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July 2010

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

At School Building on Patterns First Grade Unit 4 Lessons 19-23

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!



Jim Gibbons

As the current president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International and former CEO for National Industries for the Blind, Gibbons has provided tireless, dedicated service to enhance economic opportunities and professional development for people who are blind as well as to help people with disabilities and disadvantages reach their full potential through work. Join us as this gifted storyteller shares his unique journey.

Searching for a Remedial Reading Program for Your Braille Readers?

APH, in conjunction with California State University, Los Angeles and Perkins School for the Blind will conduct a field evaluation and an expert review of the adapted/modified Wilson Reading System® materials for braille readers. APH is inviting interested parties to participate in either segment of the evaluation of the materials.

Participants in the field evaluation must be certified teachers of the visually impaired, must be proficient in reading and writing braille, commit to completion of the 15 hour Wilson Applied Methods Course (August 30, 31 and September 1) via webcast, and have a student on their case load that meets the following criteria. The student must be 7- 12 years of age (3rd through 6th grade), have a primary eligibility criteria for special education of visual impairment, have a primary reading medium of braille, and be reading below grade level at a minimum of second grade (potential students include those who are unable to decode accurately, having difficulty identifying sight words, and exhibiting slow, non-fluent reading abilities). Participants will be expected to use the materials with an appropriate student for a semester. Participants in the field evaluation will receive the three day course via webcast at no cost to the participant ($500 value) and will receive a complete set of teacher materials and braille student materials.

Participants in the expert review must be certified teachers of the visually impaired who have completed the Wilson Applied Methods Course and have used the program with a braille reader. Expert reviewers will receive a complete set of the adapted student materials in a braille format as compensation for their work.

Interested parties should contact Jeanette Wicker at for an application form or for additional information.

Science Teacher/TVI Survey

Do you find teaching the following biology concepts a challenge?

  • DNA Replication
  • Transcription (DNA to mRNA)
  • Translation (mRNA to protein with tRNA)

If you do, please take a few moments to answer the following questions to help us with the potential development of a new science product. Thank you!

APH Goes to Capitol Hill

APH’s educational product showcase on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on June 16 was well received by Congressional members, staff, and special guests. About 150 visitors learned "hands on" about 84 APH products representing a broad range of subject areas, and explored APH’s traveling museum exhibit In Touch with Knowledge: Geography.

This event gave APH a rare opportunity to provide Congress with a visual and tactile report on the ways in which federal appropriation funds are used. Approximately 70% of APH’s revenue each year comes from the federal government and is used to research, develop, and manufacture educational products for students who are blind and visually impaired below college level. The product showcase on June 16 was the first time in APH’s history that the company has exhibited products on Capitol Hill.

Kareem Dale, President Obama’s Special Assistant for Disability Policy, spoke to the group about his experience attending the Tennessee School for the Blind and the critical need for accessible educational products by students who are blind and visually impaired. Mr. Dale credited APH with helping him establish a successful career as an attorney, and now as a member of the White House staff. Among others who greeted the group were APH Board Chairman Dr. Charles Barr, APH President Dr. Tuck Tinsley, Congressional co-hosts John Yarmuth (KY) and Dr. John Boozman (AR), and Nebraska student Chase Crispin.

Watch for the DC photo album coming soon.

APH Board members and staff members had the opportunity to visit with KY Senator Mitch McConnell at the Capitol on June 17.

KY Senator Mitch McConnell (center) flanked by APH Board and Staff members.
Gary Mudd, Dr. Tuck Tinsley, Dr. Julie Lee, Bob Brasher, Jack Decker, Dr. Virginia Kinney, Bart Perkins, Judge David Holton.

Note: Our visit with Senator McConnell happened to take place on "SEERSUCKER THURSDAY." Senator McConnell explained that it is a tradition, since the mid-90s, that all U.S. Senators don seersucker suits on the second or third Thursday of June of each year. Senators Trent Lott (R-MS) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) are credited with bringing back the southern fabric garment, often worn over the hot summer sessions beginning in the early 1900s.

Overbrook Students Present the Braille Plus at AER Conference

Donal Buie (left) and Jeffrey Boudwin

A few months prior to their June 2010 graduation from Overbrook School for the Blind, Jeffrey Boudwin and Donal Buie presented at the Penn-Del AER Spring Vision Conference in Grantville, PA, on APH’s Braille+™ Mobile Manager. They were the first students to present to professional educators at this Spring Vision Conference.

