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Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

July 2011

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

"Imaginative" Partnership Places More Books in the Hands of Young Children with Visual Impairments

Bradley Burkett (dad), Dolly Parton, APH’s Suzette Wright and Gary Mudd (with Denver), and Cameron Burkett.

Dolly and Gary Mudd

Dolly with Cameron Burkett
Photo: The Mountain Press, Sevierville, TN

June 17th marked the announcement of a special partnership between APH and the Dollywood Foundation to expand the "Dolly Parton Imagination Library" program to provide young blind and visually impaired children with accessible books! APH’s Gary Mudd and Suzette Wright, as well as President of the Dollywood Foundation, David Dotson, took part in the on-stage event held at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN. There, Dolly presented a print/braille storybook to Cameron Burkett–the first of more books to come from this exciting partnership.

The Imagination Library is a program that has put more than 34 million free books in the hands of children age 5 and under, and thanks to the collaboration with APH, a selection of those books will be translated into braille and audio recordings. The program will begin by making audio files available, for free, to Imagination Library participants from a link on APH’s website in September of 2011. Audio books will be added each month until most of the 75 titles in the collection are available to children and their families. Later, the partnership will make available an annual selection of print/braille Imagination Library books that can be purchased from APH at low cost.

"There’s an old saying that you can tell a lot about a person based on the company they keep," said Parton. "Any credit I get is really due to the hard work and fine reputation of all of those who partner with us to bring the love of reading to so many kids. I am just thrilled we can work together to bring this same joy to all children who may have trouble seeing but have no trouble in believing that all of their dreams can come true."

APH President Tuck Tinsley says, "We’re excited! What an honor it is to partner with someone like Dolly who is as passionate about literacy as we are. This relationship between The Imagination Library and the American Printing House for the Blind means that blind and visually impaired preschoolers can now be more involved in the experience of reading with their parents."

Founded in 1996, The Imagination Library works with thousands of local sponsors such as United Way, Rotary, and Kiwanis to provide an age appropriate book to participating children in 1,300 communities in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom. To provide the Imagination Library, a community must make the program available to all preschool children in their area. The community pays for the books, promotes the program, and registers the children. Parton’s not-for-profit Dollywood Foundation manages the selection, production, and delivery of books to children’s homes through their relationship with Penguin Group (USA), a Pearson company.

For more information, visit

ANNUAL MEETING 2011: "Running Strong Since 1858"

Annette Reichman

The theme for the 2011 Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests, "Running Strong Since 1858" reflects APH’s long and storied history in the field of blindness and visual impairment and also calls on Kentucky’s rich history and love affair with horses and racing. We are pleased to announce that this year’s keynote speaker is Ms. Annette Reichman, Director/Liaison, Office of Special Institutions, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services in the United States Department of Education. Many of you may have had an opportunity to meet Annette at previous Annual Meetings and know of her commitment to the American Printing House for the Blind. What you may not know is she is a graduate of the Nebraska School for the Blind! You won’t want to miss hearing Annette’s story, so make your plans now to be in Louisville October 13 – 15, 2011!

Other highlights will include the annual poster session extravaganza, opportunities to provide input on outstanding APH products now in development, training on the latest APH products, training for Ex Officio Trustees, the InSights Art awards banquet, the Hall of Fame Induction ceremony and much, much, more.

Registration information for our 143rd Annual Meeting will be available in a few weeks. If you have questions, please call Janie Blome at 800-223-1839, ext 367, or email

Join the "Unforgettable APH Video Star" Contest before July 7th

While you are relaxing this long weekend, you still have time to record your APH product video. Remember videos need only be under 5 minutes long, and you will be eligible to win up to $150.00 in cash!

All videos need to be postmarked by July 7th, 2011. For complete rules and guidelines please visit: If you have any questions, please contact Maria Delgado at Good luck!

