items are accessible to test takers in whatever medium the items are to be presented. If APH is producing your test booklets in accessible media, the items are not produced until you are satisfied with the suggested adaptations. To discuss questions, please contact Debbie Willis at 800/223-1839, ext. 311 or email In order to request a free quote or to develop a contractual agreement, contact Doug Trent in Contract Administration by calling 800/223-1839, ext. 267 or emailing For more information, you are invited to view the Accessible Tests webpage by visiting We’re here for you when you need us.

Carolyn Zierer, Test Editor; Kris Scott, Test Editor;
Debbie Willis, Director; Mark Alexander, Test Editor Trainee

Join the 2011 Run to Independence Team

APH is looking for runners, walkers, supporters, and even enthusiastic screamers to participate in the Derby Festival miniMarathon on April 30, 2011. Last year our Run to Independence team raised over $10,000 to help fund assistive technology research and our popular accessible magazine program. We are hopeful to exceed our goal this year so we can help even more children and adults who are blind and visually impaired lead independent lives.

If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact Kristin Binkowski at 502-899-2351 or You can also send a check made payable to: American Printing House for the Blind or donate online at

Wall of Tribute: Support the Hall of Fame for the Blindness Field

The Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field honors those whose work profoundly changed the lives of thousands of blind people. The Hall, a project of the entire field of vision, is housed at APH.

The Wall of Tribute columns are located in the Hall of Fame. You can honor a significant person or organization in your life and support the Hall of Fame by placing an engraved stone in one of these columns. Visit our website or contact Kristin Binkowski at 800/223-1839, ext. 351 or

Oldies but Goodies
The "Established" APH Product Series

by Monica Turner

As a Field Services Representative, one of my responsibilities is to go to conferences and exhibit APH products. Oftentimes I will display many of the new and exciting products that we have to offer in order to provide consumers an opportunity to see the items firsthand before making the decision to purchase them. While it is wonderful that APH has been producing so many new products over the past several years, I find that I’m not often able to take along as many of the wonderful, older products that we still have available. We give you information about our new products each month as they are released, and we have been thinking that it might be beneficial to also go back and revisit some of the "oldies but goodies." We hope you agree and we welcome any suggestions you may have about products that you would like to see highlighted in what we hope will become a regular monthly feature. Please send your comments and suggestions to Monica Turner at

The first product that we would like to revisit with you is the DRAFTSMAN Tactile Drawing Board which was first produced in 2005. This product is a versatile tactile drawing board that is used in combination with special film and a stylus to create raised-line drawings instantly. It is intended for a wide audience, such as visually impaired students, teachers, parents, and adults, and can be used in a wide variety of situations, whenever a simple raised-line drawing is needed. APH Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Karen Poppe has created a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt)to provide further information about this product. This information is also provided in a text-only format.

This video clip,, demonstrates exactly how to prepare the DRAFTSMAN for use.

In Memoriam:
Miyoshi Takei, 1968-2011

We sadly share the passing of an inspirational colleague. Mr. Miyoshi Takei of Japan died in a tragic train accident on January 16, 2011. He was 42 years old. Mr. Takei was born in 1968, and lost his eyesight at 18 months old. He was a role model and great representative of people with visual impairments and blindness.

Takei was loved by many and will be remembered best as the inventor and pioneer of tennis for the visually impaired and blind (known as blind tennis in Japan). When he was 16, in high school, Takei dreamed of playing tennis with his high school peers. He decided to invent tennis for the blind, and he worked tirelessly to create a tennis ball specifically designed for those without vision. His devotion to the sport drew many supporters and people who helped him in his work. In 1990, Takei’s dream became a reality: The first-ever tennis tournament for the visually impaired was played. Over the past 21 years, Takei won 17 titles as national champion. He dreamed that blind tennis would continue to grow and be played by people all over the world. He hoped the sport would be included in the 2020 Paralympics. Those who miss him will honor his memory by working towards this goal and sharing his dream.

APH was honored and grateful to work with the Japan Blind Tennis Federation (JBTF) to produce our 30-Love: Tennis Guidelines for Players with Visual Impairment or Blindness. Takei shared his story in the guidebook on how he created his first audible tennis ball in high school and how he later developed the ball that is in APH’s 30-Love Tennis Kit. Just a few days before the JBTF’s Secretary General, Ayako Matsui, notified APH of Takei’s death, we received a new, more durable version of Takei’s tennis ball. He always worked to make tennis for the visually impaired a better sport. Ms. Matsui told APH that Takei always dreamed of playing tennis in the United States.