Expert users of the Braille+, Mr. Boudwin and Mr. Buie explained and demonstrated how the device can assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired with mobilizing and organizing their professional and personal lives.

Jeffrey Boudwin enjoys working with technology and plans to work in the field of computer programming. One of his goals is to develop audio/video games for the blind. He has many diverse interests, which include acting, sports, listening to music and interacting with family and friends on Facebook. He will be continuing his studies at Delaware County Community College in the fall.

Donal Buie enjoys working with technology and learning new devices. As an OSB student, he served on student council and began a mentor program that further defined his passion for teaching and helping others. Coupling his love of music with his love of technology, he frequently served as the DJ and performer at Overbrook’s school functions, using the APH Braille+ Mobile Manager. He will be continuing his studies at PA College of Technology in the fall and hopes to have a career in the music industry.

Migel Library Website Coming Soon!

The M.C. Migel Library APH Continues the AFB Legacy

We are excited to announce that Firebrand Technologies has been contracted to create the new M. C. Migel Library website! This new website will make it easier to locate the thousands of books and other materials available to researchers! In addition, the catalog will provide online access to the complete digitized texts of select items from the M. C. Migel Library. We anticipate having the new website available in time for the APH Annual Meeting, October 14-16.

The M. C. Migel Library is one of the largest collections of nonmedical blindness related materials in the world. Firebrand Technologies is a leading provider of software and technology services to publishers.

Digitizing the Migel Library

APH’s M. C. Migel Library is excited to announce its partnership with LYRASIS’ Mass Digitization Collaborative The Migel Library has already shipped approximately 80 volumes for digitization. Titles include: The Girl Who Found the Blue Bird: A Visit to Helen Keller (1914), Annual Reports from Perkins School for the Blind dating from the 1840s, Out from the Darkness: An Autobiography Unfolding the Life Story and Singular Vicissitudes of a Scandinavian Bartimæus (1890), and Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Blindenbildung und Blindenfürsorge im Kanton Zürich und ihr Eingluk auf andere Kantone der Schweiz (1911). This is the first of an ongoing digitization effort planned as part of APH’s efforts to bring the riches of the M. C. Migel library to the widest audience possible. All items will be scanned by the Internet Archives. Scanning of this first shipment will be completed this year and the volumes will be available online through the M.C. Migel Library catalog and the Internet Archive later this year.

LYRASIS is the nation’s largest regional membership organization serving libraries and information professionals. The Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library with the stated mission: "universal access to all knowledge." It offers permanent storage and access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, music, moving images, and books. The Internet Archive was founded by Brewster Kahle in 1996.

Grade 2 BOP In the Works!

A group of key writers for Building on Patterns (BOP) 2nd Grade met at APH, June 21-24, to finalize plans for the first three units. After an update on the production and sales of the previous two levels of BOP, the group worked on reviewing lessons, answering questions, and the final details of the lessons to keep them coherent and on track.

The group also planned for an upcoming meeting of all key writers in August, where the last four units of the 2nd grade will be completed.

Back: Nancy Etter, APH Research Department; Kate Dilworth, Oregon; Eleanor Pester, APH Research Department; Robin Wingel, California; Cathy Senft-Graves, APH Research Department

Front: Mila Truan, Tennessee; Deanna Scoggins, Kentucky; Erica Rucker, APH Research Department
(Not present but joining the group by phone from British Columbia was Cay Holbrook.)

APH Supports Kentucky’s INSIGHT Post Secondary Preparation Program

APH was present for the opening day Exhibitor’s Fair June 5 for students and families. Held on the campus of Morehead State University, INSIGHT is a unique week-long program designed to provide high school students an opportunity to experience some of the challenges encountered when entering a university or post secondary setting. Participants are provided experiences to increase awareness of the educational, recreational, and social challenges of the post-secondary environment. Numerous APH products were used throughout the week including Book Port Plus, Colorino Talking Color Identifier, EZ Track Calendar and Record Keepers, the Compact+ and i-vu handheld magnifiers and several software applications.

Accessibility of Test Items for Students with Visual Impairments

Is your assessment team working on interim, formative and summative assessments that need to be accessible to your students who are blind and visually impaired? If yes, you may want one or more of your assessment team members to participate in a workshop on "Making Tests Accessible to Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired." This workshop is being offered at APH in Louisville, Kentucky on July 29 and 30, 2010. Please visit for the registration form.

