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July 2015

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

A Special WELCOME from APH President

Please join me in welcoming Chris McCoy who reported as APH’s new Vice President of Production and Logistics on June 15th. This is a new title for the position formerly held by Jack Decker.

Chris comes to APH with 22 years experience in production, operations, and executive leadership of large corporations, following 10 years on a nuclear submarine with the U.S. Navy. He is a Toyota-Trained Operations and Manufacturing Executive, with 3 years initial training in Japan followed by time with Toyota, Ford, and the Dana Corporation. For the past few years, Chris has functioned as a turnaround executive with Cerebus, improving operations of companies to prepare them to be sold.

Chris lives in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, and says he was drawn to apply for work at APH to continue using the skills he has acquired over his career, while being able to live at home and have the chance to “make a difference.”

We are very pleased to have Chris join APH and help us better address our mission of providing products for people who are blind and visually impaired!

A Tribute to Bob Brasher, Retiring APH Vice President

Bob Brasher, Vice President of Advisory Services and Research, is retiring from APH after 17 years of service.

Bob began his career in the field at the Arkansas School for the Blind, where he served as Recreation Director before becoming Director of Educational Services for the Visually Impaired, the school’s Outreach program.

Bob served for many years as an Ex Officio Trustee to APH. He came to us as the director of the former Advisory Services Department (now Field Services). He was soon promoted to Vice President and gave his enthusiastic guidance to several departments, including Field Services, Resource Services, Research, Accessible Textbooks, and Communications.

Bob helped set the direction of too many APH projects to mention, but these have included APH Annual Meetings; APH Ex Officio Committee meetings; the Louis Database; Migel Library; many new and revised products; textbook transcription; and APH promotional materials, such as the APH News, catalogs, shopping site, and videos. Aside from his APH duties, Bob volunteered as the Curator of the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field.

Bob and his wife Jeanie, recently retired from the Kentucky School for the Blind, will be returning to Arkansas. Among other things, they will be spending time with their children and grandchildren. We are saddened for us, but thrilled that Bob is entering this new chapter in his life.

The philosophy of Helen Keller has been one of Bob’s guiding stars in his life. Keller said that "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched–they must be felt with the heart." Bob’s big heart has made a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of people who are blind and visually impaired, as well as the lives of colleagues in the field and of APH staff. We will greatly miss him.

APH Hosts Educational Event on Capitol Hill

Spotlighting the mission of the American Printing House for the Blind was the goal of our recent exhibit and reception on Capitol Hill.

From June 8-10, APH presented "Learning Without Limits: A Celebration of Educational Opportunities for People with Vision Loss" in the Rayburn House Office Building. APH’s traveling museum exhibit, "Child in a Strange Country: Helen Keller and the History of Education for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired" served as a backdrop in our "classroom," the Rayburn Foyer. APH staff and our Board of Trustees educated members of Congress, their staff, and Capitol Hill visitors on how people with vision loss learn, and how the tools that they use to access information have changed over the years. A display of 10 technology products currently available through APH was demonstrated by accessible technology developers and users, illustrating the ways in which APH addresses the challenges of delivering information in digital media.

On Tuesday, June 9, APH’s first Building Independence Awards were presented to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Congressman John Yarmuth for their support of the American Printing House for the Blind and our annual federal appropriation. The award was created using artwork by Kaytlyn Floyd, from Waynesboro, PA, who won second place for this piece in the APH’s 2013 InSights Art Competition, in Grades 1-3 category. Kaytlyn, now 10 years old, attended the reception with her mother and grandparents. Her artwork, "My Cane as My Friend," shows Kaytlyn holding a white cane that has been decorated with eyeglasses and a hair ribbon to match the artist’s. When developing this new award, staff felt that the white cane is a symbol of independence that everyone, everywhere can appreciate.

We are extremely grateful to Congressman John Yarmuth, who represents Kentucky’s 3rd District, in which APH is located, for supporting this event by allowing his staff to work with Bettilou Taylor, president of Taylor Strategies, and APH staff over the past 6 months to plan and produce this educational program. Bettilou’s 30+ years of experience working on Capitol Hill and her boundless energy were key to the huge success of this event.

Honorary hosts for this special event were Senators John Boozman (AR), Thad Cochran (MS), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Rand Paul (KY), and Richard Shelby (AL), as well as Representatives Andy Barr (KY), Tom Cole (OK), Brett Guthrie (KY), Thomas Massie (KY), Hal Rogers (KY), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA), and Ed Whitfield (KY). APH is most grateful for their support.