Colorado’s Kay Ferrell is in the Printing House!

For the spring semester, APH welcomes Dr. Kay A. Ferrell, of the University of Northern Colorado, as our Executive in Residence. At UNC, Kay serves as the Executive Director of the National Center on Severe and Sensory Disabilities. Dr. Ferrell is on sabbatical from the university and APH is most fortunate that she has included us in her plans.
Among several other topics, Dr. Ferrell will work with APH staff on issues relating to the revision of the Boehm, 3rd edition.

APH Research Department Welcomes New Staff Member

Cathleen Holzknecht recently joined the APH Research Department as our new Project Manager. Cathleen has her Masters of Engineering Management degree and her Bachelor of Science Industrial Engineering degree from the J.B. Speed Engineering School at the University of Louisville. Her experience includes project management, marketing, quality control, continuous improvement, and project engineering. She is a lifelong, fourth-generation resident of Louisville and is looking forward to supporting the Research team and APH.

The Council of Schools for the Blind (COSB) Seeks a Director

COSB is recruiting for a part-time Executive Director to guide and assist the COSB Board and membership in fulfilling its mission of improving the quality of services to children who are blind and visually impaired. This is an exciting opportunity for a visionary leader! Responsibilities will include ensuring that adequate funds are available to permit the organization to carry out its work by obtaining grants or other fund raising/solicitation efforts, providing leadership in developing COSB positions as they relate to state and federal public policy issues determined by the Board of Directors, and maintaining relationships and supporting member schools.

The part-time Executive Director will have a flexible schedule to address the needs of the COSB Board and membership. It is anticipated that the part-time Executive Director will provide approximately 10-15 hours a week of service. The compensation is competitive with comparable contract positions in similar nonprofits.

For additional information or to apply, interested individuals should email their cover letter, resume and three references to Jim Durst, Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so the Search Committee encourages qualified candidates to apply.

Third Biennial NFB Youth Slam

The NFB Jernigan Institute is pleased to announce the third biennial NFB Youth Slam. Whether or not science or technology is “your thing,” there’s sure to be something for every student. Learn the science behind building apps for your iPod, use cutting-edge equipment and technology to determine chemical reactions in chemistry labs, build robots, or learn how to use nonvisual techniques to perform a real dissection.

One hundred and fifty blind and low vision students from all across the country will be selected to attend this five-day adventure, July 17-23, 2011 at Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Interested students who will be age fourteen at the time of the program, and are starting high school (ninth grade) in the fall of 2011 or are currently in high school (including those graduating in the spring of 2011) should complete an application online. Students need not have a strong interest in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) in order to participate, enjoy, and benefit from this extraordinary experience. Visit to complete an online application. Applications are due by March 1, 2011.

"Like" APH at Our New Facebook Page, Now with More Features!

We invite you to visit our brand new Facebook page and "Like" us! The previous APH Facebook page has been removed. The new page has added features, such as better integration with Twitter and Flickr photo sharing! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Laura Collie, Lions World Services for the Blind, replacing B. J. Priest.

Beth Hirst, the Iowa Department for the Blind, replacing Tracey Morsek.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


February 3, 2011
Book Port Training;
Indiana Educational Resource Center in Indianapolis, IN

February 6-8, 2011
Meeting of the Minds;
APH in Louisville, KY

February 7, 2011
Presenting APH Appropriation to Various Legislators as scheduled;
Attending The New Congress 2011: 112th Congress Training;
Washington, DC

February 18, 2011
Central Florida Braille Challenge;
Tampa, FL

February 22-25, 2011
Celebrating Connections;
Charleston Civic Center in Charleston, WV

February 26-March 4, 2011
BANA Committee Meeting (Formats);
Watertown, MA


March 5, 2011
Down Syndrome of Louisville Provider Expo;
Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, KY

March 10-13, 2011
CTEBVI 52nd Annual Conference;
Oakland Marriott City Center in Oakland, CA

March 11-12, 2011
Josephine Taylor Leadership Institute;
Seattle, WA

March 16, 2011
Focus on Vision Impairment & Blindness;
Four Points by Sheraton in Norwood, MA

March 16-20, 2011
San Diego, CA

March 23-25, 2011
KAER 2011;
Carrolton, KY

March 24-26, 2011
TAER 2011 Conference (Texas AER);
Sheraton Dallas North in Dallas, TX

March 29-30, 2011
Braille Plus and Book Port Technology Training;
Columbus, OH

March 29-April 2, 2011
National AAHPERD 2011;
San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA


