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APH News: September 2015

Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

There Is Still Time to Register! – “Setting the Stage” for a Hit Annual Meeting!

147th APH Annual Meeting

The lights are flicking off and on in the lobby – it’s getting close to show time, but you can still register! We will soon be ready to raise the curtain on the 2015 APH Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests!

Our Thursday night opening act will feature a performance by our keynote speaker, Dr. Chuck Wall. Dr. Wall is credited with creating the “random acts of kindness” movement, and he will share his insights and wisdom in his address, “Kindness: A Way of Life”.

As an added attraction on Thursday evening, we will honor a superstar with our presentation of the APH Wings of Freedom Award. APH is proud to present our highest honor to Carl R. Augusto, President and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind. Carl has proven to be a true friend to APH throughout his career, serving as a major partner for the past 25-plus years, and we continue to benefit significantly from our collaborations with him. It is therefore our pleasure and honor to acknowledge this career-long partnership by presenting Carl Augusto with our most prestigious honor, the Wings of Freedom Award.

At the request of APH President Tuck Tinsley, the celebration in honor of his retirement, originally scheduled for Saturday evening, will now take place immediately following Thursday evening’s opening session of Annual Meeting. There will be no Saturday night event. We hope you will join us for the special festivities on Thursday, which will feature special hors d’oeuvres, an open bar, and more as we take the opportunity to wish Tuck well on his retirement. If you have not previously registered to attend the opening session on Thursday, you may do so using your registration confirmation number. Simply enter your confirmation number and modify your registration. We apologize for any inconvenience the change may have caused for your travel plans. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.

As we rearrange the scenery for our second and third acts on Friday and Saturday, APH staff will take the stage to present information on new and upcoming products, training on current products, details about projects and initiatives at APH and more. We’ll hear from the leads of our two Ex Officio Trustee Advisory Committees, introduce some upcoming stars (the APH Scholars) and invite some special guest stars to share the accomplishments and activities of their respective agencies. We will cap off Friday night with our very own awards night as we honor the 2015 APH InSights Art award winners and induct two new members into the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field.

You Can Still Register – Here’s How

Online registration for the 147th Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests, to be held October 8 – 10, at the Downtown Louisville Hyatt Regency is still open. Registration information can be found on the APH website,, or you can click the link below:

Register now!

Additional information on the site includes a link to hotel reservations, an agenda for the event, a list of related meetings, information about our keynote speaker, and much more.

Deadline for registration is September 9, 2015. For more information, contact Janie Blome, 800-223-1839, ext. 367, or email What other show can say it’s been running since 1879!

Blinded Veterans Association Holds Annual Convention in Louisville

Veterans touring the Roland Room at APH, examining a graphic created on the Roland Versa UV Printer. Rob Guillen is the tour guide.

A veteran in the Hall of Fame at APH.

APH President Tuck Tinsley III with BVA Executive Director Al Avina at the Tuesday night reception. The wood carving was done by a young legally blind member of BVA recently recovered from serious injuries in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Blinded veterans from across the country came to Louisville August 17-21, for the 70th National Convention of the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA), held at the Downtown Marriott Hotel. The Association is a congressionally chartered Veterans Service Organization exclusively dedicated to serving the needs of America’s blind and visually impaired veterans and their families. APH participated in several aspects of BVA’s visit to Louisville:

  • Ken Perry, President of BVA’s Kentucky regional group and designer of accessible software and other technology products at APH, invited the national group to Kentucky and helped with planning. Ken and other APH Research Staff offered presentations during the meeting.
  • APH had a booth in the exhibit hall during the conference.
  • APH hosted tours for the veterans and their families on Monday, August 17, and Friday, August 21. Attendees visited braille production, the recording studios, the museum, and the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was of particular interest, since several of the inductees have been associated with BVA.
  • Mike Hudson, APH Museum Director, gave a presentation about the contributions of the late Father Thomas A. Carroll. A pioneer in the field of blindness rehabilitation, Father Carroll also served as the BVA National Chaplin for 25 years, and is a member of the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field.
  • APH co-sponsored the BVA President’s Reception that opened the conference on Tuesday evening. APH President Tuck Tinsley III addressed the group.

Nicole Gaines Named Co-Project Director for NIMAC

Nicole Gaines was named Co-Project Director for the NIMAC (National Instructional Materials Access Center). An APH employee since 2004, Nicole joined the NIMAC as Manager in 2006. Nicole retains her NIMAC Manager title and responsibilities, but joins Julia Myers as Project Director of the NIMAC, an OSEP-administered, federally funded project under IDEA. NIMAC is a federally funded repository of publisher source files that can be used to create accessible formats for students who qualify for NIMAC services as defined in IDEA. For more information see:

2015 National Prison Braille Forum
Transition Success

There is still time to register for the upcoming National Prison Braille Forum in Louisville on Wednesday, October 7. This is the 15th annual Forum that APH has hosted, and we look forward to celebrating the progress made in prison braille programs nationwide since this initiative was launched in 2000.