A photo montage of the event will be available on the APH website soon.

We’re "Setting the Stage" for Annual Meeting 2015 (October 8-10)!

Here’s our Tentative Agenda!

Mark your calendars for the 147th Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests, October 8-10, 2015. Our theme this year, "Setting the Stage," acknowledges and embraces the changes seen by APH and the field in leadership, ideas, projects, and more. While some of these acts will be hard to follow, we are looking forward as new talent emerges and takes the stage, so join us as we celebrate new opportunities and experiences while recognizing the accomplishments and achievements of a galaxy of great performers!

This critical meeting will include an inspiring keynote address by Dr. Chuck Wall, a proponent of the “random acts of kindness” movement, product input sessions where APH listens to your ideas, product training sessions, informative general sessions, and the APH InSights Art/Hall of Fame awards banquet.

For more information about the meeting, contact Janie Blome, Director of Field Services,

Annual Meeting Hotel Registration Now Available

The Hyatt Regency is offering a special rate of $145 per night for single or double occupancy. Triple occupancy is $155; quadruple occupancy is $165. Make your reservation by September 9th to be eligible for the special rate!

You can make your reservations online here:

Reservations are best made online, however, if additional reservation assistance is needed, please call 1-888-421-1442.

Nearby Explorer Adds Transit Stop Announcement Support

With the new release of Nearby Explorer, version 2.3, it is now easier to get information about nearby transit stops while walking. When approaching a transit stop in a supported city, Nearby Explorer will announce the next departure time, route name, and the direction of travel of the next transit vehicle. It will also provide the user information with the normal distance and direction of the stop. In addition, users may now select whether or not to include places, transit stops, and favorites as part of the Nearby item.

Nearby Explorer is a GPS navigation app for Android available on Google Play. It can also be purchased with Federal Quota funds. All Quota purchases must be made via the APH File Repository. Google Play cannot be used for Quota purchases.

Google Play users will get the new update automatically. Quota customers can download the update at:

Seeking Field Evaluators

Flip-Over Concept Books: FRACTIONS

APH is seeking field evaluators for Flip-Over Concept Books: FRACTIONS, an interactive print and tactile booklet for students with blindness or low vision who are beginning to learn about fractions, decimals, and percents. During the elementary years, grades 2-5 specifically, students build their understanding of fractions and the concept of equivalence as it relates to fractions, decimals, and percents. The goal of this FRACTIONS booklet is for students to learn about fractions by finding adjacent panels, included with the booklet, appropriate for the lesson being taught. The panels represent concepts such as fractions, percents, equivalence, comparison, and relationships. Once a panel has been selected and placed within the booklet, the student will flip through the panels to find the desired fractional, decimal, or percentage representations and then display them on the front of the booklet next to each other; panels with comparative symbols (less than, greater than, and equal to) are also included to facilitate additional activities.

Field evaluators will be asked to use the FRACTIONS booklet with multiple 2nd-5th grade math students with blindness or low vision. Evaluators will then complete and return a product evaluation form at the end of the testing period. Field test sites will be selected based upon geographic location, number of available students, and type of instructional setting. The number of prototypes is limited and preference will be given to those who have not recently field tested an APH product. The field test will begin in September and will be completed by the end of November 2015.

If you are interested in possibly serving as a field evaluator, please provide the following information:

  • your name, title, school/agency, and type of setting (e.g., residential, itinerant);
  • number of available students with ages, grade levels, and primary reading media indicated (please note that 2nd–5th grade students who are studying fractions, decimals, or percents in math classes are preferred);
  • your preferred medium for reading evaluation materials and completing the evaluation form (regular print/large print/braille/electronic); and
  • your complete contact information (phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address).

Please send this information to Li Zhou, Core Curriculum Project Leader, at by August 31, 2015. You may also contact Li at 800-223-1839, ext. 424. Thank you!

Place Value Setter

The Place Value Setter, offered in braille and large print, is a fun, hands-on way for students to learn about and develop a firm understanding of the basic math concept, numeric place value. With its refreshable and concrete display, this tool provides students with blindness or low vision with an immediate way to set up numbers (e.g., "329" for "three hundred and twenty-nine"). This tool is especially useful in inclusive math classrooms as it enables teachers of students with visual impairments to set up numbers promptly for their students. The students can then duplicate their math teachers’ daily numeric demonstrations and exercises, and thus participate in the same on-the-spot classroom activities as their sighted peers.