Announcing the 2010 APH Scholars

During their busy days at APH in the spring, the members of the Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) were challenged with the task of selecting five direct service providers to come to Annual Meeting in October as APH Scholars. These five worthy individuals, all first time attendees, were nominated by their Ex Officio Trustee to attend the event as guests of APH. They will be provided with transportation to the meeting, conference registration, and hotel accommodations.

Congratulations to this year’s winners, and thank you to the EOTs who nominated them. They are:

  • Mary Farris, NE, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Sally Giittinger
  • LeAnna MacDonald, NE, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Karen Duffy
  • Cath Tendler-Valencia, CA, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Jonn Paris-Salb
  • Cindy Williams, ND, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Cheryl Misialek
  • Kay Workman, MO, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Clay Berry

If you are a direct service provider in an education or rehabilitation agency and would like to be considered as a 2011 APH Scholar, please contact the Ex Officio Trustee in your area!

Congratulations once again, Scholars, and we look forward to seeing you in October!

Recently Retired APH Ex Officio Trustee Receives National Honor

PIERRE, S.D.—South Dakota’s former Assistant State Librarian Dan Boyd recently received a national award from the American Library Association. Boyd oversaw the Braille and Talking Book program for the South Dakota State Library until his retirement last year.

Dan was presented with the 2010 Francis Joseph Campbell Award during a reception in Washington, D.C. A special citation and a medal commemorating his efforts were awarded at the June 27 event.

Boyd was selected for the honor because of his advocacy and leadership in promoting literacy and accessibility to students with disabilities. As assistant state librarian, he created a nationally recognized program for the production of alternative format textbooks through a partnership with the South Dakota State Penitentiary and federal prison system.

"Treasures from the APH Libraries"

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH. The collection is closed to the public, but arrangements can be made to use the materials on site. Contact Inge Formenti at or 502/899-2347 for more information. One of many "Treasures from the APH Libraries" is described below.

Magnified and Raised Print (MRP): Optimum Letter Size and Thickness, Richard P. Youtz (Director), Ronnie Brancazio (author) (probably 1967) This Barnard University project studied the possibility of blind students reading regular print that had been enlarged and raised by a modification of the copying technology of the time. Once it was determined that the result of the process was readable, study was done to determine optimal letter height and size. Results were correlated with speed of braille reading, intellect, etc. Reading rates of over 20 words per minute were achieved in some cases. The work foreshadows the introduction of the Optacon by TeleSensory Systems, Inc. in 1970. Richard P. Youtz was chairman of the Barnard College Psychology Department from 1946 to 1974. He was known for his hands on approach to psychological theory, and had a special interest in tactual perception. Youtz is best known for debunking claims by Soviet scientists that certain people were able to differentiate color by touch. He demonstrated that these subjects were actually feeling temperature differences caused by light absorption properties of the various colors.

Kaiser’s Role Expands

Marje Kaiser

Congratulations to long-time Superintendent of the South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and APH Ex Officio Trustee Marje Kaiser on her new role. Effective very recently, Marjorie became Superintendent of the South Dakota School for the Deaf as well. We congratulate this extremely competent and award winning administrator!

Dr. Kaiser presently serves on APH’s Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC).

Accessible Tests Department Welcomes New Staff Member

We welcome Mark Alexander as the new Test Editor trainee in Accessible Tests. Mark, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, has worked at APH as a certified braille transcriber since 2007. Mark is excited to put his knowledge and experience of braille to good use in reviewing and editing tests.

APH is a Member of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

The American Printing House for the Blind is the newest member of the National Combined Federal Campaign, which allows employees of the Federal government to donate to nonprofit charities through automatic payroll contributions. APH’s CFC identification number is #72990.

Lovin’ APH

Mary June and Mary Virginia

Since 1992, APH donors have funded over 300 charitable gift annuities with people from all over the country.
Through a charitable gift annuity (CGA), both Mary June and Mary Virginia are able to achieve their wish of helping APH while also enjoying a secure income for the rest of their lives.

"I am proud to support the work of APH," says Mary Virginia. "I also appreciate the tax deduction and regular quarterly payments that I receive with my CGAs."

To find out more about an APH charitable gift annuity or would like to request your own obligation-free, personalized gift annuity proposal please contact Kristin Binkowski at 1-888-295-2405 or

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Hadley School Seeks Dean

The Hadley School for the Blind is searching for a Dean of Education Program and Instruction. The Dean assures the delivery of quality educational services and instruction and contributes to the achievement of the school’s innovative strategic initiatives. The position is full-time with a generous benefit package. The annual salary is $78,000. If interested, please email cover letter and resume to Gina Van Cura, Director of Human Resources, by July 31.

