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APH News

Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

March 2012

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

APH on Television!

A local television station made a short feature about APH. Watch it on YouTube.

The APH News Celebrates 10 Years!

In March, 2002, APH requested beta testers for the new low vision computer game, Termite Torpedo.

In 2003, Gary Mudd and Bob Brasher hobnobbed with Connie Stevens, noted entertainer and business woman, at a vision conference.

In 2004, The APH Callahan Museum unveiled its newest traveling exhibit, BUILDING A FUTURE: U.S. Residential Schools for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

Editor Bob: "We’re slightly late to the party but it’s not too late to celebrate!"

It was way back in December of 2001 when the first APH News hit cyberspace and here’s the link to that fledgling effort:

How and why was the APH News created? By late 2001 email and website connections to the field were getting stronger and it seemed like the right time to try communicating using this new technology.

The root of the APH News can be traced to the quarterly letters written by APH President Tuck Tinsley to the Ex Officio Trustees beginning in 1989. By the mid 1990s, that effort morphed into the monthly Advisory Services Communication, the baby of then Advisory Services Director Mary Nelle McLennan, who passed the torch to Bob Brasher in 1999. Additionally, in the 1990s, APH published a magazine called The Slate at least a couple of times a year. At the tail-end of 2001, all of those efforts were combined into one communication for Ex Officio Trustees and the broader field, called the APH News.

Over the past decade, the APH News has primarily covered APH products and all things relating to them. Additionally it has attempted to keep you informed about activities in our field: research studies, surveys, the Hall of Fame, and much more. Many of you have shared "news from the field" with us and shared the APH News link with all who MIGHT be interested. By doing this you’ve helped us grow and reach a wider audience.

Editor Bob Brasher also acknowledges the extraordinary decade-long efforts of Malcolm Turner for the consistent yet creative formatting and design of the News. "Not only does Malcolm always deliver and post an attractive issue, but he often must spend days building the links to surveys and other web items that are connected to the News." Bob and Malcolm also acknowledge the many APH staff members who submit and edit the News items each month. Also, APH thanks you for your important continued support and hopes that you will join us for another ten years of fun!

To enjoy the APH "gems" from the past, visit the APH News Archive.

Kentucky Regional Braille Challenge—Superstar Performers Abound!

The second Kentucky Regional Braille Challenge hosted 41 students from around the state of Kentucky as they competed in contests such as spelling, reading comprehension, braille speed and accuracy, proofreading, and reading tactile charts and graphs. The Braille Challenge is a national program of the Braille Institute of America, and we are rooting for our students to have a place at the finals in Los Angeles in June.

The event, held February 16, took place at the Kentucky School for the Blind and at APH. After a rousing pep rally, the students began their efforts to win prizes, including a Victor Reader Stream, donated by HumanWare, and a Book Port Plus, donated by APH. Other donors for the day included Braille Institute, Perkins Products, National Braille Press, Seedlings Braille Books for Children, and local hometown favorite, The Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen! Our neighborhood McDonald’s donated lunch, and we thank them, too, for the great food and service!

Entertainment was provided by storyteller Thomas Freese, and Darren Harbor, a graduate of KSB and professional dancer, who shared his inspiring message and his tap dancing skills at the awards ceremony!

Congratulations to all the students who participated, and to our winners. As APH Vice-President of Fund Raising Paul Zurkuhlen commented, the day was an example of "our mission made real." Thanks to all who volunteered to make the day a great one for the students, and we offer our special thanks to the students who competed and inspired everyone around them!