Field evaluators will be asked to use this tool with a number of 1st-3rd grade math students with blindness or low vision. Evaluators will then complete and return a product evaluation form at the end of the testing period. Field test sites will be selected based upon geographic location, number of available students, and type of instructional setting. Field testing will begin in September and will be completed by the end of November 2015.

If you are interested in possibly serving as a field evaluator, please provide the following information:

  • your name, title, school/agency, and type of setting (e.g., residential, itinerant);
  • number of available students. Include the students’ ages, grade levels, and primary reading media modes (please note that 1st – 3rd grade students who are studying the concept of place value in their math classes are preferred);
  • your preferred medium for reading evaluation materials and completing the evaluation form (regular print/large print/braille/electronic); and
  • your complete contact information (phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address).

Please send this information to Li Zhou, Core Curriculum Project Leader, at by August 31, 2015. You may also contact Li at 800-223-1839, ext. 424. Thank you!

"Success" is Focus of 15th Annual National Prison Braille Forum on October 7

To celebrate our 15th annual gathering in October, APH will recognize the successes that individuals and prison braille programs have achieved in establishing and maintaining programs, and in personal growth and development through braille transcription efforts. While the challenges we face can be daunting, the rewards and accomplishments are great– more children are receiving high quality textbooks formatted properly for learning.

A major focus of discussion at the upcoming Forum will be "transition success," as we consider the hurdles that transcribers face as they leave prison and try to establish successful careers on the outside.

Please make plans to join us on Tuesday evening, October 6, for a casual "welcome to Louisville" reception from 7:00-9:00 pm. The Forum will begin on Wednesday, October 7, at 7:30 am with a continental breakfast, and end at 5:00 pm. At this point, no decision has been made about possible prison braille related activities on Thursday, October 9. We will soon send out stipend applications to all NPBN members.

Support for the Forum and participation by professionals in corrections and vision, as well as braille transcribers who learned braille while incarcerated, has steadily grown since the first Forum was held in 2001. In 2001, 19 people from 6 states and Washington, DC, attended the first National Prison Braille Forum. In 2014, 75 people attended from 20 states and one outlying area.

Anyone interested in sharing their experience with prison braille or learning more about the National Prison Braille Network is invited to attend the Forum. If you are not already on the NPBN emailing list and you want to receive registration and stipend information in the coming weeks, please contact Becky Snider at , or 502-899-2356.

Building on Patterns Summer Writing Retreat

The writers of Building on Patterns (BOP) and APH staff convened in Louisville, Kentucky, from June 25-29 for their annual summer writing retreat. During this meeting the group made progress on BOP Pre-Kindergarten, which will be the initial level of the second edition of this program. The goal of the Pre-kindergarten level is to increase kindergarten readiness for young braille reading children. The group, which includes writing teams collaborating from across the country, has over 200 collective years of experience teaching children with visual impairments, and over 300 years of experience in the field of blindness.

Left to right: Jo Ellen Croft (Arkansas), Anna Swenson (Virginia), Robin Wingell (California), Deanna Scoggins (Kentucky), Cay Holbrook (British Columbia), Kay Ferrell (Colorado), Frances Dibble (California), Kristen Buhler (Oregon), Sue Schimmelpfennig (Oregon), Izetta Read (California), Kate Dilworth (Oregon), Luanne Blaylock (Arkansas).

4 Great Videos = 4 New APH Stars

The competition gets harder and harder—it sure was a challenge for APH staff to select the winners of the Spring 2015 Unforgettable APH Star contest!

"Mario the Gr8t" was the 1st place winner. In his video “Tactile Drawing Fun”, he showed us how much fun he had making a really cool tactile card using APH’s DRAFTSMAN. Congratulations, enjoy your $150.00 cash prize!

The "Ninja Turtles" won the second place with their video entitled “My Tactile Town.” Watch them give you a tour of their awesome Tactile Town and stop at the bank to deposit their $75.00 cash prize!

The third place was taken by the team "WVSB Braille Brilliance" of the West Virginia School for the Blind. With a detailed description, let them tell you how smart the Smart Brailler really is. Congrats, and enjoy your $50.00 prize!

The Honorable Mention for the Spring 2015 contest was given to Team Kyia. She skillfully showed us step-by-step, how she uses the Refreshabraille and the iPad to access different kinds of information. Thanks Kyia, and enjoy your $25 gift card!