In Memoriam

Ruth "Pat" Carpenter

April 23, 1923 – May 27, 2010

Mrs. Pat Carpenter died Thursday, May 27, 2010. She was 87. After receiving a Masters Degree in Special Education from Peabody College in Nashville, TN, Pat served as the county’s resource teacher for student with visual disabilities. She then went to the State Department of Education in Atlanta, GA to serve as a consultant to schools with programs for students with visual impairments. This led to her joining the faculty at Florida State University, training future teachers of students with visual disabilities. She retired as Director of Special Education in DeKalb County, GA. To read the entire obituary of this gifted and beloved educator, visit the following site:

Ruth Ward Healey Carpenter’s Obituary on

Marcia Ann Gevers

Marcia Gevers

Marcia died Saturday, June 26, 2010, at her home in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Marcia was among the first 3 APH Zickel Award winners. The Zickel Award is given to people who show outstanding innovation in the development of ideas for APH products. Marcia developed the prototype for the MasterPlan Calendar and Date Book which later became the EZ Track Calendar. Marcia was full of good ideas for adaptations and products to make people with low vision and blindness more independent. Marcia co-wrote with Robert Murphy, "Teaching the Student with a Visual Impairment: A Handbook for the Classroom Teacher," another APH product. Marcia also served as a consultant on several APH projects.

NEW! VA/GSA Contract Products

APH is proud to announce our Veteran’s Administration Federal Supply Schedule contract number V797P-4266b. Nearly 100 selected APH products are available for purchase under this contract. Search for APH products at this General Services Administration website:

To request a brochure containing the Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List for selected APH products, call toll-free at 1-800-223-1839.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Kristin L. Oien, The Minnesota Department of Education, replacing Joan Breslin Larson.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


July 1-3, 2010
NEA Expo 2010;
New Orleans, LA

July 3-8, 2010
NFB 2010;
Dallas, TX

July 9-17, 2010
ACB 2010;
Phoenix, AZ

July 12, 2010
Assistive Technology Workshop at Northern Illinois University;
DeKalb, IL

July 14-15, 2010
KSB in Louisville, KY

July 14, 2010
Assistive Technology Workshop at Dominican College;
Orangeburg, NY

July 15, 2010
APH Braille Plus Training;
Hampton, VA

July 15-18, 2010
NOAH 13th National Conference 2010;
Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA

July 19-21, 2010
OSEP Project Directors Conference 2010;
Washington, DC

July 21-25, 2010
AER International 2010;
Little Rock, AR

July 28, 2010
CIP Event: Portland State University Product Training for TVIs;
Portland, OR

July 29-30, 2010
APH Workshop-Making Tests Accessible For Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired;
APH in Louisville, KY

July 30-31, 2010
Overdrive Site Visit;
Cleveland, OH

July 31-August 1, 2010
6th Biannual LCA (Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis) Family Conference;
Philadelphia, PA


August 16-17, 2010
United States Department of Education Expert Panel;
APH in Louisville, KY

August 23-28, 2010
BVA 2010;
Washington, DC

August 29-September 1, 2010
Wilson Reading System Webcast Training;
APH in Louisville, KY


September 22-25, 2010
Envision 2010;
San Antonio, TX

September 25, 2010
Indiana Vision Expo 2010;
Indianapolis, IN

September 28, 2010
Veteran’s Administration Product Training;
Location TBA

September 30-October 1, 2010
New Hampshire TVI Product Training (FVLMA and other products);
Concord, NH


October 7-9, 2010
FAHPERDS-Florida Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance;
Orlando, FL

October 8-9, 2010
APH Braille Plus and BookPort Training;
Portland State University in Portland, OR

October 22-24, 2010
12 State Vision Midwest Conference;
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI

October 27-29, 2010
Texas Division for Blind Services Conference;
San Marcos, TX

October 28-30, 2010
ATIA 2010 Chicago;
Schaumburg, IL

Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale 2010, July 1 – September 30. As always, first come, first served.