Seeking Field Evaluators

APH is currently seeking field evaluators for the ReadWrite Stand that is intended for use by students and adults with visual impairments for both reading and writing tasks. The bright blue ReadWrite Stand measures 18 inches wide x 14-1/8 inches high and can be positioned at four distinct angles—5 degrees (at rest), 15 degrees, 30 degrees, and 45 degrees. Weighing approximately 2-1/2 pounds, the ReadWrite Stand has two handles incorporated for convenient portability. If you would like field test the reading stand, please contact Karen J. Poppe, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, by August 15, 2011, at 502-899-2322 or for more information about this opportunity. Ideal evaluators are teachers who can use the reading stand with multiple students at the beginning of the upcoming school year; adults with low vision are also encouraged to participate. The number of available prototypes is limited. Thank you for your interest!

Field Testers Wanted for Tactile Communication Product

APH seeks field test sites for a set of 26 universal tactile communication cards. Field testing takes place from September 2011 through December 2011. Participating teachers will use the symbols with their student(s) following the procedures outlined in the accompanying guidebook. Teachers will be required to complete an online evaluation form. To participate, please read the student criteria listed below. If interested, contact Tristan Pierce at

To participate, students must meet all four criteria listed:

  1. Students must be visually impaired or blind.
  2. Students must have additional disabilities such as significant cognitive delays.
  3. Students must have a five-word or less spoken vocabulary.
  4. Students must receive speech and language therapy as a related service.

Students who meet the criteria listed above and who have the following conditions may participate:

  1. Students who have deafblindness
  2. Students who are non-ambulatory
  3. Students who have additional medical issues such as seizure disorders

Tennis SERVES Teaches Tennis to Students With Visual Impairments

The mission of Tennis SERVES is to teach people who have visual impairment or blindness to play and enjoy the game of tennis, with a dream of one day seeing tennis played in the Paralympics. Sejal "Sage" Vallabh, a Massachusetts high school tennis player, discovered tennis for the visual impaired while working a summer internship in Japan.

Last November, APH Project Leader Tristan Pierce received an email message from Ayako Matsui, Secretary General for the Japan Blind Tennis Federation and co-author with Tristan on APH’s 30-Love Tennis manual, about a young woman in the Boston area who wanted to teach tennis to students with visual impairment. Tristan contacted Sage to let her know who in Massachusetts had purchased APH’s 30-Love Tennis Kits. Since then, Sage organized her Newton North High School teammates to volunteer and teach students in the Boston area. Read about this remarkable group of teens who have introduced tennis to many of their visually impaired and blind peers.

When asked what the next steps for Tennis SERVES are, Sage enthusiastically responds that if another school for the blind and visually impaired is interested in starting a Tennis SERVES program, they should contact To learn more about Tennis SERVES and to watch a great video of the Newton North tennis players teaching tennis, go to the Tennis SERVES website:

Getting In Touch With Literacy

The 2011 Getting In Touch with Literacy Conference will be held in Louisville December 7 – 10, at the historic Seelbach Hotel. The program committee is busy preparing an awesome agenda featuring topics such as social media literacy, functional literacy, emerging literacy, workplace literacy, academic literacy, and more! Round table discussions will give you an opportunity to have a conversation over breakfast with others who share your interests and passions. The exhibit hall is shaping up to be a hot spot for products and information.

More information is available at

University of South Carolina "CIP" Event

As part of APH’s Collaborative Instructional Partnership (CIP) Program, on June 15, field services representative, Kerry Isham presented to a very enthusiastic group of about 30 graduate students, professors and teachers in the field of vision and blindness. This event was initiated by Dr. Tina Herzberg, Assistant Professor of Special Education – Visual Impairment Program at the USC Upstate School of Education. The presentation began with an overview of APH, our products and our services, after which the students’ knowledge of APH products was tested in a spirited game of “Are You Smarter Than an APH Field Services Representative.” Following that was a discussion of how an APH product comes to be – from the idea to production and sale. Lastly, participants enjoyed some hands-on time with products that included the Sensory Learning Kit, Sense of Science: Astronomy, Focus In Mathematics – 2nd Edition, the CVI Complexity Sequences Kit, the What Is It? Kit, and Life Science Tactile Graphics. Lots of fun and learning took place that day as the participants eagerly listened, asked questions, and tried out products.

