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Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

January 2015

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

APH Position Searches Underway

Dear Friends,

We at APH hope each of you has a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2015! It will be a year of transition at APH as Bob Brasher and Jack Decker retire. While we don’t expect to “replace” them, we will be hiring the next generation of vice-presidents for their positions. Therefore, APH is searching for a Vice President of Educational Services and Product Development (formerly Advisory Services and Research) and Vice President of Production and Logistics (formerly Production).

Here are the position advertisements developed by the search firm charged with presenting us qualified candidates for the two positions. Please give them a read, then share them with anyone you feel may be interested in these positions—positions critical in the education of blind and visually impaired students in the U.S. and its outlying areas.

Happy New Year!

Tuck Tinsley

APH President

Notice of Battery Charge Issue: APH SMART Brailler by Perkins

We have determined there is a problem with the battery in some of the SMART Brailler units. Affected batteries are not charging properly. Perkins Products is diligently working to correct the problem that will ultimately result in those customers affected receiving free replacement batteries.

Sales of the SMART Brailler (1-00820-00) and of the Replacement Battery (1-00822-00) have been put on hold until the problem is corrected.

If you believe your brailler has this problem, please contact the APH Customer Service Department at 1-800-223-1839 or We are also reviewing sales of the brailler and the replacement battery to identify customers who may have an affected unit.

Please note the braillers will perform as intended when plugged into an electrical outlet.

APH will stay constantly engaged in the process until all our customers are fully satisfied.

NOW AVAILABLE! Products Showcase: An Additional Way for Credit Card Customers to Shop!

APH has launched an additional way for our credit card customers to shop for selected products: the APH Products Showcase Shopping Site! This special shopping site features approximately 40 of our most popular products. Examples include the Book Port DT talking book player/recorder with its large speaker, the versatile VisioBook electronic magnifier, and the amazing ColorTest II talking color identifier.

The site has an uncluttered presentation of these products and is easy-to-use. Showcase offers new shopping features, such as user reviews. Credit card customers may chose to use the new Showcase site, but are always welcome to continue to shop at our full site, The new Showcase site is designed primarily for individual customers, so Federal Quota customers will continue to use

Accessible Online Nemeth Tutorial Now Available!

The Nemeth Code of Mathematics makes reading and writing complex math expressions in braille feasible. Unfortunately, learning to read and write the Nemeth Code requires extra effort beyond the effort to learn to read and write the standard literary braille codes.

Gaylen Kapperman and Jodi Sticken of Research and Development Institute (RDI) addressed the challenge of learning the Nemeth Code when they and colleagues created the original computer-based tutorial in 1997. The tutorial provided the rules in a logical order and gave the student plenty of examples and exercises.

Now, APH and RDI, with a grant from the U.S. Department of Education National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), have created a universally accessible version of the tutorial that runs on any device connected to the Internet. The Nemeth code tutorial is currently available at no cost at the following address:

The tutorial looks great for sighted users and shows the braille in a font that does not require additional downloads—it just works! The tutorial supports six-key entry mode, so you may interact with the exercises with a typical QWERTY keyboard, simulating a braille keyboard layout.

For blind users, screen reader support with the latest ARIA-enriched content notifications provide interactive feedback for the exercises and a refreshable braille display correctly shows the Nemeth portions, no matter how the screen reader’s translation tables are configured. This means that as a blind user, you can let the screen reader translate the explanatory portions in the kind of braille you prefer and still get accurate Nemeth representations.

Members of the development team included:

  • Gaylen Kapperman, RDI, Project Director
  • Jodi Sticken, RDI, Research Associate
  • Shannon Pruitt, RDI, Content Specialist
  • Larry Skutchan, APH, Director of Technology Product Research
  • Michael McDonald, APH, Programmer III, Technology Product Research
  • Ken Perry, APH, Programmer III, Technology Product Research
  • Cathy Senft-Graves, APH, Braille Literacy and Technology Project Leader, Educational Product Research

This project was supported by funds from Federal Grant No. H133G110122. No comments, judgments, or opinions found within any product of this federally funded project are those of the U.S. Department of Education or any other unit of the federal government; they are solely those of the individuals involved in the project.