NEW! Building on Patterns (BOP): Primary Braille Literacy Program First Grade Level, Unit 4

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 4:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U4 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U4 — $135.00

Replacement Items:

Unit 4 Teacher’s Edition:
Print: 8-78461-U4 — $65.00
Braille: 6-78461-U4 — $65.00

BOP Unit 4:
Student Textbook: 6-78463-U4 — $17.00
Assessment Check-up Forms (print & braille): 8-78466-U4 — $16.00
Lesson Monitoring Sheets: 8-78463-U4 — $19.50
Worksheet Pack: 6-78464-U4 — $17.00

Related Products:

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 3:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U3 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U3 — $135.00

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 2:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U2 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U2 — $135.00

BOP First Grade Level, Unit 1:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78460-U1 — $135.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78460-U1 — $135.00

BOP Kindergarten Level:
Print Kit (Teacher’s Materials in print): 8-78450-00 — $256.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78450-00 — $274.00

Building on Patterns (BOP) is a complete primary literacy program designed to teach beginning braille users all language arts–reading, writing, and spelling.

At School Building on Patterns First Grade Unit 4 Lessons 19-23

Note: Building on Patterns: First Grade replaces Patterns Reading: Preprimer, Primer, and First Reader Levels. The remaining lesson units of Patterns First Grade (Units 5-7) and Unit 8 (Introductory and Supplemental Information) will be available for sale in the near future.

The Building on Patterns series addresses phonemic awareness (ability to hear and interpret sounds in speech), phonics (the association of written symbols with the sounds they represent), comprehension, fluency, and oral vocabulary, all of which have been identified as important for reading instruction.

This program also addresses specific skill areas needed by the child who is blind, such as language development, sound discrimination, tactual discrimination, and concept development. Braille contractions are introduced from the beginning along with sound and letter associations.


  • Braille taught and presented in a logical manner
  • Separation of braille "confusers"
  • Ideas for incorporating technology
  • Tactile graphics for teachers to explore with the student
  • Flexible activities designed to fit individual needs
  • Lesson overviews for planning ahead
  • Five-day lesson sequences
  • Homework letters suggest concept development activities for parents
  • Read-aloud books accompany the lesson
  • Appropriate braille library books
  • Lesson Monitoring Sheets
  • Unit Check-ups/Assessment

Recommended ages: 6 to 7 years and up.

Prerequisite: Building on Patterns: Kindergarten or equivalent skills.

NEW! Flip-Over Concept Books: PARTS OF A WHOLE

1-08832-00 — $50.00

Photo of the PARTS OF A WHOLE book, open to show a picture of a ball on the left, half a butterfly in the center, and half of a ball on the right.

This is the second of a planned series of print/tactile books, uniquely designed by APH. Flip-Over Concept Books provide interactive and independent learning for young children as they build basic concepts and develop early tactile skills. The format of Flip-Over Concept Books consists of tactile and full color panels that can be turned freely until the child finds adjacent panels that match each other, continue a line or pattern, complete a sequence, build an image, and so on.

The goal in PARTS OF A WHOLE is for the child to find two adjacent panels that complete the whole picture as shown in the left-hand panel.

Introduce and practice these concepts and skills:

  • Tactile and visual discrimination of various textures and shapes
  • Familiarization with basic geometry terms such as symmetry, straight, curved, half, whole, circle, oval, and star
  • Global exploration (i.e., feeling an entire image in one "tactile" glance) versus systematic exploration (i.e., carefully examining the specific details of an image that help identify it)
  • Understanding of tactile representation: comparing the visual/tactile image to the real object (if available)
  • Exposure to basic science terms: e.g., fish (tail fin, dorsal fin, pectoral fin) turtle (shell, head, tail, legs), leaf (stem, veins, blade, midrib), butterfly (forewings, hind wings, antennae), etc.


  • Flip-Over Concept Book: PARTS OF A WHOLE
  • Reader’s Guide (separate print and braille versions)

Important Note: This book utilizes a special binding that opens and closes, allowing teachers and parents to:

  • Randomize/shuffle the panels within each stack to prevent the child from memorizing the exact location of a panel
  • Minimize the number of images presented in the book, if needed, for a younger child

Recommended ages: preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary grades.

NEW! APH InSights Calendar 2011

Single Copy: 5-18971-11 — $7.50

APH InSights Custom Calendar 2011: Call Customer Service

APH InSights Calendar 2011

Twelve month large print/braille calendar features the artwork of visually impaired artists. Includes months, days, holidays, and moon phases. Use at a desk or hang on a wall. Pages fold over easily.

Makes a Great Fund-Raiser

Art calendars can be purchased in quantities at a special price for fund-raising projects. Your group’s name can be printed and brailled on a special version of the cover. Fund-raising questions and orders should be directed to APH’s Contract Administration Office, 1-800-223-1839.