Two Groups Help APH Identify Product Needs

APH was pleased to welcome and host two multiple disabilities focus groups this spring. In early March—the 10th anniversary of our last multiple disabilities focus group—we welcomed a group of professionals who specialize in the educational advancement of multiply disabled, young individuals (birth-Grade 12) who have visual impairment, blindness, or deafblindness. In June, we were excited to welcome a group of professionals who specialize in the continuing education and daily living skills of multiply disabled adults who have visual impairment, blindness, or deafblindness. This was the first time that APH hosted a focus group for multiply disabled adults, and we were happy to learn what we could do to better serve this growing population. The participants of both sessions identified product needs and assisted with the design of a product needs survey for each population. Both surveys will be available online in September 2011. Help APH follow the best possible direction in product development by completing the survey that targets the population with whom you work. APH wants to hear from you!

Birth to Grade 12 Multiple Disabilities Focus Group

Back row: Burt Boyer, APH; Kay Ferrell, APH Executive in Residence; Todd Reeves, Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children; Tristan Pierce, APH; Bryan Ayres, Technology and Curriculum Access Center at Easter Seals Arkansas; Jim Durst, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired; Nancy Steele, National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness. Front row: Millie Smith, APH Consultant; Julie Durando, Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Disabilities; Jane Erin, APH Executive in Residence; Loana Mason, APH; Margaret Vinsel, Visually Impaired Preschool Services; Sandi Baker, APH; Jeanette Wicker, APH.

Adult Multiple Disabilities Focus Group

Back row: Terrie Terlau, APH; Bob Mantsh, The Chicago Lighthouse; Debbie Albert, Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired; Robert Kelly, Conklin Center for the Blind; Tristan Pierce, APH; J. Elton Moore, Mississippi State University. Front row: Peggy Costello, Helen Keller National Center; Ani Severtson, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services; Jane Erin, APH Executive in Residence

The Finish Line is Getting Close

The BOP, 2nd grade writers convened in Louisville the week of June 20, 2011, to review the proofs of Unit 1 and finalize the documents for Units 2 and 3 for turnover to the graphic design staff. They also made significant progress on Units 4, 5, 6, and 7. With this intensive work, APH will be poised to begin production of BOP 2nd grade for early fall delivery. It is anticipated that, like last year with BOP 1st grade, we will make available BOP 2nd grade unit by unit throughout the year. This will complete the monumental task of updating and modernizing the old Patterns, with a new research based basal Braille reading curriculum.

Left to Right: Eleanor Pester, APH; Izetta Read, California; Deanna Scoggins, Kentucky; Robin Wingell, California; Cathy Senft-Graves, APH; Cay Holbrook, British Columbia; Elaine Kitchel, APH; Kristen Buhler, Oregon; Loana Mason, APH; Luanne Blaylock, Arkansas; Jo Ellen Croft, Arkansas; Kate Dilworth, Oregon.

Oldies but Goodies: The "Established" APH Product Series

The Brannan Cubarithm Slate is a rubber slate with a 16 x 16 grid pattern of nests which will hold small 3/8" plastic Brannan Cubarithm Cubes which are placed in the squares of the frame. Slate and cubes are sold separately. Each cube represents one digit and are numbered 0 through 9 in braille (no print). The cubes are available in a set of 100. Young students may find it easier to use this slate and cubes, rather than a brailler, to align problems such as multiplication.

The Brannan slate was designed by R.E. Brannan of Summit, New Jersey. Brannan turned over his rights to the invention to APH. APH began manufacturing the Brannan Cubarithm Slate and Cubes in 1957. Directions for how to use this device are available on our Fred’s Head Blog. Photographs of the device and the mathematical equations described in the blog can be viewed in this PowerPoint.