APH Presents and Exhibits at 2012 Long Island Regional Braille Challenge

On February 4, APH was well-represented at the 2012 Long Island Regional Braille Challenge in Westbury, NY. The event was planned by Petra Terrant of East Meadow Union Free School District. Field Services Representative Kerry Isham provided a hands-on APH products exhibit and also moderated a spirited game of "Are You Smarter than a Field Services Representative." Throughout the day, approximately 100 participants (including families and contestants) took time to check out the APH tables which featured such products as the Draftsman, Feel ‘n Peel Stickers (Nemeth and Assorted), Geometro, the Light Touch Perkins Brailler, Perma Braille Sheets, Sense of Science Astronomy and the game, Web Chase. The competition started as the students entered the cafeteria to the rousing sound of marching band music, and then the Opening Ceremonies continued with an inspirational keynote speech by Caitlyn Lynch, a 2010 graduate of Manhattanville College. Students competed in a variety of categories and were awarded with prizes at the Closing Ceremony. APH was proud to be a part of this very positive occasion.

Treats for You! The Annual APH Bards and Storytellers Series

Photo Credit: Ohio State School for the Blind Marching Band

The APH Museum announces its 2012 Bards and Storytellers series. Since 2006, Bards & Storytellers has celebrated entertainment industry traditions in the blind community and has featured acts as diverse as Bluegrass fiddler Michael Cleveland, Florida deaf/blind storyteller Jag Einhorn, and 70s rocker Turley Richards.

  • July 28, 1-2:30 p.m. Join us for an afternoon with Enrique "Henry" Oliu, the Spanish language color commentator for the Tampa Rays, who was featured in the 2009 documentary "Henry O!."
  • August 11, 1-2:30 p.m. Dan Kelley is the Director of the Ohio State School for the Blind Marching Band, the only marching band of blind and visually impaired students in the world. Since its formation in 2005, the OSSBMB has become a national sensation, a result of its thirty-two members marching in the 2010 Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, CA. Join Kelley, the band’s founder Carol Agler, and a few former members of the band fresh from 2012 band camp as they relate this fabulous story of the power of music education.
  • September 15, 2012, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Join us to celebrate the life and works of Maria Theresia Von Paradis, a performer, composer, teacher, and a contemporary of Mozart’s, blind since the age of three. Although largely forgotten now, von Paradis created a sensation in the eighteenth century wherever she performed.

For reservations, call Katie Carpenter at 502-899-2213 or email

Be sure to check out our other upcoming Saturday programs, such as The Miracle Worker, Clifton Neighborhood Walking Tour, Blindness 101, Braille for the Sighted, and more.

Students from Western Michigan University Visit APH

Fourteen staff and students from Western Michigan University personnel preparation programs spent the day at APH on Friday, February 10. The students, who are studying to be teachers of students with visual impairments, certified mobility instructors and vision rehabilitation therapists, joined their staff members for a tour of APH, reports from key APH staff, and an afternoon of product presentations by members of the APH Research department. They were given the opportunity to spend time in the APH Museum, and a chance to learn about the pioneers of their profession in the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness field. We hope we will see them again as they embark on their new careers!

NIMAC Reaches 30,000 Files!

The National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) is pleased to announce that the repository has reached another milestone with its recent acceptance of our 30,000th file set. We are also happy to report that use of the NIMAC continues to increase by leaps and bounds. In 2011, the NIMAC experienced a 92% increase in downloads over the previous year. As of mid-February, over 10,900 NIMAS file sets had been downloaded for use in production of accessible materials for students with print disabilities. Access to NIMAS source files helps to expedite the delivery of accessible materials to students, and brings us closer to the day when all students will have the instructional materials they need on the very first day of class. We look forward to continued growth and utilization in the coming year.

From the Accessible Textbooks Department:
Did you know…..?

APH braille textbooks can be downloaded from the APH File Repository! Not only are the braille files available for local embossing but you can also order the accompanying tactile graphics! Search Louis for the tactile graphics by using the books ISBN or APH catalog number. The graphics package ends in –GR (Example: A-B0644-GR). The graphics are produced and shipped to you to insert into the book you embossed. Search Louis today!

Treasures from the APH Libraries

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH, while the Migel Library is the largest collection of nonmedical information related to blindness in the world. Although the collections do not circulate, arrangements can be made to use the materials on site. In addition, an ongoing digitization effort means APH will continue to make materials available through the online catalog at

Two of the many "Treasures from the APH Libraries" are described below.