Recommended ages: 4 years and up.

Note: The APH InSights Calendar MAY be purchased with Federal Quota Funds; however, quantity purchases of this calendar for fund-raising purposes MAY NOT be purchased with Quota funds.


Functional Vision: A Bridge to Learning and Living:

1-30009-DVD — $25.00

This video, featuring internationally known experts, gives an overview of low vision and the process of a functional vision assessment. It highlights the importance of assessing low vision needs and presents the basics of how such an assessment is accomplished.

The video was directed by APH’s Mary Nelle McLennan and features Marshall Flax, Wisconsin Council of the Blind; LaRhea Sanford, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools; Edith Ethridge, Kentucky School for the Blind; Beth Langley, Pinellas County Clearwater Schools; and Laura Felty, Raceland Independent Greenup Co. Schools.

Runs approximately 26 minutes.

Discovering the Magic of Reading: Elizabeth’s Story Video and Booklet:

1-30003-DVD — $25.00

Video and booklet explore ways that parents and teachers of children with visual impairment can make reading aloud an enjoyable experience. Provides a compelling account of the value of reading to young children.

Recommended ages: birth to 5 years.

Runs approximately 26 minutes.


ENVISION I Video: For Distance Devices: 1-30015-DVD — $10.00
ENVISION II Video: For Near Magnification Devices: 1-30016-DVD — $10.00

These fun, 20-minute videos are part of APH’s Homegrown Video Series. They feature Emmy the Emu, and share information about how to use the ENVISION training program. The viewer will meet a low vision optometrist, a teacher of the visually impaired, a classroom teacher, and several students with low vision as they share the key elements of ENVISION and demonstrate its use.

Closed captioned.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Dark Day in the Deep Sea: Magic Tree House, Book #39
by Mary Pope Osborne: T-N1774-10 — $16.50
Jack and his sister Annie travel back in time to the 1870s and meet sailors and scientists aboard the HMS Challenger–the first ship dedicated to scientific exploration. While learning about mysterious ocean creatures, Jack and Annie discover another of the four secrets of happiness. Fiction, Grades 2-4. *(AR Quiz #121639, BL 3.8, Pts. 2.0)

On Top of Spaghetti…Macaroni, Linguine, Penne, and Pasta of Every Kind
by Johanne Killeen, and George Germon: T-N1771-10 — $73.00
Award-winning chefs present dozens of recipes for pasta dishes using fresh ingredients such as vegetables, legumes, herbs, tomatoes, seafood, poultry, meat, rabbit, eggs, and cheese. Includes sections on baked ziti and shells, lasagna, and fresh pasta. Gives tips on gauging portion size and knowing when noodles are properly cooked.

The Bible: A Biography
by Karen Armstrong: T-N1755-30 — $58.00
Religious historian examines the transformation of the Bible’s two testaments from oral history to written scripture. Explains changes in biblical interpretation by Christian and Jewish religious leaders and discusses the challenges to the Bible’s accuracy in the scientific age.

The Thin Woman: An Epicurean Mystery; Ellie Haskell Mystery
by Dorothy Cannell: T-N1774-20 — $72.00
Ellie Simons, beautiful but overweight, hires escort Bentley Haskell to pose as her fiancé on a visit to her uncle Merlin’s imposing estate. Ellie encounters unexpected romance and a treasure hunt when Merlin suddenly passes away, leaving his fortune to her and Bentley–provided that she shed sixty pounds. Fiction.

by Dorothy Garlock: T-N1774-00 — $84.50
In Sing Softly to Me Beth returns to Wyoming when she learns that her sister Sarah has multiple sclerosis–even though Sarah’s brother-in-law broke Beth’s heart. In Gentle Torment Lindy’s estranged husband follows her to Alaska to win her back. Some mature content and strong language. Fiction, Adult.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Kristin Binkowski, Director, Development
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Dennis Brookshire, Overbrook School for the Blind
  • Cathy Johnson, Field Services Representative
  • Nancy Lacewell, Director, Government and Community Affairs
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Julia Myers, Director, Resource Services
  • Karen Poppe, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Research
  • Erica Rucker, Research Assistant
  • Gwynn Stewart, Administrative Assistant, Communications
  • Jeanette Wicker, Core Curriculum Project Leader, Research
  • Debbie Willis, Director, Accessible Tests

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

For additional recent APH News, click the following:

June Issue –
May Issue –
April Issue –

Archive of all previous issues –

The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

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Thank you.

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