If you have any suggestions for other products you would like to see highlighted in this monthly feature, please send your comments to Monica Turner at

Behind the scenes at APH: Reflections on my experiences as an Executive in Residence

Jane Erin

Jane Erin, Ph.D., The University of Arizona

In the spring of 2010, I began to talk with APH personnel about how I might gather data related to student performance on the Woodcock-Johnson III (WJIII) achievement test, which had recently been published in braille. I had no inkling that this project would lead to the unexpected opportunity to become an Executive in Residence during 2010-1011. It was a little like winning a trip to Disneyland, with the promise of new adventures in the development of materials and equipment. Was I visiting Fantasyland, Adventureland, or Tomorrowland? What wild rides would I experience? And what would I discover about the larger-than-life characters that I had met each year at the Annual Meeting of APH?

As I complete my experience now as the fourth Executive in Residence at APH, I still view many aspects of my experience as a visit to a magical place. APH graciously accommodated my preference for intermittent visits to Louisville during 2010-2011. I was able to extend my residency across five visits between September and June, spending a total of six weeks at APH. During this time I gained new knowledge and a more complete understanding of the extent of the services that APH provides to children and adults with visual impairments. The intermittent schedule required some reorientation on each visit, such as figuring out how to access my APH email or remembering where the coffee cups were kept. However, it provided me with the opportunity to see many products progress through the production process, beginning with development by project leaders and ending with the "airplane" taking off (APH code language for a product being placed on the market). When I first visited APH in September, Karen Poppe was designing Tactile Town on the computer, and on my last visit in June, I observed the meeting in which the plans for production were finalized. In September, Terrie Terlau described her Talking PC Maps and Burt Boyer showed me his plans for a tactile version of Best for a Nest. In June, Terrie’s maps were in the catalog and Burt’s book was in production. The experience of seeing project leaders conceive, nurture, and develop new products was powerful; it will leave me with a sense of reverence for every APH product I encounter.

The project that brought me to APH was working with Project Leader Barbara Henderson to collect and analyze data from the braille version of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, Braille Adaptation. As a widely used instrument for assessing student achievement and a useful tool in identifying learning difficulties, the WJIII includes a battery of tests that evaluate a variety of skills in mathematics, reading, comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling. In 2010 the WJIII Braille was adapted by Dr. Lynn Jaffe assuring consistent administration of an instrument that is now appropriate for students who are blind but also allows for some comparison of skills with the general population. The project is well underway, but because we need large number of scores for the data analysis to be useful, the effort will continue through next year. In the early fall, we will request more anonymous copies of student score sheets, and we hope to be able to complete the statistical analyses of these data by the end of next school year. Please look for the announcement in the fall APH News about our continuing need for student scores for this project.

In addition to the WJIII project, I also became involved in a wide variety of activities that added to my understanding of partnerships between APH and practicing professionals. In September, I participated with Jeanette Wicker of APH and Dr. Cheryl Hannan of California State University, Los Angeles, to implement a research project to explore the use of the Wilson Reading materials for blind students. APH has developed the materials with careful attention to detail and feedback from teachers at Perkins School for the Blind, and Dr. Hannan’s study will provide data about whether the program makes a difference in student reading abilities. Because APH’s role is restricted to research about product development, partnerships with university personnel are necessary to investigate the efficacy of instructional approaches and products such as this one.

Since students with multiple disabilities are a particular interest of mine, I was especially pleased to participate in several focus groups convened by Tristan Pierce with members of the national community to review and plan future materials for children with multiple disabilities. Talking with professionals from all over the country about their interests in materials as well as learning more about the wide range of materials now available for students with multiple disabilities will make me more effective in preparing teachers. Consultant Millie Smith’s work with Tristan in developing the Sensory Learning Kit and their continuing collaboration in the upcoming Symbols and Meaning (SAM) project will be welcomed by teachers who need a framework in planning and instruction for students with significant disabilities in addition to a visual impairment.

Each time I visited APH, my list of projects and activities expanded. I am developing an annotated bibliography of research on tactile skills with Karen Poppe that will be available for general reference in the field; I reviewed new products for several project leaders, including Loana Mason, Jeanette Wicker, and Elaine Kitchel; and I participated in a variety of meetings, including those at which product ideas from the field are considered.