April 9, 2011
University of Arizona—Las Vegas APH Overview & Product Training;
Las Vegas, NV

April 12, 2011
University of Arizona—Tucson APH Overview & Product Training;
Tucson, AZ

April 14-15, 2011
NBA Spring Conference 2011;
DoubleTree San Diego/Del Mar in San Diego, CA

April 14-16, 2011
AOTA 2011;
Philadelphia, PA

April 18-21, 2011
ESAC 2011;
APH in Louisville, KY

April 25-28, 2011
CEC 2011;
National Harbor, MD (close to Washington, DC)

April 27-29, 2011
Penn-Del AER Conference 2011;
Holiday Inn in Grantville, PA

April 29, 2011
FVLMA Product Training at North Dakota AER State Conference (not NIP);

April 30, 2011
Early Connections Childhood Conference for Families (28th Annual): Taking Care of Our Children-Taking Care of Ourselves;
Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, MA


May 1-5, 2011
EPAC 2011;
APH in Louisville, KY

May 16-17, 2011
Arkansas AER 2011

May 23-25, 2011
Expert Review Panel & Onsite Visit;
APH in Louisville, KY

Winter Wonderland Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Winter Wonderland Sale 2011, January 1—March 31. As always, first come, first served.

Turn Your Braille+ into a "Netbook" with the Braille+ QWERTY Docking Station!

Smaller than a laptop, the Docking Station for APH’s Braille+™ Mobile Manager provides netbook-like functions. Simply snap you Braille+ into the Docking Station and you have a highly functional, comfortable-to-use, portable notetaker with Ethernet connectivity!

Docking Station Enables You to

  • Take notes comfortably with a full-size QWERTY keyboard
  • Perform full-capability word processing
  • Web browse extensively
  • Read and write email when you’re on-the-go

Docking Station Provides

  • More Battery Power: Charge your Braille+ by plugging it into the docking station, even if the docking station is not plugged in.
  • Expanded Connectivity: Transferring files and emails, accessing the internet, or adding peripherals is quick with the Docking Station. With an Ethernet connection you can log into your office network or the internet, and with USB host and client ports, it’s easy to hook-up periperals.
  • Comfortable, Ergonomic Design: The Docking Station is designed to be large enough for your hands to rest comfortably, yet small and lightweight so it’s easy to carry along, plus it has a foldout hand rest.

Note: The Braille+ Mobile Manager is required to operate the QWERTY Docking Station.

ADDITIONAL SHIPPING CHARGE: All shipments will incur actual UPS shipping rates based on the destination.

The Docking Station IS available with federal Quota funds.

NEW! Sense of Science: Astronomy

1-08991-00 — $250.00

Sense of Science Series

Sense of Science is a unique series designed to make the world of science accessible, understandable, and enjoyable.

The main component in each Sense of Science kit from APH is a set of colorful, raised-line overlays designed to be used with a light box, or as stand-alone items. An accompanying guidebook suggests activities using the overlays and supplemental teacher-provided materials to enhance and extend the learning experience.

Three modules are currently available, Sense of Science: Plants, Sense of Science: Animals, and Sense of Science: Astronomy. Additional modules will be available in the future.

NEW! Sense of Science: Astronomy

This is the third module in this tactile/visual science series. Unlike previous modules of this series, this set of materials is appropriate for a broader range of ages and grade levels of students with visual impairments and blindness. Activities incorporate a learning objective, a list of vocabulary and needed materials, a step-by-step procedure, extended activities, visual adaptations, math and language connections, and science tidbits. Activities are complemented by the included visual/tactile overlays and fold-out 2-dimensional displays.


  • A large print guidebook (braille edition available separately) with easy-to-follow activities, a glossary, and a list of resources and related websites.
  • A variety of visual and tactile overlays that can be used alone or with the optional APH Light Box or Mini-Lite Box (sold separately). Overlays include:
    • Cross-Section of the Sun
    • Lunar Eclipse
    • Milky Way Galaxy
    • Orbit of a Comet
    • Phases of the Moon
    • Planetary Orbits
    • Relative Sizes of the Planets
    • Solar Eclipse
    • Space Shuttle
    • Ursa Major/Ursa Minor
    • Moon Phases (small cards for sorting)
    • Galaxy Type (small cards for sorting)
    • Fold-Out Astronomy Displays:
      • Our Solar System Display (with separate print/braille labels)
      • Northern Circumpolar Dome
      • Relative Distances of the Planets
  • Two trays designed to slip under a light box ledge and provide a secure working area when using the overlays.
  • Astronomy Quick Fact Cards include print/braille "Fact Card" for each planet, the Moon, the Sun, and Pluto. These cards can be used as independent study/review, as a quiz game, or as a springboard for students to create and expand their own fact sheets.
  • Astronomy Worksheets include print, braille, and CD-ROM files of the following worksheets for student completion: Planet Fact Worksheet, Planet Ranking by Distance from the Sun, Planet Ranking by Orbital Period, Planet Ranking by Rotation Period, Planet Ranking by Size, Planet Ranking by Temperature, and Famous Astronomers. The CD-ROM contains the worksheets in these file formats: MS Word, PDF, and braille-ready (.brf).