From the Migel Library: The Industrial Home for the Blind, Light Buoy Industries

Chair Caning and Press Seating Department, the Industrial Home for the Blind

More than a book, this is a professionally bound photo album containing twenty-five 8×10 photographs. On the back of each photo-page is a typewritten index card describing the subject of the photo. The album begins with a history of the buildings that have housed the Industrial Home for the Blind. The last of these shows the "new Home and Factory Building…Completed January 1st, 1928." Items produced by Light Buoy Industries are documented, including brooms, woven and upholstered seating, woven rugs, and the "famous" Light Buoy Saddle Mop and Best by Test Mop, both invented by blind men. The real treasure of the album is the unique perspective it gives of the work day at the Industrial Home. One photo shows workers in the smoking room at break time, while someone reads a newspaper aloud from the corner of the room. Another shows the dining room in use at lunch. The album is a rich, unique document of an important organization.

According to 100 Years of Miracles, the Industrial Home for the Blind was founded in 1893 with the motto "Helping the Blind to Help Themselves." When founder Eben Monford passed away in 1928 (the approximate time that this album was complied,) more than 600 people who were blind were a part of IHB. The Industrial Home for the Blind went through a change in name and programming in 1985, when it became Helen Keller Services for the Blind. The Migel Library holds several other publications from IHB, including many annual reports.

From the Barr Library: The Age of Spiritual Machines

Kurzweil, Ray. The age of spiritual machines: when computers exceed human intelligence, New York: Viking, 1999.

Everyone has heard of Kurzweil in the context of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and text to speech. This title, however, presents his philosophical and futurist side. He uses the framework of conversations with Molly, his "every person," to explain technological concepts and predict their evolution and effect on society. Although not all of his predictions have come to pass in the time frames he predicts, he was absolutely on track about the current pervasiveness of the digital world and networking connections, as well as life improving applications of technology.

This title even has its own Wikipedia article:

Contact Library staff:, 800-223-1839, ext. 705

New on the APH Website

Who serves on the APH Board of Trustees? To learn about these fascinating individuals who assist APH in accomplishing our mission, visit their new page at

From the Field:

2012 Social Skills Cinema: Lessons for the Real World

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Do you see your students or child having conversations on a
variety of topics, actively welcomed into peer groups, talking and
laughing with others in the hallways? Maybe you do! Most often
teachers and parents say children with visual impairments are not
ready for many social situations. Lack of vision may affect their
ability to model others’ social behaviors and learn common social
skills through incidental learning.

Lights, Camera, Action—The 2nd Annual Social Skills: Putting the C in Cool Video Contest is ready for your creative entries. The Texas Advisory Committee for the Education of Students with Visual Impairments is challenging teachers, parents, and students with visual impairments to submit a short video on the theme, "Social Skills: Putting the C in Cool." This contest is a perfect opportunity to show your colleagues a favorite lesson that you use to teach social skills at home,
school, or in the community.

For more information, contact Cyral Miller at

Migel Medals Recipients Announced

The American Foundation for the Blind has announced that Kathleen Mary Huebner, Ph.D., and George Kerscher, Ph.D., will be the 2012 recipients of the Migel Medals, the highest honor in the blindness field.

Dr. Huebner is a professor and director of the National Consortium for Leadership in Sensory Disabilities (NCLSD) at Salus University and is recognized for her role in the creation of the National Center for Leadership in Visual Impairment and the NCLSD.

Dr. Kerscher is an accessibility expert who has worked tirelessly to standardize accessible digital books. His work contributed to the establishment of the DAISY standard, which has been adopted worldwide as the standard for accessible books.

The Migel Medals, which honor professionals and volunteers whose achievements improve the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired, will be presented at the 2012 AFB National Leadership Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL, in early May.