To view these amazing videos, and to learn more about the contest, please visit our video contest page

New Summer PE Videos

Get your popcorn and check out 12 new videos on the APH PE website. Follow an adventurer underwater as he learns to scuba dive off the Australian coast. Watch the inspiring story (originally aired on ESPN) of two wrestlers, their friendship, and how one transforms into a judo Paralympian. If the summer vacation trip is over and the kids are getting restless, these videos are guaranteed to motivate them to try something new. The new videos are in the following categories: All-around, Dancing, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hiking, Ice Skating, Judo, Powerlifting, Scuba Diving, and Wrestling.

From the Field:

"Listen up!" the coach yelled. "We have a new member on the AER team."

The newly established Physical Activity and Recreation Division is accepting memberships. This Division will provide an unmatched opportunity to join professionals committed to enhancing physical activity and recreational experiences for individuals who are blind and visually impaired. The purpose of the Division is to facilitate communication and collaboration between professionals who are working to help those who are blind and visually impaired achieve the highest level of independence and quality of life.

Physical activity and recreation extend across many disciplines and domains. Division members will benefit from collaborating with other specialists. Through these collaborations, this Division will raise awareness of the importance of physical activity and recreation as well as help influence behaviors that lead to active and healthy lifestyles.

Join today and take advantage of this great opportunity to learn, grow, share, and help individuals with visual impairment and blindness achieve greater independence and live long, healthier lives.

To join the new Physical Activity and Recreation Division, please visit or call (703) 671-4500.

APH on the Road

Visions 2015 Conference in Charm City!

APH Field Services Representative Kerry Isham was on hand at Visions 2015, the national conference of the Foundation Fighting Blindness. The event was held in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor from June 26 through June 28, and drew over 500 attendees. Hundreds of consumers, their friends and families visited the APH booth, showing particular interest in such products as the Bright Line Reading Guide, Braille Beads: APH Starter Kit, the Push-Button Padlock, the Draftsman, Miniguide US, and the Visiobook. APH is pleased to be a “regular” at Visions. It is an honor and a pleasure to meet with so individuals and introduce them to our newest and our tried-and-true products.

Sharing the APH mission

On June 6, 2015, Heather MacKenzie, from the Technology Products Research Department, visited Locust Grove Elementary (Crestwood, KY) for Career Day. Heather talked to four different third grade classes about her career at APH along with the technology used by many of the blind and visually impaired students that we serve.

2015 National Braille Challenge

On Saturday, June 20, 60 students from the United States and Canada participated in the 2015 Braille Challenge at the National Braille Institute in Los Angeles, California. These students placed as finalists in their regional Braille Challenges in such skill areas as speed and accuracy, proofreading, chart and graph reading, and reading comprehension.

Braille Challenge contestants range from kindergarten to grade 12, and compete in four different groups: Apprentice, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Varsity and Varsity.

APH is always honored to play a part in this celebratory event. Janie Blome, APH Field Services Director – a member of the National Advisory Committee for the Braille Challenge – helped keep the activities for the day moving smoothly, while Field Services Representative, Kerry Isham and Communications Director, Scott Blome exhibited and demonstrated APH products for parents, professionals, students and family members. Favorite products included the Draftsman, Braille Beads, DNA Twist, and the US and Canada tactile Print Atlas.

Congratulations to all the students who competed!

Treasures From the APH Libraries

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH, while the Migel Library is one of the largest collections of nonmedical information related to blindness in the world. Although the collections do not circulate, arrangements can be made to use the materials on-site. In addition, an ongoing digitization effort means APH will continue to make materials available through the online catalog at

From the Migel Library: Burtt, Mary Grace. "Evangel Mission." Letter to Friends; Jerome Bentt. 15 Dec. 1940. MS. Shiu Hung, China.

The story told in this unique letter begins with the bombing of Shiu Hung, China, in May of 1938. Mary Grace Burtt, a missionary at a school for the blind, describes three years of survival during the Japanese invasion. After hearing of atrocities in Nanking, Burtt fled with her 50 female students to a chapel in the country, where they were hiding when she wrote this letter. Months of bomb raids and illness are described in emotional detail. The mission also became a temporary home to 30 baby girls who were abandoned by their parents during the war. By the time the letter was written, only 13 had survived the experience. She also describes how one of the preachers at the mission is arrested after taking part in the wartime black market. Ms. Burtt goes on to explain the wartime exchange rate in relation to supporting a student who is blind for a month. The letter is dated a year before America’s entry into the Second World War and the fate of the school is uncertain. This work has been digitized for the Internet Archive at

From the Barr Library: Dodds, Allan. A Psychologist Looks at Blindness. Charleston: BookSurge, 2006.