Notes: Each overlay set is housed in its own protective and labeled clear-view folder. Braille labels are included for customer application.

Additional sets of Quick Fact Cards and Astronomy Worksheets are available for purchase separately.

Recommended ages: 8 years and up.

NEW! Building on Patterns: Primary Braille Literacy Program: First Grade Level: Unit 7

Braille Kit: 6-78460-U7 — $135.00
Print Kit: 8-78460-U7 — $135.00

Building on Patterns (BOP) is a complete primary literacy program designed to teach beginning braille users all language arts—reading, writing, and spelling.

Note: Building on Patterns: First Grade replaces Patterns Reading: Preprimer, Primer, and First Reader Levels. Other levels of Building on Patterns will be available in the future.

The Building on Patterns series addresses phonemic awareness (ability to hear and interpret sounds in speech), phonics (the association of written symbols with the sounds they represent), comprehension, fluency, and oral vocabulary, all of which have been identified as important for reading instruction.

This program also addresses specific skill areas needed by the child who is blind, such as language development, sound discrimination, tactual discrimination, and concept development. Braille contractions are introduced from the beginning along with sound and letter associations.


  • Braille taught and presented in a logical manner
  • Ideas for incorporating technology
  • Tactile graphics for teachers to explore with the student
  • Flexible activities designed to fit individual needs
  • Lesson overviews for planning ahead
  • Five-day lesson sequences
  • Suggested concept development activities for parents
  • Read-aloud books accompany the lesson (suggestions provided)
  • Appropriate braille library books (suggestions provided)
  • Lesson Monitoring Sheets
  • Unit Check-ups/Assessment

BOP First Grade lessons require students to read selections themselves with emphasis on decoding skills, comprehension, and fluency. Creative writing, related to the reading selections, is included with each lesson. Spelling is based upon phonics skills. Worksheet packs, lesson monitoring sheets, and unit assessment packs are consumables and are available separately.

Prerequisite: Building on Patterns: Kindergarten or equivalent skills.

Age Range: 6 and Up

NEW! Test Ready: Plus Mathematics: Book 4, Student Book

Test Ready: Plus Mathematics: Book 4, Teacher Guide:
Braille Edition: 5-00507-00 — $18.00
Large Print Edition: 7-00507-00 — $18.00

Test Ready: Plus Mathematics: Book 4, Student Book:
Braille Edition: 5-00508-00 — $35.00
Large Print Edition: 7-00508-00 — $46.00

This test prep series offers practice for today’s standards-based assessments for grade levels 3 through 12.

Test Ready: Plus Mathematics provides preparation and review, in as little as two weeks before testing day. It also provides a program of instruction and remediation.

Students practice problem solving for:

  • Data preparation
  • Geometry
  • Numeration
  • Number theory
  • Measurement
  • Pre-algebra/algebra

Objectives for each of the above key concepts have been aligned with the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics from the National Council for Teachers and Mathematics (NTCM). These lessons make use of routine, non-routine, and open-ended problems, with writing activities that require students to explain their solutions.

In just 14 days, students will be test ready with:

  • Timed pretest to diagnose skills gaps
  • Standards-based skill-specific lessons
  • Timed mixed-practice post test, mirroring pretest to show growth

Accessible Formats

The APH Teacher Guides and Student Books are available in several accessible formats, so that the entire class can work on math together in a multi-media approach. The large print and braille editions include a CD with an .html file and a digital talking book file with built-in player.

The large print student edition includes a specially formatted large print answer document. However, it is recommended that each student has a book in his or her preferred reading medium, and should feel free to mark answers in the test books. Used this way, the student books become consumable items.