ONH/SOD Disease Distribution Study

The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is committed to improving the lives of children with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia /Septo Optic Dysplasia (ONH/SOD) through research–both clinical and epidemiologic. They are requesting assistance from resource providers to distribute their survey. The survey can be found at For further information you can also contact Cassandra Fink at 323-361-2267.

Oldies but Goodies: The "Established" APH Product Series

ColorTest II


The ColorTest II: Talking Color Analyzer is a hand-held device that can help users who are blind or colorblind distinguish colors independently. It has hundreds of potential uses at home, work, or school. This device can be used by both adults and children and can provide increased self-confidence as they obtain the ability to independently do things, such as organize their own wardrobes, sort colored office or school supplies, etc.

The ColorTest II senses over 1,000 nuances of color, is able to detect patterns, and is able to provide color analysis with specific values for brightness, hue, and saturation. It uses a clear human voice to announce information through either its built-in speaker or through earphones that can be plugged into the earphone jack. Additional features include a talking clock, timer, calendar, and thermometer. The ColorTest II has a rechargeable battery and comes with a battery charger, as well as a carrying case.

The ColorTest II is available in Spanish and English and can be purchased using Federal Quota funds.

The Colorino is a similar, but less complex device. Although it has fewer features than the ColorTest II, it is a very useful tool and it has the advantage of being somewhat simpler to operate, given that it uses only two buttons. The Colorino can detect more than 100 nuances of color and can also be used as a light detector. The Colorino is not available with Federal Quota funds, but is the lower-priced option. It also has both a built-in speaker and an earphone jack for privacy.

If you have any suggestions for other products you would like to see highlighted in this monthly feature, please send your comments to Monica Turner at

Last Month to Nominate!
2012 Nomination Process for the Hall of Fame: Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field

The Hall of Fame is now accepting nominations for 2012 induction consideration. If you are interested in learning more about the process for submitting a nominee to join the 48 inductees, please visit: The nomination process will close March 30, 2012.

"The Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field is dedicated to preserving, honoring, and promoting the tradition of excellence manifested by the specific individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame and through the history of outstanding services provided to people who are blind or visually impaired."

Honoring Naomi and Dean Tuttle

The Governing Board of the Hall of Fame for the Blindness Field thanks Dr. Kay Ferrell for framing and presenting Dr. Dean and Naomi Tuttle with a copy of the engraved stone that was recently mounted on the Wall of Tribute in the Hall of Fame. This tribute honors Dean and Naomi for creating all 48 Hall of Fame Inductee biographies! Their words truly do bring our heroes to life. The Board also thanks the many fans and friends of the Tuttles whose donations made this possible.

You may read those amazing biographies at the Hall of Fame website.

In Memoriam: Dr. Rebecca Lois Burnett

On February 16, our dear friend and professional partner, Rebecca Burnett, passed away in Nashville, TN. Rebecca was born in Charleston, MS in 1953. She earned a Master’s Degree from Mississippi State University and an Ed.D. from Peabody College for Teachers of Vanderbilt University. She dedicated her career to serving students with visual impairments. In 2010, Dr. Burnett and Dr. LaRhea Sanford received the APH Zickel Award for Product Development for their very popular APH product entitled Functional Vision and Learning Media Assessment (FVLMA).

Dr. LaRhea Sanford’s comments from the funeral service: "Rebecca retired from supervising the Program for Students with Visual Impairments of the Metropolitan Nashville Public School System in January, 2010. She had previously worked as an itinerant teacher of students with visually impairments, a vision resource teacher at Cora Howe Elementary School, and a teacher of students with multiple impairments at Pennington Elementary School. She worked as an adjunct instructor for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and for Middle Tennessee State University for several summers helping to train teachers to work with students with visual impairments.