Primarily intended for rehabilitation specialists working with blind and visually impaired individuals, this book aims to help improve the delivery of the specific skills of mobility, independent living, and communication to clients experiencing a wide range of difficulties. Dodds emphasizes why adjustment to the sudden loss of sight must be confronted in terms of psychological factors: New behaviors must be learned during a time when people are most reluctant to display confidence that they are capable of successful rehabilitation. The author also revisits his concept of structured discovery learning, which inverts the traditional teacher-student relationship in the mainstream mobility profession, by emphasizing the student’s learning capacity rather than the instructor’s knowledge base. In light of the significant amounts of stress under which rehabilitation workers function, the book concludes with a focus on burn-out and tips to avoid this particularly widespread phenomenon within helping professions such as rehabilitation.

APH is working with the Internet Archive to digitize portions of the M.C. Migel Library. Search the phrase “full text” to find these items at The digitized texts are available in a variety of formats, including DAISY, Kindle, EPUB, PDF, etc.

Contact Library staff:, 800-223-1839, ext. 705

Quick Tips Corner

The 4th of July, the day we Americans celebrate the birth of our nation, is almost upon us – that celebratory time of hotdogs, fireworks, flags and apple pie!

But wait! Didn’t we leave something out of that patriotic list?

Is there nothing more American than APH Quick Tips? The pride and spirit of our nation – that good ol’ all-American know-how, spunk and innovation – is epitomized in these brief, educational videos! Quick Tips are so American, they should have their own place carved out on Mt. Rushmore! Don’t you agree?

So, as a part of your salute to the U S of A, don’t forget APH Quick Tips! Grab a slice of apple pie, light a sparkler, wave your flag, and check out these brief, revolutionary videos!

And, if you want to be a real firecracker, contact to provide feedback or ideas on APH Quick Tips! Have a great 4th, everyone!

APH Receives Grant to Plant New Trees

Lauren Hastings, volunteer; Brook Norris, volunteer; Edgar Menendez, APH Engineering Dept.

Thanks to a generous donation from Louisville Gas & Electric and Kentucky Utilities Company, as part of their "Plant for the Planet" program, APH staff, LimbwalkerTree, and some great volunteers planted 12 Kentucky native trees along the side of our building. Species were specifically selected in accordance with "Right Tree for the Right Place" guidelines. Also thanks to Limbwalker for creating our tree-planting map. These trees will contribute to the beautification and environmental sustainability of the entire neighborhood.

More on the Plant for the Planet program:

More on "Right Tree for the Right Place" guidelines:

Social Media Spotlight

You Can Write for APH!

We love having guests write blog posts for our blog, Fred’s Head from APH. Do YOU have an idea you’d like to share with blindness field professionals or people who are blind and visually impaired? Please email Marissa Stalvey at to get your idea published in our blog!

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Lynn Cragg, The Oklahoma School for the Blind, replacing Jim Adams.

Jackie Souhrada, The Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center in Texas, replacing Catherine Golding.

Susan Pope, The Nebraska State Department of Education, replacing Karen Duffy.

Nathan Travis, The Tennessee School for the Blind, replacing Jim Oldham.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


July 4-8, 2015
ACB 2015
Dallas, TX

July 5-10, 2015
NFB 2015
Orlando, FL

July 10, 2015
Kalamazoo, MI

July 10-12, 2015
NAPVI-National Family Conference of Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
Chicago, IL

July 19-24, 2015
Yale Publishing Course
New Haven, CT

July 22-29, 2015
Experience Programming in Quorum Workshop
Vancouver, WA

July 27-29, 2015
2015 ACTS Conference
St Louis, MO

July 28, 2015
Perkins Innovation Advisory Group
Watertown, MA

July 30-August 2, 2015
12th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference
Chicago, IL


August 3, 2015
Illinois Summer Vision Instructional Partnership (ISVI-P)
Jacksonville, IL

August 17-21, 2015
BVA 2015
Louisville, KY

August 25-28, 2015
Conference of the Association of Vision Rehabilitation Therapists
Louisville, KY


September 9-12, 2015
Envision Conference 2015
Denver, CO

September 20, 2015
Indiana Vision Expo 2015
Indianapolis, IN

APH Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale 2015, July 1—September 30. As always, first come, first served.

Back by Popular Demand! Brailon® Paper

1-04630-00 — $55.95

Note: Brailon IS available on Quota!