The primary focus of this year’s Forum will be Transition Success. Corrections and vision professionals and prison braille program alumni from across the country will identify the resources that transcribers leaving prison need to build successful transcription careers on the outside, while also indicating where they can find these resources. Representatives from programs across the country will report on challenges they are facing and accomplishments they have achieved.

The Forum is open to anyone who works with a prison braille program, is interested to start a program, or is simply interested to learn more about these braille production facilities behind prison walls. There is no charge to attend the Forum, but pre-registration is required. Register Now!

For more information about participating in this unique opportunity to network, contact Becky Snider (email: or call 502-899-2356).

Updates: APH Tests and Assessments are Buzzing with Excitement

Test Ready® Language Arts Book 3 and Book 4 are now available for sale through the APH catalog and online APH shopping site. Test Ready is a test preparation program which can be used with students either independently or in large group settings. Students are introduced to multiple test formats and are asked to respond accordingly. Test Ready Language Arts Books 3 and 4 are available in both large print and braille. A CD is provided so the student can listen to the items and use in tandem with the test book.

Development is underway for the frequently requested Woodcock-Johnson IV® (W-J IV) Tests of Achievement, Tests of Cognitive Abilities, and Tests of Oral Language. Permissions were obtained from the publisher and our sincere appreciation is extended to Dr. Richard Woodcock for his support of our efforts to make the W-J IV accessible to students who are blind and visually impaired. Dr. Lynne Jaffe and Dr. Jane Erin are consultants for this enormous project. Be sure to stay tuned for call-outs in the future and submit your interest in field testing the large print and braille editions.

TVIs will be excited to know that work has resumed on the KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment. Files have been obtained from the publisher and work is progressing. We want to sincerely thank Susan Osterhaus, Dr. Derrick Smith, and Sean Tikkun for agreeing to be expert reviewers and sharing their knowledge for the development of the large print and braille editions. Be sure to stay tuned for call-outs for field testing of the large print and braille prototypes.

If you are interested in field testing either of these prototypes in the future, or other projects underway in our Educational Product Research Department, please complete the field tester form and return to APH. This can be found at

Your Input DOES Make a Difference!

Please complete the brief APH 2015 Satisfaction Survey!

As many of you know, each year the U.S. Department of Education seeks input from YOU on the effectiveness of products and services provided through the Federal Quota Program, which is administered by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). We certainly appreciate your help in gathering experienced-based feedback.
The 2015 survey is now available on the APH website, and you are encouraged to respond based on your experience with products provided through Federal Quota funds. The survey concludes with an open-ended item that gives you the opportunity to comment and share your thoughts and recommendations.

This brief online survey is available at through Saturday, September 19, 2015.

If you have inquiries or require assistance, please contact Mary Nelle McLennan at

We appreciate your time and thoughts. Your honest input does make a difference!

Field Evaluators Needed

Echolocation: A Research/Instructional Manual by Daniel Kish and Jo Hook

Terrie Terlau and Laura Zierer are looking for orientation and mobility instructors who are certified as COMS or as NOMC to read, use with students, and fill in a detailed questionnaire about the research and the teaching/learning exercises in a book about echolocation written for APH by Daniel Kish and Jo Hook. Instructors must commit to reading a book of approximately 200 pages, with several chapters presenting a great deal of research. We need folks who can use the Active Echolocation (i.e., with tongue clicks) exercises with students who have NO functional vision for travel. Testers must be willing to fill in evaluation forms about the book and about pre-post instruction echolocation behaviors of students. We plan to start testing in early October and end in early December 2015. Final selection of testers will be based on regional variability and types and numbers of students available. To apply to test Echolocation, please send the following information to Laura Zierer,

  • Your name, degrees, certifications
  • Your address for receiving materials
  • Your work phone, evening phone, and cell phone
  • Your work email and home email
  • Your employer (name, address, phone of school/agency)
  • Number of students, including ages and grade levels, available for participation

To be considered as a field tester, Laura must receive your information on or before September 11. Thank you for considering this field test opportunity

Wanted: Book Port Plus and Book Port DT Field Testers

APH is looking for Book Port Plus and Book Port DT users who are interested in field testing the next firmware upgrade to these two devices. The firmware includes performance enhancements and the ability to download content directly to the SD card. If you own a Book Port Plus or a Book Port DT and are interested in being a field tester, download and complete the form located at and return to: We appreciate your valuable input.

Attention Science Teachers and TVIs!