Note: Copies of regular print Teacher Guides and Student Books are available from the publisher at: Curriculum Associates, Inc., 153 Rangeway Road, North Billerica, MA 01862-0901, 800-225-0248, Fax: 800-366-1158,

NEW! Moving Ahead: Tactile Graphic Storybooks:
The Boy and the Wolf: 6-77900-00 — $50.00

This print/braille storybook series helps bridge the gap to abstract tactile graphics.

Moving Ahead: Tactile Graphic Storybooks are designed to be the next step for preschool and kindergarten students who have had some experience with simple tactile representations, such as those in APH’s On the Way to Literacy series. Three Moving Ahead books are now available: The Boy and the Wolf, Splish the Fish, and Goin’ on a Bear Hunt.

While On the Way to Literacy storybooks use real objects, molded images, and simple raised outlines, Moving Ahead storybooks introduce symbolic representation, more complex illustrations, and an increased emphasis on text by combining tactile pictures, print/braille text, and a fun story. Each read-aloud book invites the child to have fun while listening to the story and exploring its tactile pictures and print/braille text.

With Moving Ahead, students will:

  • Explore tactile illustrations with varying levels of detail
  • Track varying types of lines and intersecting lines
  • Encounter tactile symbols, simple keys, and maps
  • Discover braille words embedded in the graphics and locate the same word in the text
  • Increase comprehension by using the fold-out map/storyboard to retell the story and create their own tactile displays

Each storybook includes a Large Print Reader’s Guide (braille edition sold separately) that contains general information, tips on using the storybook, and additional resources. Also included are braille words on customer-applied labels, allowing the reader to choose contracted or uncontracted braille.

NEW! The Boy and the Wolf

This rhyming story features a twist on the classic tale of the boy who cried wolf. Simple raised line symbols represent the Wolf, the Boy, and his small flock of sheep. As the story is read, the child is invited to tactually search the page for these characters, to count and compare like and different pairs of sheep, and notice differing orientations. The story and its graphics introduce a variety of concepts: left, right, top, bottom, near, far, first, last. A simple key presents the symbols used in the book. Includes a storyboard and symbols for the story’s characters, which permit the child to create his own tactile displays. As the child retells the story using the storyboard, he gains understanding of how tactile graphics can be used to symbolize objects and show spatial position.

Recommended ages: Preschool through 2nd grade.

NEW! Addition and Subtraction Table Kit
5-82699-00 — $19.50

This handy chart helps students quickly find the sums and difference of whole numbers. The large print/braille tool is designed to reinforce the basic addition and subtraction facts for young math students. The grid can be used to find the sum of two whole numbers from 1 through 10 or the difference of a related subtraction problem.

The chart is printed/embossed on white index stock paper and is punched for a 3-ring binder. Alternating rows are highlighted to help low vision students easily track numbers.


  • Ten charts
  • Print instruction booklet

NEW! Early Braille Trade Books Wright Group—TWiG Books® Kit 1, Upper Emergent

Contracted Braille Kit: 3-00205-00 — $152.00
Uncontracted Braille Kit: 3-00206-00 — $152.00

Replacement Items

Contracted Braille Label Packs (labels only): 3-00205-CL — $95.00
Uncontracted Braille Label Packs (labels only): 3-00206-UL — $95.00

Related Products

Sunshine Kit 1:
Contracted Braille: 3-00201-00 — $285.00
Uncontracted Braille: 3-00202-00 — $285.00

Sunshine Kit 2:
Contracted Braille: 3-00203-00 — $250.00
Uncontracted Braille: 3-00204-00 — $250.00

Young readers will be inspired by these emergent level nonfiction books about the natural world and everyday life. These books are easily integrated across the curriculum especially in science and social studies.

The Early Braille Trade Books Project provides commercially available books with braille labels for beginning readers. This kit includes books, braille labels, and access to an interactive website, please visit:


  • Contracted or uncontracted braille labels
  • Match books to a student based on braille knowledge
  • The interactive website allows you to:
    • Search for books by genre, core curriculum, or expanded core curriculum
    • Access a book summary and activities designed for braille readers
    • Maintain a listing and percentage of contractions learned by each student — great for documentation at IEP meetings
    • Share or transfer student records to other teachers

Kit Includes

9 books, braille label packs, and a Quick Start Guide:

  • Day and Night
  • Fast, Faster, and Fastest
  • Goodbye, Perky
  • I See You
  • Outside and Inside
  • Scared
  • What Do Scientists Do?
  • What’s Black and White and Moos?
  • Why?

Note: Customer applies the included braille labels. A user ID and password are required to access interactive website.