A plastic-like paper developed specifically for use with Thermoform machines. Brailon® paper has a slightly matte surface, is non-toxic, moisture-proof, and classroom safe. Brailon® is reliable, durable, and is an inexpensive way to create exact duplicates and diagrams. It has been the Thermoform industry standard for 50 years.

Size: 11 1/2 x 11, Weight: "Regular," 19-Hole Punch, 500 sheets per box.

Brailon is a registered trademark of American Thermoform.

Scholastic News® Subscriptions 2015-2016 Now Available!

For decades, APH has been proud to offer braille and large print editions of Weekly Reader®. Weekly Reader® is now Scholastic News® and you can order your 2015-2016 subscription via APH offers accessible Scholastic News® at a cost comparable to regular print subscriptions. And Federal Quota funds may be used!

Note: To facilitate our internal processing, please order magazine subscriptions on separate orders from other APH products and books.

Note: Orders for the 2015-16 school year will be accepted until February 29, 2016.

Subscription Rates for the 2015-2016 School Year, Per Student

Braille Scholastic News® No. of Issues Catalog No. Annual Price
Grade 2 32 ZW-SN2-B $4.95
Grade 3 24 ZW-SN3-B $4.95
Grade 4 24 ZW-SN4-B $4.95
Grade 5-6 24 ZW-SN5-B $4.95
Junior Scholastic® (Grades 6-8) 16 ZW-JRS-B $8.35
Science World® (Grade 6-10) 12 ZW-SSW-B $9.49
Large Print Scholastic News® No. of Issues Catalog No. Annual Price
Grade 2 32 ZW-SN2-LT $4.95
Grade 3 24 ZW-SN3-LT $4.95
Grade 4 24 ZW-SN4-LT $4.95
Grade 5-6 24 ZW-SN5-LT $4.95
Junior Scholastic® (Grades 6-8) 16 ZW-JRS-LT $8.35
Science World® (Grades 6-10) 12 ZW-SSW-LT $9.49

Questions About a Subscription? If you have questions about a subscription, please contact Dawn Eadens in Customer Service at 1-800-223-1839 or

Scholastic News, Junior Scholastic, Science World, and Weekly Reader are registered trademarks of Scholastic, Inc.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
by Doreen Cronin: T-N2060-80 — $19.50
When Tail the squirrel comes barreling into the chicken coop hysterically ranting about a big, scary, green thing in the yard, Dirt, Sweetie, Poppy, and Sugar investigate this strange object. Grades K-3. *(AR Quiz No. 167095, BL 3.3 Pts 0.5)

Guinea Dog 2
by Patrick Jennings: T-N2061-60 — $57.50
When they learn about Fido, the guinea pig that acts like a dog, his classmates all want a piece of Rufus, her owner. But Rufus hates the attention, and decides to make Fido learn how to be an actual guinea pig. Grades 3-6. *(AR Quiz No. 160715, BL 3.2 Pts 3.0)

Encyclopedia of Sports and Recreation for People with Visual Impairments
by Andrew Leibs: T-N1994-30 — $123.50
Profiles thirty-six sports and recreational activities, from alpine skiing to yoga, that are adapted for individuals with low or no vision. Lists camps, products, and organizations and highlights athletes, coaches, and participants in a variety of programs.

Rita Moreno: A Memoir
by Rita Moreno: T-N2021-70 — $96.50
Eighty-two-year-old Hispanic recipient of Oscar, Tony, Emmy, and Grammy awards reflects on her life. Describes moving to New York with her Puerto Rican single mother and breaking into acting as a teen. Discusses her two great loves — Brando and her husband — and parenthood. Some adult content.

By Lynn Coady: T-N2008-40 — $100.50
In e-mails to his old college friend Adam, Gordon explains what made him the angry young man of Adam’s memory — and the basis for a character in Adam’s new novel. Gordon recalls his family relationships, expectations of his hockey coaches, and more. Some adult content.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Maria Delgado, Field Services Representative
  • Justin Gardner, Special Collections Librarian, Resource Services
  • Nancy Lacewell, Director, Government and Community Affairs
  • Heather MacKenzie, Project Manager, Technology Product Research
  • Tristan Pierce, Multiple Disabilities and Physical Education Project Leader, Research
  • Mary Robinson, Assistant, Field Services
  • Becky Snider, Coordinator, Public Affairs
  • Li Zhou, Core Curriculum Project Coordinator

Craig Meador, Vice President, Educational Services and Product Development

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The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

Please share this web link or any items that appear in this publication with anyone who might benefit.

Thank you.

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