Field Test Opportunity: Expandable Calendar Box Stabilizers

APH seeks teachers in classrooms where the APH Expandable Calendar Boxes are used with students who have visual and multiple disabilities.

Potential field test sites should have

  • student(s) who use three or four APH Expandable Calendar Boxes connected together for a daily calendar.
  • student(s) who are wheelchair users and require the connected calendar boxes to be presented on the wheelchair tray and then removed for the activity, multiple times throughout the day.

APH is field testing platforms—made of different materials—on which the APH Expandable Calendar Boxes are mounted and carried easily around the classroom. Field testing will take place in February 2015. The prototypes will ship in January. APH selects field test sites by geographical location and the number of students at each location who fit the criteria listed above. If interested, email

Mitzi Friedlander to Retire

Widely acclaimed APH narrator Mitzi Friedlander is retiring. During her extraordinary career, which spans over a half century, she has recorded more books than any other Talking Book narrator in the nation.

Her fans, locally and nationally, will celebrate her accomplishments at a retirement ceremony that will take place February 5, 2015 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at APH. If you want to share your thoughts with Mitzi, please send them to her care of Roberta Williams, APH 1839 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206 or by email, We will get them all to her as part of the ceremony.

If you are in a position to attend the ceremony, please contact Roberta Williams by February 1, since space is limited.

Hear a sample of Mitzi Friedlander’s work or download it.

The Talking Book program, administered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped of the Library of Congress, provides recorded literature to 500, 000 blind, visually impaired, and physically impaired Americans. The National Library Service (NLS) contracts with American Printing House for the Blind to prepare these “Talking Books.”

The 2015 InSights Art Competition Opens!

The deadlines for the Twenty-fourth Annual Juried Art Competition and Exhibition for Artists Who Are Visually Impaired or Blind have been established.

APH invites visually impaired and blind artists of all ages to submit artwork to APH InSights 2015! This art competition and exhibition is exclusively for blind and visually impaired artists and draws entries from across the U.S. and around the world. Last year we received 315 entries from across the U.S.

Again this year, there are two deadlines: Student Preschool through High School must submit a completed entry form along with the original artwork (no digital images) by March 24, 2015; Adults must submit their complete entry package by April 1, 2015. Each artist may submit only one entry.

The competition is open to any person who meets the following definition of blindness: corrected visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye (as measured on a Snellen Chart), or a visual field limited to 20 degrees or less. This includes those who function at the definition of blindness (FDB), listed above, due to brain injury or dysfunction. There is no limit on the subject or the type of materials that can be used, but the artwork must be original in concept and execution and be completed by the artist, with minimal assistance from others.

Updated entry forms and rules will be posted on the website in February. Contact Roberta Williams by email with questions:

Survey on Teaching Topographic Maps

We are currently considering developing a product that may help students with blindness and low vision understand how contour lines are drawn and how topographic maps are used. Because topographic maps and contour lines are 2D quantitative representations developed by simplifying real 3D land surfaces, some students without adequate visual input may have difficulty in understanding this abstract knowledge.

We are conducting a short survey to learn how this knowledge is currently being taught to these students and whether it is necessary to add additional tools. If you have ever taught middle or high school students who are visually impaired (even if you have never taught this specific knowledge), please consider taking this survey. If you happen to know some other teachers (including those in general schools) who have ever done so, please help us by forwarding this message.

To take the survey, please click the following link:

The survey will remain active until January 31st, 2015. Thank you!