Staff members at APH were gracious and hospitable to a fault. I especially appreciated Ralph Bartley’s hospitality and conscientious planning for each of my visits, as well as Tuck Tinsley and Bob Brasher’s graciousness in making sure I had everything needed to fully participate in APH activities. The opportunity to serve as an Executive in Residence has provided me with a remarkable experience that was as adventurous and awe-inspiring as any trip to Disneyland. The talents of the people at APH and their roles in making new ideas come to life offered me an extraordinary glimpse of what tomorrow can be for people who are visually impaired.

The Latest Hall of Fame News

The video of the 2009 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony of Dr. Dean Tuttle and Dr. Euclid Herie is now available on the Hall of Fame website at "About the Hall."

APH Introduces Free Online Tool to Help With Your Estate Planning Needs

The American Printing House for the Blind is making it easy for you to plan for your retirement, provide for your family, and help your support of APH live on. Our brand new online estate planning tool includes an easy-to-understand explanation of the many different types and benefits of planned giving. We also include inspiring stories from supporters just like you who are committed to promoting the independence for blind and visually impaired children and adults throughout the country. Learn about Gift and Estate Planning.


College Students & Professionals who are Legally Blind to participate in a program that pairs students with career mentors!
Contact: Jamie O’Mally, (662)-325-2001 or
Mississippi State University
Research & Training Center on Blindness & Low Vision

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Marc Ashton, the Arizona State Department of Education, replacing Inge Durre.

Jim Adams, the Oklahoma School for the Blind, replacing Larry Hawkins.

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


July 3-8, 2011
NFB 2011;
Orlando, FL

July 8-16, 2011
ACB 2011;
John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Resort Casino in Reno, Nevada

July 12, 2011
Webcast and Video Training for Transcribers and Educators;
from APH in Louisville, KY, shown nationwide

July 12-13, 2011
Gateways to Independence 18th Annual Conference;
KSB in Louisville, KY

July 15, 2011
CIP Webcast Event: Dominican College Presentation;
Dominican College, NY

July 14, 2011
CIP Webcast Event: George Mason University Training;
from APH in Louisville, KY

July 17-20, 2011
OSEP Project Directors Conference 2011;
Washington, DC

July 17-23, 2011
NFB Youth Slam: A 2011 STEM Leadership Academy Exhibit;
Towson, MD

July 26-28, 2011
Exhibitor 2011;
Chicago, IL

July 28-31, 2011
CHARGE Syndrome Conference, 10th International;
Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL


August 6, 2011
American Correctional Association: 141st Congress of Correction; Presentation on Prison Braille Reentry;
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Kissimmee, FL

August 10, 2011
DIAGRAM Annual Meeting;
Washington, DC

August 10-11, 2011
FVLMA Product Training-Region 4 Educational Service Center;
Houston, TX

August 12-14, 2011
AER Regional Conference/MACRT;
Boston, MA

August 16-20, 2011
BVA 2011;
Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, NV


September 21-24, 2011
Envision 2011;
Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark in St. Louis, MO

September 25, 2011
Indiana Vision Expo;
Indianapolis, IN, Main Library


October 13-15, 2011
APH Annual Meeting;
Galt House in Louisville, KY

October 19-21, 2011
Northern Rockies AER 2011;
Sun Valley, ID

Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale 2011, July 1—September 30. As always, first come, first served.

NEW! GAMES for People With Sensory Impairments

Large Print/CD-ROM: 7-08609-00 — $59.00
Braille/CD-ROM: 5-08609-00 — $59.00

A valuable book that initiates exploration and stimulates the reader’s creativity and resourcefulness!

Physical education teachers and activity/recreation directors find GAMES for People With Sensory Impairments: Strategies for Including Individuals of all Ages to be practical, relevant, and realistic. Adapted physical education (APE) professors find it to be a valuable tool when teaching future APE teachers. For novices, this publication provides a wealth of information on what to do, how to do it, and why. The authors, Lauren Lieberman and James Cowart, draw on their extensive experience in teaching students of all ages who have visual impairments, blindness, deafblindness, and multiple disabilities.