Rebecca coauthored numerous publications including a college textbook entitled Visual Impairments in the Schools, the Functional Vision and Learning Media Assessment for Students Who are Visually Impaired, the Expanded Core Curriculum Screening Record, and a Practitioner’s Guidebook to accompany the aforementioned assessment tools. Rebecca’s exemplary services in the field of vision were recognized through state and national awards. Rebecca was an outstanding professional. She was loved and respected by her students, their parents, classroom teachers, administrators, and her peers in the field of vision."

The family requests that memorials be made to the American Cancer Society ( or Odyssey Hospice, 1400 Donelson Pike, Suite B5, Nashville, TN 37217. Rebecca is survived by her husband, Mark Allen Francisco and son, Joseph Clark Francisco, as well as her mother and two sisters.

Deadline Soon! APH InSights Art Competition 2012

A Framed Foreshadowment
Artist: Cody Shaw
First Place Winner, Grades 10, 11, 12 Category
APH InSights 2007

Visually impaired and blind artists of all ages are invited to submit artwork for our twenty-first annual international art competition, APH InSights 2012. Last year, nearly 400 entries were received!

Artists may enter original artwork created in any medium, including (but not limited to) painting, drawing, printmaking, fiber, metal, or wood.

The deadline for entries from students in kindergarten through high school is March 26. Adult artists have until April 2 to send in their entries. Find the complete rules and entry forms on our website or contact Roberta Williams at 502-899-2357 or to receive a copy of the rules and application forms by email, or a hard copy in print or braille.

New Hadley Course Gives a Voice to Braille Music

The Hadley School for the Blind’s new course "Braille Music Basics" offers an introduction to the fundamentals of braille music for sighted users who want to learn about transcribing print music into braille, teach braille music, or simply support someone who is interested in learning the braille music code.

The information in this introductory course does not enable students to professionally transcribe print music, teach music, or teach braille. However, after completing the course, students can enthusiastically support and encourage a music student who is blind and learning to read music independently.

"Learning the basics of braille music is a great opportunity for music teachers working with students who are blind. Reading braille music can open many doors toward self-confidence and further independence," says instructor Linn Sorge.

APH is proud to have provided part of the funding to help Hadley develop this valuable course.

For more information or to enroll, please visit or contact Student Services at 800-526-9909 or

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Jill Singer, the Virgin Islands Department of Education, replacing Carrie Johns.

Thomas Brazell, Elwyn, Inc, replacing Jennifer Lehrman.

Henry Leng, the Orientation Center for the Blind in California, replacing Warren Hayes.

Heather Sanders, the Lions World Services for the Blind in Arkansas, replacing Laura Collie.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


March 1, 2012
APH Products, Services, Resources, and More Training;
Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, MD

March 3, 2012
CIP Event: Iowa;
University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, IA

March 4-8, 2012
Exhibitor’s Conference 2012;
Las Vegas, NV

March 6, 2012
Reading Promotion Partners Meeting;
Center for the Book in Washington, DC

March 6, 2012
Webcast: Sense of Science Product Training;
presented from APH in Louisville, KY, in conjunction with Ex Officio Trustee Kim Stiles in New Hampshire

March 14, 2012
Focus on Vision Impairment & Blindness Conference: Meeting the Needs of Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Vision Loss;
Four Points by Sheraton in Norwood, MA

March 15-18, 2012
CTEBVI 53rd Annual Conference (California Transcribers & Educators for the Blind & Visually Impaired;
Los Angeles Airport Marriott in Los Angeles, CA

March 16, 2012
West Virginia Braille Challenge;
Romney WV

March 21-23, 2012
KAER (Kentucky AER) 2012 Conference;
Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in Kentucky

March 22, 2012
NIP Event – SLK;
Ocean City, MD

March 22-24, 2012
Minnesota Department of Education 1-Day Workshop;
Minnesota Department of Education in Roseville, MN

March 29-30, 2012
APH Product Fair in conjunction with Massachusetts AIM Library;
Carroll Center for the Blind in Newton, MA