BOP Writers Return to APH for Winter Meeting

The Building on Patterns writing group visited APH recently for a first-ever winter meeting, continuing its work to support braille literacy education while observing the birthday of Louis Braille. Usually only meeting in June, the writers and contributors cut into their holiday break to redouble efforts on a new prekindergarten edition of BOP. The group has received some of the first exciting indications from a pilot field test of how the product will be used by teachers, and Dr. Cay Holbrook presented an overview of some of the pilot field test results. This edition will respond to the increased literacy readiness expectations of kindergarteners and will help young children gather the foundations of early braille literacy.

Front: Jo Ellen Croft (AR), Luanne Blaylock (AR),Susan Spicknall (APH), Dawn Wilkinson (APH), Rear: Kay Ferrell (CO), Robin Wingell (CA), Cathy Senft-Graves (APH), Anna Swenson (VA),Kate Dilworth (OR), Cay Holbrook (British Columbia), Denise Snow (APH).Not pictured: Deanna Scoggins (KY), Liz Barclay (CA).

Proud to be a Partner of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library (DPIL) has been gaining national and international attention since its inception in 1996. In fact, this model program recently received the Library of Congress Best Practice designation in December 2014 for its success in addressing social barriers to literacy!

So how does it work? DPIL has established partnerships with over 1,500 communities throughout the US, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom to help build home libraries for preschoolers. While Dolly’s Imagination Library negotiates bulk purchases of books and incurs administrative overhead expenses, each partner community raises funds to buy those books at a greatly reduced price and ship them to the children in that area. The combined efforts of DPIL and its partners results in the distribution of 9 million books per year!

APH is proud to be connected to this award winning organization to promote literacy right from birth. The APH partnership with DPIL was forged in 2011 to make its annual selection of high-quality, culturally diverse books available in audio and braille formats to visually impaired preschoolers, a community which spans the entire US and its possessions. Through the generous financial support of donors, this print/braille book program – now called Braille Tales – has expanded to include parents and guardians who are braille readers.

You can help fire a child’s imagination and demonstrate your belief in the power of reading by making a gift to support the APH Braille Tales Print/Braille Book Program at where you can also learn more about registering a budding braille reader.

The "Established" APH Product Series

Turbo Phonics is a computer-based, phonemic awareness and phonics program for young students who are preparing to develop reading skills. This program has been specially designed for students who have low vision so they may have early successes as they prepare to read, but students with typical vision or blindness may also use the program. Exciting racecar sounds and audio feedback, high-contrast racing graphics, and a student-friendly interface make Turbo Phonics loads of fun when learning to read. Student performance is tracked in a self-contained database that the teacher may access at any time. The program identifies skills in which the student may need further practice.

The Turbo Phonics Kit includes a CD-ROM that contains the software, a CD-ROM with electronic guidebook and activity book files for accessibility (BRF, HTML, and DAISY formats), Teacher’s Guidebooks in enhanced print (available in braille separately), and a consumable Student Activity Book (additional 5-pack of activity books available separately).

In Memoriam
Dr. Natalie Carter Barraga (1915 – 2014)

2002 Inductee – Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field

Natalie Barraga and Millie Smith

Dear Natalie,

It was always an honor working with you. The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) has manufactured and sold your products for decades. You changed the way teachers of children with visual impairments teach their students, and still today students learn how to use their vision most efficiently by methods developed by you.

When APH approached you about revising your signature APH product, the Program to Develop Efficiency in Visual Functioning, you happily replied, "Well, it’s about time." You gave us your blessing and made our job easy; you recommended a lead author, Millie Smith, and a group of well-respected educators to be on an advisory panel for the product. You charged them to take your vision of teaching students with low vision to a contemporary level, structured on evidence-based research. With spunk, unknown to many half your age, you welcomed the group at a two-day meeting in Austin, Texas, where they structured the outline for the new product.
During the first couple of years of product development, you graciously responded via email to every question proposed by APH staff. One day you called and said, "The computer is no longer an option. Please mail hardcopies of the book layout." Since then, we looked forward to your phone calls about the prototypes of the books.