The book’s Game Finder helps teachers locate games and activities that are appropriate for their students. The Game Finder Key identifies each game by name, category, sport skill, physical and motor fitness, and fundamental motor patterns and skills. The games and activities included in the book are creative innovations submitted by 15 outstanding teachers, coaches, and leaders who work in schools or programs for students who have sensory impairments.

The binder allows game pages to be removed for easy use in the gym, on the field, or poolside. The game pages are printed on heavier paper stock to accommodate frequent handling. Both the large print and braille versions contain a CD-ROM with an HTML file.

REVISED! Light Box

1-08669-00 — $460.00

Note: the revised Light Box is now available for purchase. Please contact APH Customer Service. The Light Box will appear on the APH Shopping Site soon.

The newly revised Light Box has a lighted translucent white work surface, providing a high contrast background for opaque materials and a source of illumination for colored transparent and translucent items. Includes dimming control to meet the needs of individual students.
When used with unique sets of materials designed by APH, this Light Box helps students use their residual vision by developing awareness of light, color, and objects. The Light Box and materials assist in the instruction of tracking, scanning, eye-hand coordination, visual discrimination, and visual perceptual skills.

The Light Box can be used flat or tilted at three angles. Built-in ledges hold overlays in position. Cool, fluorescent bulb is housed in a tough plastic body measuring 25 x 15 x 5 inches. Includes cover.


  • Now 29% lighter, weighs 9 1/2 lbs.
  • Brightest setting using dimmer control is now 15% brighter
  • Power now provided by an included AC adapter; can be used internationally*

*Adapter accepts power from 110VAC to 220VAC. Customer must supply a physical converter that changes a U.S.-style wall plug to a plug compatible with their electrical system.

Note: The appearance of the revised Light Box is very similar to the previous Light Box, the changes are mostly internal.

NEW Talking Cooking Thermometer

1-03992-00 — $39.00

Not available with Quota funds.

Use this large-display talking thermometer for cooking, hobbies, gardening, and much more!

Easy to Use

  • Simply press the on/talk button on the front and within one second the thermometer is ready
  • Apply probe to medium to be measured
  • Wait a few seconds to allow probe tip to reach full temperature
  • Press the same on/talk button to hear the temperature
  • Always clean probe after each use
  • Slide probe into convenient protector provided to store for next use


  • Speaks the temperature at a touch of a button
  • Easy-to-read LCD Display, large 3/8-inch digits, great for low vision users!
  • Accurate temperature reading within seconds
  • Select Fahrenheit or Celsius with a touch of a button
  • Contoured design fits comfortably in your hand
  • Automatically turns off after 10 minutes to maximize battery life
  • Hinged battery door, permanently connected
  • Requires 2 AAA batteries (included)

Measures 9.25 inches long x 2 inches wide.

Note: This thermometer is not for medical use.

NEW! The Wilson Digital Voice Recorder

1-03993-00 — $29.95

Not available with Quota funds.

The Wilson is a state-of-the art digital voice recorder that is simple to use and inexpensive. Makes a great gift! Record up to eight hours of voice messages and download your computer via the included USB cable.


  • Stores multiple messages
  • Easily add or delete messages
  • Clips to your belt, visor, or purse
  • LP/SP switch for "Long Play" or "Standard Play" (shorter recording time, better sound quality)

Use to Record:

  • Phone numbers
  • Addresses
  • Shopping List
  • Reminders
  • To-do lists
  • Notes
  • Appointments
  • Messages
  • Lectures
  • Directions
  • Audio instructions
  • And much more!

Measures 2 x 3 x 0.5 inches.

Note: Requires 2 AAA batteries (not included).

Note: The Wilson digital recorder is not related to the Wilson Reading System product.

NEW! Slide, Twist ‘N Solve: Tactile Brain Teaser

1-03991-00 — $14.95

Not available with Quota funds.

Have fun challenging yourself or your friends while improving your sensory development and shape identification!