NEW! Transition Tote Backpack
1-08211-00 — $68.00

This attractive, sturdy backpack is a perfect solution for organizing and transporting equipment and tools used by students and professionals with visual impairments. Developed as part of the revision of the Transition Tote System, this backpack is designed to serve the changing needs of persons with visual impairments as they proceed through middle school, secondary school, transition and vision rehabilitation programs, and into the adult world of work. This backpack is not only an organizational tool for Transition Tote materials, but also is a tool whose functions grow and change as the individual develops.

Standing 18" tall and 12" wide, this backpack is constructed of durable, water resistant material, which holds up well under heavy daily use and provides the professional with a polished, efficient, and organized look. The four "feet" on the bottom ensure that it stands upright when not being worn, and the top handle allows it to be carried in the hand as well as on the shoulders. The shoulder straps are broad, padded, and adjustable and can be zipped neatly into a back compartment when the backpack is not being worn.

The backpack consists of three sections:

  1. A roomy front zipper pocket is large enough to hold an 8.5: X 11" braille or large print calendar, clipboard, or pad and features:
    • Key ring attached by hook/loop material for easy retrieval, use, and storage
    • Two pen/marker holders and a stylus/marker holder
    • Slate/magnifier pocket
    • Zippered change pocket
    • Cell phone/PDA pocket with hook/loop material closure
    • Two card holders
  2. A large zippered inner space can hold braille/large print books, a portable video magnification system, or similarly sized items and features:
    • Front panel with padded pockets for two smaller and one larger electronic item such as a notetaker, PDA, book reader, pocket video magnifier, or CD player
    • Back panel with pockets for storing media such as flash drives, SD and compact flash cards, NLS flash media, and CDs.
  3. A back padded compartment has an adjustable hook/loop material strap to protect a laptop, netbook, reading system, or other large technology.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Annie and Snowball and the Dress-up Birthday: The First Book of Their Adventures
by Cynthia Rylant: T-N1830-70 — $8.50
Annie invites her cousin Henry, his family, and his big dog Mudge to dress up and celebrate Annie’s birthday at her house with her father and her pet rabbit Snowball. But Annie and Henry have different ideas about the meaning of dress-up. Three short chapters. Grades K-3. *(AR Quiz #113365, BL 3.0, Pts. 0.5)

Heart of a Shepherd
by Rosanne Parry: T-N1832-30 — $29.50
Eleven-year-old Ignatius Alderman, called "Brother", promises to keep his family’s Oregon ranch just as it is until his father returns from the war in Iraq. Brother’s Quaker grandparents and his own Catholic faith help him face new challenges, like a wildfire that threatens the ranch. Grades 5-8. *(AR Quiz # 128015, BL 5.2, Pts. 5.0)

Sweetwater Gap
by Denise Hunter: T-N1831-20 — $68.50
Josie Mitchell is summoned home to North Carolina to help run her family’s apple orchard. Josie embraces old friends and family and, despite her guilty memories and illness, falls in love with orchard manager Grady Mackenzie. When a crisis occurs, Josie opens her heart to God. Adult Reader.

Clean Cut: An Ann Travis Mystery
by Lynda La Plante: T-N1831-50 — $119.00
As Anna Travis begins questioning her live-in relationship with sloppy, selfish Detective Chief Inspector Langton, he is badly injured. While Langton recovers enough to track his assailant, Travis works a connected case and, still worried about Langton, secretly tries to do some of his legwork. Violence and strong language – Adult Reader – Fiction.

Panini Express: Seventy Delicious Recipes, Hot off the Press
by Daniel Leader and Lauren Chattman
Tips and recipes for perfectly grilled sandwiches. Instructions for baking your own bread and preparing mayonnaises, pestos, and other sandwich enhancers. Recipes suggest store-bought or homemade breads appropriate to a variety of toppings from a range of international cuisines: French, German, Italian, Mexican, and Middle Eastern.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Kristin Binkowski, Director, Planned Giving
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Mike Hudson, Museum Director
  • Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative
  • Cathy Johnson, Field Services Representative
  • Nancy Lacewell, Director, Government and Community Affairs
  • Artina Paris-Jones, Assistant, Field services
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Tristan Pierce, Multiple Disabilities Project Leader, Research
  • Karen Poppe, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Research
  • Becky Snider, Coordinator, Public Affairs
  • Gwynn Stewart, Administrative Assistant, Communications
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative
  • Debbie Willis, Director, Accessible Tests

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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