March 30-31, 2012
NIP Event: Adaptive PE;
Columbus, OH


April 2-5, 2012
ESAC Committee Meeting;
at APH in Louisville, KY

April 10, 2012
CIP Event: University of Arizona-Tucson APH Overview & Product Training;
University of Arizona-Tucson College of Education in Tucson, AZ

April 11-14, 2012
CEC 2012;
Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO

April 13, 2012
Webcast: Braille Literacy Product Training;
presented from APH in Louisville, KY, in conjunction with EOT Kim Stiles in New Hampshire

April 18, 2012
Webcast: Digital Lightbox Product Training;
presented from APH in Louisville, KY, in conjunction with EOT Kim Stiles in New Hampshire

April 20, 2012
Vanderbilt Faculty and Student Site Visit to APH;
Louisville, KY

April 22-26, 2012
EPAC Committee Meeting;
at APH in Louisville, KY

April 25, 2012
NIP Event: Adapted PE;
Baltimore, MD

April 26-28, 2012
Indianapolis, IN

April 26-28, 2012
NBA Spring 2012 Professional Development Conference;
St. Louis, Missouri

April 28, 2012
Early Connections: Taking Care of Our Children – Taking Care of Ourselves;
Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, MA

April 30 – May 1, 2012
NIP Event – CVI;


May 3-5, 2012
AFB Leadership Conference/Florida AER;
Tradewinds Island Resort located at St. Pete Beach, Florida

May 4, 2012
Webcast: BookPort Product Training;
presented from APH in Louisville, KY, in conjunction with EOT Kim Stiles in New Hampshire

May 9-11, 2012
Training the Trainers: Teaching and Supporting Users of Access Technology;
NFB Jernigan Institute in Baltimore, MD

May 17, 2012
CIP Event: APH Product Training at California State University;
Huntington Beach, CA


June 14, 2012
Webcast: Refreshabraille Product Training;
presented from APH in Louisville, KY, in conjunction with EOT Kim Stiles in New Hampshire

June 15-17, 2012
Family Café, The 2012;
Hilton Orlando in Orlando, FL

June 26, 2012
2012 National Conference on Student Assessment: Learning, Instruction, and Assessment for the Next Decade;
Hilton Minneapolis in Minneapolis, MN

June 28-July 1, 2012
Visions 2012 National Conference;
Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis, MN

APH Winter Wonderland Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Winter Wonderland Sale 2012, January 1—March 31. As always, first come, first served.

New Downloadable Manuals Available

Get the manual you need instantly! APH offers a selected list of product manuals available for free download ( You may print or emboss these as needed. We will continue to package hard copies of these manuals with their products and sell hard copy replacements.

Newly added manuals include:

  • Using Cranmer Abacus for the Blind, Large Print Edition

New Way to Order: Periodic Table Reference Chart and Booklet

Chart with Braille Booklet: 5-08855-00 — $44.00
Chart with Print Booklet: 7-08855-00 — $44.00

This frequently requested reference chart is available in a durable and colorful print-braille version. The chart comes with either a reference booklet in print or in braille that contains additional tables listing the elements by name, atomic number, electron configurations, etc. Chart measures approximately 22 1/2 x 13 inches.

New Way to Order: This handy chart is now being sold in a new way. The chart is no longer sold under its previous catalog number, 1-08855-00. Customers now have a choice of purchasing the chart with either a braille or a print manual. Please use the catalog numbers listed above to order the version that fits your needs.

NEW! MathBuilders, Unit 5 Measurement and Estimation

Large Print Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Large Print): 7-03562-00 — $249.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Braille): 5-03562-00 — $249.00

Optional Item

General Guidelines:
Large Print: 7-03560-03 — $24.00
Braille: 5-03560-03 — $24.00

Note: General Guidelines book is included on the CD-ROM with every MathBuilders unit. It is not included in print or braille in the kits, but can be purchased separately in large print and braille editions. It’s a good resource for teachers who need information about teaching math to students with visual impairments.