Natalie, APH is proud to name the Barraga Visual Efficiency Program (BVEP) in your honor. It stands on the shoulders of a line of products based on your research. APH first published your Visual Efficiency Scale (VES) in 1970 as a component of the Utilization of Low Vision Kit. During the 1980s, an evaluation of published materials and special study institutes was held throughout the nation. You revised the Utilization of Low Vision Kit to the Program to Develop Efficiency in Visual Functioning (PDEVF); the VES was revised and expanded into a Diagnostic Assessment Procedure (DAP). You updated the PDEVF last in 1998.

As you know, the new Barraga Visual Efficiency Program will complete field testing in March 2015. We are honored to continue a long-established and well-respected tradition of providing teachers with materials based on your research. For generations to come, teachers in the vision field will be thankful as you continue to guide them with this last product. Thank you Natalie.

The American Printing House for the Blind

(Lovingly written by APH Project Leader Tristan Pierce, who has worked alongside Natalie and Millie to bring the above product to completion.)

2015 Hall of Fame Nominations Now Being Accepted

Who should be the next inductees into the Hall of Fame for the Blindness Field?

If you are interested in learning more about the easy (electronic) process for submitting a nominee to join the 52 inductees, please visit:

The nomination process will close Friday, March 27, 2015.

New at the Hall of Fame Website

Treasures From the APH Libraries

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH, while the Migel Library is one of the largest collections of nonmedical information related to blindness in the world. Although the collections do not circulate, arrangements can be made to use the materials on-site. In addition, an ongoing digitization effort means APH will continue to make materials available through the online catalog at

From the Barr Library: Gannello, Carmelo, and Mavis Gannello. Meet Carmelo: A Picture Portrait of a Blind Poet. Nashville: Winston-Derek Publishers, 1988.

Born in East Harlem in 1920, Carmelo Gannello’s artistry was recognized at a young age when a librarian forced him to draw, as a means of curbing his mischievousness. His talent quickly flourished and earned him a scholarship to study at the National Academy of Design. At age 36, Carmelo was diagnosed with bilateral peripheral retina degeneration and he underwent a series of surgeries in attempt to save his vision. Inspired to paint the world as he saw it, he incorporated the black blobs, or floaters, which clouded his field of vision. This stage was regarded as his “circle period,” and the semi-abstract works appealed to a larger audience. In spite of his visual impairment, Carmelo persisted, “I had to liberate myself from my disability because there was no one else to do it for me. Everyone has to make their own way in life and brush aside their own roadblocks.” Meet Carmelo features 47 of the artist’s black and white eyeball-inspired etchings, each of which is paired with poems that explore themes such as his diagnosis and retinal detachment.

From the Migel Library: Education of the Blind: Reports &c. London: Royal Commission on the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb, &c., 1890.

This is a work with a history that seems as significant as its content. According to an inscription in the front of this volume, these seven pamphlets were bound together in 1890. They were then "Presented to Society for Providing Cheap Literature to the Blind from Wm. Harris Esq., Leicester, at Committee Meeting held 16.5.90, for use of the Committee." Next to the inscription, a brief newspaper article from 1886 is affixed to the volume. It discusses a tour by the “Royal Commission on the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb, etc.” in which they met with numerous organizations for the blind in England and Scotland. A label in the front of the book also shows that the volume was held at the Cambridge Institute of Education Library at some point during its journey. The seven pamphlets inside cover a wide range of educational topics for students who are blind, ranging from methods to various tactile alphabets. This work has been digitized for the Internet Archive at

APH is working with the Internet Archive to digitize portions of the M.C. Migel Library. Search the phrase “full text” to find these items at The digitized texts are available in a variety of formats, including DAISY, Kindle, EPUB, PDF, etc.