The attached pieces of this accessible puzzle easily slide and twist. Raised tactile patterns make it easy to identify various patterns; high contrast colors make it ideal for those with low vision. Compare your results to the solution key attached to the back!


  • Fine motor development
  • Motor planning
  • Tactile stimulation
  • Sensory development
  • Matching
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Shape identification/discrimination
  • Problem solving
  • Fun!

WARNING: Choking Hazard—Small Parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.

Recommended ages: 6 years and up

NEW FORMAT! Good Lookin’: ISAVE and the Minimally Responsive Child DVD

1-30001-DVD — $25.00

The Good Lookin’ video is now available on DVD. This video brings you training in methods and accepted practices of using ISAVE: Individualized Systematic Assessment of Visual Efficiency to determine visual function in very young students with minimal response topographies. 28 minutes. Closed captioned.

Note: The content of this video has not changed.

NEW! APH InSights Art Calendar 2012

5-18971-12 — $7.50

Note: This calendar MAY be purchased with Federal Quota funds; however, quantity purchases for fund-raising purposes MAY NOT be purchased with Quota funds.

This beautiful full-color calendar features the artwork of visually impaired artists. Suitable for low vision or blind students and adults or anyone who enjoys unique artwork.

Months, days, holidays, and moon phases appear in both braille and large print. This calendar can be used at a desk or hung on a wall and is ring bound to allow pages to be folded over easily.

Makes a Great Fund-Raiser!

A special version of this calendar can be custom-printed with your organization’s name for fund-raising purposes. Please contact APH’s Contract Administration Office for a no-obligation quote: 1-800-223-1839.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Abigail Iris: The One and Only
by Lisa Glatt: T-N1830-60 — $22.00
Third-grader Abigail Iris wishes she were an only child like her three best friends Cynthia, Rebecca, and Genevieve. Instead, Abigail is one of four siblings in a family on a budget. But going on a hotel vacation with Genevieve turns out differently than Abigail expected. Grades 2-4. *(AR Quiz #129515, BL 5.0, Pts. 3.0)

Danger in the Desert: True Adventures of a Dinosaur Hunter
by Roger Cohen: T-N1832-10 — $30.00
Traces the life and career of American paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960), whose 1922 expedition discovered an enormous dinosaur fossil trove in the Flaming Cliffs of Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. Recounts Andrews’s death-defying escapes from dangerous animals, terrain, and people while on the pursuit of scientific artifacts. Grades 6-9.

The Boy Who Dared
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti: T-N1837-60 — $34.00
Seventeen-year-old Helmuth Hübener is imprisoned for treason. While awaiting execution in his filthy prison cell, Helmuth looks back over his short life, recalling friendships, family, and his courageous endeavor to share the truth with other Germans about Hitler and the war. Junior and Senior High readers. *(AR Quiz #121004, BL 4.9, Pts. 5.0)

Terminal Freeze
by Lincoln Child: T-N1846-70 — $84.50
Exploring the frigid landscape of the Federal Wilderness Zone, paleoecologist Evan Marshall and his team come upon a strange animal encased in ice. Against the advice of Marshall’s team, their sponsor plans to televise the creature’s thawing. But then the beast disappears and people die. Violence. Adult reader.

The Pastor’s Wife: The True Story of a Minister and the Shocking Death that Divided a Family
by Diane Fanning: T-N1833-20 — $81.50
Examines the circumstances surrounding the murder of Tennessee pastor Matthew Winkler by his wife Mary. Details the trial, during which Mary’s attorneys portrayed her as sexually and psychologically abused. Describes the ensuing dynamics between Mary, the couple’s three young daughters, and members of the extended family. Some violence. Adult reader.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Ralph Bartley, Director, Research
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Jane Erin, Executive in Residence
  • Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Artina Paris-Jones, Assistant, Field Services
  • Tristan Pierce, Multiple Disabilities Project Leader, Research
  • Karen Poppe, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Research
  • Gwynn Stewart, Administrative Assistant, Communications
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative
  • Suzette Wright, Emergent Literacy Project Leader, Research

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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April Issue –

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The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

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