Replacement Items

Teacher’s Guide:
Large Print: 7-03562-01 — $59.00
Braille: 5-03562-01 — $59.00

Consumables Pack, Braille: 5-03562-02 — $11.00

Related Products

MathBuilders, Unit 1: Matching, Sorting, and Patterning:
Large Print Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Large Print): 7-03560-00 — $227.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Braille): 5-03560-00 — $230.00

MathBuilders, Unit 6: Geometry:
Large Print Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Large Print): 7-03563-00 — $288.50
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Braille): 5-03563-00 — $288.50

MathBuilders, Unit 7: Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Decimals:
Large Print Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Large Print): 7-03564-00 — $265.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Braille): 5-03564-00 — $265.00

MathBuilders, Unit 8: Data Collection, Graphing, and Probability/Statistics:
Large Print Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Large Print): 7-03565-00 — $175.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Braille): 5-03565-00 — $175.00

MathBuilders is a supplementary math program separated into eight units by content standards and grade level. This allows the teacher to focus on specific standards or provide remedial material for individual students. APH has now released five units, with more planned for the future.

Unit 5 includes

  • Teacher’s guide with lesson plans for grades K-3
  • CD-ROM with General Guidelines for Teaching Math to Young Braille Users
  • 9 student worksheets for additional practice
  • Manipulatives
  • Metric-English Measurement Ruler
  • Analog Clock Model
  • Clock Face Sheets
  • Individual Calendar Kit
  • Talking Thermometer
  • POURfect Measuring Cups
  • Measuring Jars
  • Primary Balance Scale
  • Standard Mass Set, 17 pieces
  • Kilogram Mass
  • Hexagram Mass Set, 54 pieces

Recommended ages: 5 years and up.

WARNING: Choking Hazard — Small Parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.

NEW! Tactile Town: 3-D O&M Kit

(includes Teacher’s Guidebook in Large Print and CD-ROM): 1-03135-00 — $479.00

Optional Item

Teacher’s Guidebook, Braille with CD-ROM: 5-03135-00 — $34.00

Replacement Items

Teacher’s Guidebook, Large Print with CD-ROM: 7-03135-00 — $34.00

Braillable Labels and Sheets, Full-Size Label Sheets: 1-08874-00 — $16.00

Picture Maker Storage Panel: 1-08838-03 — $18.00

Tri-fold Board: 1-08859-00 — $58.00

Tactile Town provides an extensive interactive, three-dimensional model to help teach spatial concepts and environmental layouts.

This kit assists in the development of cognitive mapping skills by helping students who are visually impaired and blind perceive and organize their physical environment specific to concepts such as street layouts, intersections, route patterns, city block arrangements, etc. It encourages active participation and interaction with displayed map layouts so that concepts and skills, not conveniently accessed through real-life exploration, can be learned and practiced.

Tactile Town is designed to be inviting to both tactile and visual learners, with attractive pieces incorporating contrasting colors, textures, and recognizable features. By providing a wide variety of fun, colorful components that can be easily customized or extended, Tactile Town is an ideal starter kit for instruction and reinforcement of mapping skills and concepts.

The included large print Teacher’s Guidebook (braille version available separately) provides 17 suggested layout activities that are presented in a progressive manner, from basic compass directions to a complex city block. Suggested interactive games can be completed for an individual student using the MS Word® file on the accompanying CD-ROM. Accessible versions (html, brf, txt, and dtb) of the guidebook are also on the CD-ROM.