Contact Library staff:, 800-223-1839, ext. 705

From the APH Museum

We wrote last month about a new exhibit that will open in the museum this coming year exploring the history of refreshable braille for the Year of Environmental Sustainability in Louisville. We are looking to collect a few of the rare early devices that introduced the field to refreshable braille. The museum has an Elinfa Digicasette and a Versabraille, but we would love to hear from anyone who has one of the following machines:

The Braillocord BRS-76, developed by Günter Heydt and manufactured by AID Electronic GmbH in Berlin, Germany, in the mid-1970s.

The Braillex, prototyped by Dr. Werber Boldt at Dortmund University in 1975 and produced as early as 1978 by Papenmeier.

The BD-80, a braille display invented by Klaus-Peter Schönherr at the University of Stuttgart in the mid-1970s and later marketed by Handy Tech.

Although unlikely, if anyone has anything related to the plastic belt displays that A.P. Grunwald experimented with at the Argonne National Laboratory in the early 1970s, we would love to hear from you. And we are also interested in early displays from Franz Tieman (Optelec) or Eugen Schafer (Metec). If you think you have any leads contact Mike Hudson at (859) 899-2365 or

APH on the Road

On December 12, the Research Department’s Jeanette Wicker and Ken Perry presented APH math products to the TVIs of Jefferson County, KY. APH staff members are sharing various products with these teachers once a month for the entire school year.

Around the House:

New Tree Planted at APH

A local company, Limbwalker, donated an Overcup Oak (2” caliper ) and associated labor in December. The tree was planted on the State Street side of the building. Once mature, the tree will offer much needed shade to the building reducing cooling costs in the summer.

APH Museum Program Schedule for 2015

Museum Director Mike Hudson plays master of ceremonies at our 2014 museum program: “This is Your Life, Louis Braille.”

For more details contact Katie Carpenter at 502-895-2405 or

Saturday, January 10, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 7, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 7, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Friday, March 13, 2015, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Saturday, March 14, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 25, 2015, beginning at 2:00 p.m.

Saturday, May 23, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

June 20 and July 18, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

June 27, July 25, August 22, 2015, 12:30 – 3:00 p.m.

September 26, 2015, 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Saturday, October 24, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 7, 2015, 1 – 3 p.m.

Saturday, November 28, 2015, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Saturday, December 5, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

From the Field:

No time like snow time to plan your summer fun! 2015 Camps

Check out APH’s list of 2015 sport camps. This year, 56 camp organizations in 36 states have listed their camp on the APH Physical Education website. Ready for a little international adventure? We also include camp listings from Newfoundland to Finland.

Early Intervention Conference

Hearing and Vision Early Intervention Outreach in Illinois, Illinois State University, and Illinois AER invite you to attend an early intervention preconference opportunity that will occur as part of the Illinois AER Vision Conference. The preconference will take place on February 18, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, Chicago. The preconference session will feature a presentation entitled “Optic Nerve Hypoplasia: The Evolving State of Our Knowledge” by Mark S. Borchert, MD, Director of the Eye Birth Defects Institute and Eye Technology Institute in The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Borchert’s research, the world’s largest study into optic nerve hypoplasia, primarily focuses on the development of the optic nerve and its retinotopic connections in the brain.

The event is open to a national audience thanks to the co-sponsorship of the national AER Infant and Preschool Division (Division 8). Other sponsors include Illinois AER, Hearing and Vision Early Intervention Outreach, and Illinois State University. For further information, please contact Gail Olson at

Exciting APH-Created Videos on YouTube for Your Enjoyment!

This points out some of the latest videos that have recently become available for your viewing on YouTube!

Social Media Spotlight

Happy New Year!

We wanted to say a big THANK YOU! to everyone who helped us surpass 3,000 facebook "likes" before the end of the year! We asked, and within four hours, you delivered! Stay tuned to Facebook and our social media profiles for fun and informative updates! Happy New Year!

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


January 6-9, 2015
Consumer Electronics Show
Las Vegas, NV

January 12-16, 2015
Visits on Capitol Hill as scheduled
Washington, DC

January 26-27, 2015
Perkins Innovation Group
Watertown, MA

January 28-31, 2015
ATIA 2015
Orlando, FL


February 4-6, 2015
MS CEC Conference
Biloxi, MS

February 12, 2015
Kansas Braille Challenge
Kansas City, KS

February 17-20, 2015
Celebrating Connection Early Childhood Conference
Charleston, WV

February 18-20, 2015
Illinois AER
Schaumburgh, IL

February 23-27, 2015
Visits on Capitol Hill as scheduled
Washington, DC


March 1-4, 2015
Association of Test Publishers: Innovations in Testing 2015
Mirage, CA

March 2-7, 2015
CSUN 2015
San Diego, CA

March 11-13, 2015
Lexington, KY

March 16-20, 2015
Visits on Capitol Hill as scheduled
Washington, DC

March 17-21, 2015
St. Louis, MO

March 18-21, 2015
Burlingame, CA

March 19-20, 2015
North Carolina Conference on Visual Impairment & Blindness
Charlotte, NC

March 19-22, 2015
CTEBVI 56th Annual Conference – "Share Your Vision in our Changing Times"
Burlingame, CA


April 8-11, 2015
CEC 2015
San Diego, CA

April 9-11, 2015
AFB Leadership Conference & Arizona AER
Phoenix, AZ

April 16-19, 2015
AOTA 2015-95th Annual Conference & Expo
Nashville, TN

APH Winter Wonderland Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Winter Wonderland Sale 2015, January 1—March 31. As always, first come, first served.

NEW! CVI Complexity Sequences eBook and Interactive Cards

D-03610-ED — $9.95

Related Products

CVI Complexity Sequences Kit: 1-08156-00 — $53.00

This digital (EPUB) version was specifically developed for use with tablet devices.

CVI Complexity Sequences eBook and Interactive Cards has the same information and content as the CVI Complexity Sequences Kit (1-08156-00). The eBook edition also includes an interactive feature: successfully touching the target image results in an audio response that acknowledges the action. The CVI Complexity Sequences Kit includes cards that present sequences of images designed to help students identify a target image in the presence of increasing amounts of background information. These cards may be used individually or as a sequence and should be presented against a black or plain, light-absorbing background. Please see separate brochure for more information.

Digital Edition Includes

  • Guidebook, electronic format
  • Same ten sets of eight images as the print kit, in an electronic format

In addition to tablet devices, CVI Complexity Sequences eBook and Interactive Cards can be used with iBooks on Mac computers and with eReaders on PCs. At this time, the audio feature is not supported by all eReaders. To determine if an eReader supports the interactive feedback, ensure it supports EPUB 3.x format or newer.

Recommended ages: Preschool and up.

Notes About EPUB Files

To purchase this EPUB, please contact the APH Customer Service Department. This item cannot be ordered directly using the APH shopping site. Once ordered, you will receive an email containing a link to download the publication.

  • If you click on this link from an iOS or Android device, the title will open in iBooks for iOS or Play Books for Android.
  • On the Mac, iBooks will open the title.
  • On Windows or Linux, you will need to download and install an EPUB reader before you can read this title, such as the Readium extension for the Chrome Browser.
  • Adobe Digital Editions is a reasonable choice for reading most EPUB files in Windows, but it does not support the interactive features built into this particular title, although the text reads correctly.

NEW! Student Workbook Kit for Geometro

1-03021-00 — $329.00

Optional Item

NEW! Teacher’s Manual, Braille Edition: 5-03021-00 — $15.00

Related Products

Geometro Sets:
GS16 Mini Set: 1-03022-00 — $94.00
GS22 Medium Set: 1-03023-00 — $121.00
GS56 Large Set: 1-03024-00 — $319.00

These materials, along with APH’s Geometro, represent the basic concepts of geometry and help make instruction meaningful!