Tactile Town Includes

20 Buildings

  • 4 Large Houses
  • 8 Small Houses
  • 4 Curved-Topped Buildings
  • 4 Flat-Topped Buildings

Street Scenery Pieces

  • 1 Pond
  • 2 Railroad Tracks
  • 4 Long Crosswalks (vertical lines)
  • 4 Long Crosswalks (horizontal lines)
  • 12 Short Crosswalks (vertical lines)
  • 12 Short Crosswalks (horizontal lines)
  • 8 Yellow Dividing Lines/Medians
  • 10 Long Sidewalks
  • 8 Short Sidewalks
  • 5 Splitter Islands
  • 66 White Road Dashes
  • 4 Arrows – 2 Left, 2 Right Turns

3-D Components

  • 6 Stop Signs
  • 4 Yield Signs
  • 2 Yellow Pedestrians (smooth texture)
  • 2 Blue Pedestrians (bumpy texture)
  • 4 Orange Cars (smooth texture)
  • 7 Yellow Cars (bumpy texture)
  • 4 Pedestal Traffic Lights
  • 8 Flat Traffic Signals

Sewn Grassy Pieces

  • 1 Cul-de-sac
  • 1 Large Circle
  • 1 Small Circle
  • 2 Long Narrow Strips
  • 2 Short Narrow Strips
  • 4 Roundabout Corners
  • 4 Wedges (2 pairs of mirrored opposites)
  • 2 Triangles
  • 8 Rectangles with rounded corners
  • 8 Rectangles with square corners
  • 8 Squares

Print/Braille Labels

  • 16 Location Labels
  • 8 Street Name Labels
  • 16 Direction Labels
  • 13 Zoo Labels
  • 8 Personal Name Labels
  • 1 Package of blank labels for customizing

Other Items

  • 1 Package of full-size, blank Braillable Labels and Sheets
  • 2 Picture Maker Storage Panels
  • 1 Tri-fold Board
  • 1 Compartment Tray Insert
  • 1 Red Carrying/Storage Box

Recommended ages: 5 years and up. Note: Some assembly required to attach hook/loop material to manipulatives.

WARNING: Choking Hazard — Small Parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Animal Heroes: True Rescue Stories
by Sandra Markle: T-N1838-00 — $18.00
Nine accounts of animals — from trained guide dogs to a cow, a pet cat, dolphins, and a capuchin monkey — that helped humans during accidents and disasters. Discusses Roselle, the guide dog, who led Mike Hingson from the seventy-eighth floor to safety as his World Trade Center tower collapsed. Grades 3-6. *(AR Quiz No. 123222, BL 5.9, Pts. 1.0)

by Ingrid Law: T-N1836-90 — $53.00
Recounts the adventures of Mibs Beaumont, whose thirteenth birthday has revealed her "savvy," a magical power unique to each member of her family — just as her father is injured in a terrible accident. Grades 4-7. *(AR Quiz #122451, BL 6.0, Pts. 9.0)

Here Lies Arthur
by Philip Reeve: T-N1837-30 — $59.00
When her village is attacked and burned, Gwyna seeks protection from the bard Myrddin, who uses Gwyna in his plan to transform young Arthur into the heroic King Arthur. Young adult reader. Some violence. *(AR Quiz #124690, BL 5.6, Pts. 11.0)

Away with the Fairies: A Phryne Fisher Mystery
by Kerry Greenwood: T-N1835-30 — $67.00
Australia, 1928. Phryne Fisher takes a job at a woman’s magazine to discover who murdered Marcella Lavender, a writer and illustrator of fairy stories. Phryne also worries about her lover, Lin Chung, who is in China on a silk-buying trip. Some strong language and adult content.

Six Tales of the Jazz Age and Other Stories
by F. Scott Fitzgerald: T-N1832-20 — $63.00
Nine short stories by the author of The Great Gatsby. Includes "The Camel’s Back," "Hot and Cold Blood," and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," a tale about a man who ages backwards that inspired a Hollywood movie. Includes a 1960 introduction by Fitzgerald’s daughter.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Maria Delgado, Field Services Representative
  • Inge Formenti, Barr Librarian, Resource Services
  • Nicole Gaines, NIMAC Manager
  • Justin Gardner, Special Collections and Cataloging Librarian, Resource Services
  • Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Julia Myers, Director, Resource Services
  • Jane Thompson, Director, Accessible Textbooks
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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