The Student Workbook Kit for Geometro is designed for students in the elementary grades, and revolves around three kinds of tasks:

  • Familiarizing students with various 3-D solids and their general properties
  • Helping students grasp the difficult concepts of how 3-D solids relate to their 2-D representations
  • Helping students understand how 3-D objects are made with 2-D objects

Students learn how to

  • Identify and tactually analyze 2-D shapes
  • Identify, build, examine, and tactually analyze 3-D solids
  • Identify and compare properties of 3-D solids
  • Construct nets of 3-D solids
  • Identify 2-D figures that are nets of 3-D solids
  • Match tactile drawings of 3-D solids with tactile graphic nets

Kit includes

  • Tactile Pages
  • Manipulatives (rod models, magnetic tiles)
  • Magnetic Board
  • Braille Pocket Folder
  • Storage Binder
  • Graphic Art Tape
  • Teacher’s Guide, Large Print
  • Teacher’s Manual, Large Print

The Student Workbook for Geometro is to be used with Geometro, which can be purchased separately from APH.

WARNING: Choking Hazard–Small Parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Blue Ribbon Blues
by Jerry Spinelli: T-N1951-00 — $18.00
Tooter Pepperday and her family have been living on her aunt’s farm for two months when Tooter meets a neighbor boy. She decides to compete against him at the county fair. Sequel to Tooter Pepperday. Grades 1-3. *(AR Quiz No. 18705, BL 2.7 Pts 1.0 )

Where Things Come Back
by John Corey Whaley: T-N1948-80 — $66.50
Seventeen-year-old Cullen Witter believes he knows everything about his dreary town of Lily, Arkansas. Then his cousin dies from an overdose, his brother Gabriel goes missing, and an extinct woodpecker reemerges. Some adult content. Grades 9-12. *(AR Quiz No. 145199, BL 5.7 Pts 9.0 )

Anarchism: Exploring World Government
by A.M. Buckley: T-N1953-80 — $52.50
Examines anarchy — the absence of government — and seeks to dispel common misconceptions about anarchism. Discusses anarchist principles such as equal access to and freedom in all things. Profiles key figures, including Mikhail Bakunin, and describes events, case studies, and more.

When the Snow Flies
by Laurie Alice Eakes: T-N1956-20 — $83.50
Post-Civil War. Pregnant widow Dr. Audrey Vanderleyden travels to rural Virginia to operate the practice she and her late husband had purchased together. When the seller refuses to honor the contract because he disapproves of female physicians, Audrey asks Nathan Maxwell — a local doctor who recently lost his sight — for help. Some adult content.

Rival of the Queen
by Carolly Erickson: T-N1955-20 — $93.50
Queen Elizabeth I loves Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester. But as England’s virgin queen, she uses marriage as a political ploy, so she does not make him her consort — even after his wife’s death. Consequently, Elizabeth’s young cousin Lettie vies for Robert’s heart. Some adult content.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Justin Gardner, Special Collections Librarian, Resource Services
  • Kate Herndon, Director, Educational Product Research
  • Micheal Hudson, Director, APH Museum
  • Heather Kennedy MacKenzie, Project Manager, Technology Product Research
  • Fred Otto, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Research
  • Tristan Pierce, Multiple Disabilities and P.E. Project Leader, Research
  • Chris Prentice, APH Business Development Manager
  • Mary Robinson, Assistant, Field Services
  • Cathy Senft-Graves, Braille Literacy and Technology Project Leader, Research
  • Larry Skutchan, Director, Technology Product Research
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative
  • Roberta Williams, Manager, Public Affairs Special Projects
  • Li Zhou, Core Project Leader, Research

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

Please share this web link or any items that appear in this publication with anyone who might benefit.

Thank you.

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  3. Type the word ‘subscribe’ (without any quote marks) in the body of the message
  4. Send it.