Science labs and activities often require students to take quick temperature measurements and also to measure out exact quantities of substances. Most talking devices on the market that students with visual impairments could use for these purposes are not appropriate for the science classroom because they lack metric units and precise measurement capability.

Please let me know if you would support the development of the following devices by APH:

  • Scientific talking thermometer that measures temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius to the hundreths decimal place
  • Scientific talking balance that measures mass in grams to the hundreths decimal place

We are interested in any comments you might have about these product ideas. Please send your responses to: Rosanne Hoffmann, STEM Project Leader, or 502-899-2292

Gross Motor Development Curriculum

APH seeks field test sites for the Gross Motor Development Curriculum (GMDC). Movement is an essential component of a healthy, happy life. This curriculum addresses the specific needs of children with visual impairment based upon research findings on fundamental motor skills. The book is divided into two parts: Part 1 discusses the general instructional strategies that are effective in teaching gross motor skills to this population; Part 2 describes specific teaching techniques, cues, and modified equipment for instruction of 16 gross motor skills.

To participate, field test sites need one or more students who

  • are elementary school age;
  • are enrolled in a physical education class;
  • have visual impairment, blindness, or deafblindness;
  • lack the perceptual motor skill to balance on one foot;
  • lack three or more of the following object control skills: striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch, kick, overhand throw, and underhand role;
  • lack three or more of the following locomotor skills: run, gallop, hop, leap, skip, horizontal jump, and slide; and
  • lack the physical fitness skills to perform curl-ups or sit-ups and push-ups.

Evaluators will need to confirm each participating student’s baseline (i.e., lack of skill) for object control skills and locomotor skills prior to using the curriculum, and then document the student’s progress on each skill throughout the semester. Practice Records and instructions to do this are included in the field test packet. Evaluators will complete a product evaluation form (online) at the end of the testing period, and send in the students’ Practice Records by e-mail or USPS. This product includes the curriculum and Practice Records for each motor skill; it does not include physical education equipment (e.g., bats, balls, mats, cones, sound sources). A link to an accompanying video will be provided. Field test sites will be selected based upon geographic location, number of available students, and type of instructional setting. Field testing is scheduled to begin in September and conclude at the end of December, 2015.

If you are interested in possibly serving as a field evaluator, please provide the following information:

  • your name, title, school/agency, and type of setting (e.g., residential, itinerant);
  • number of available students with ages, grade levels, and primary reading media indicated;
  • your preferred medium for reading evaluation materials (regular print or electronic); and
  • your complete contact information (phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address).

Please send this information to Tristan Pierce, Physical Education Project Leader, at by September 25, 2015. You may also contact Tristan at 800-223-1839, ext. 380. Thank you!

Treasures From the APH Libraries

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH, while the Migel Library is one of the largest collections of nonmedical information related to blindness in the world. Although the collections do not circulate, arrangements can be made to use the materials on-site. In addition, an ongoing digitization effort means APH will continue to make materials available through the online catalog at

From the Migel Library: Courtney, Abram V. Anecdotes of the Blind. Boston: Printed for the Author, 1835.

Nine short biographies illustrate the capabilities and educational needs of the visually impaired. The publication was a courageous endeavor in 1835. But the author’s introduction to the work is perhaps the most inspiring and insightful part. Courtney details the incidents that caused blindness in each of his eyes, which were separated by several years. His experience largely pre-dated the use of raised type. He laments having no access to books and very few tactile maps. Courtney considers charity “at best, a cold feeling.” He becomes a traveling salesman and uses the experience to visit people who are blind all over the country. He is repeatedly scolded for working for a living, accused of being an impostor, and is told that he needs to go to an asylum. But he also details some of the extraordinary ways in which he travels and the support of his teachers and family. Anecdotes of the Blind has been digitized for Internet Archive and is available at

From the Barr Library: Hatton, Deborah D. (Editor). International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities: Volume Forty Six, Current Issues in the Education of Students with Visual Impairments. Waltham: Elsevier Academic Press, 2014.

International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly analysis of the causes, effects, classification systems, and syndromes of developmental disabilities. The authors come from a variety of disciplines, such as genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences. The current volume, number 46, focuses on existing concerns in the education of students with visual impairments. Parceled into eight chapters, issues include the expanded core curriculum, assistive technology, the transition to Unified English Braille, the use of systematic prompting to teach new skills, communication development, and orientation and mobility issues.

We are pleased to announce that the H.W. Wilson Foundation has again supported our efforts with a generous grant. These funds are being used to develop a special collection of visually impaired musicians’ music and books, which will be housed in the APH Migel Library. From Japan’s Biwa performers in 1220 CE, to Kentucky School for the Blind alumnus and fiddler Michael Cleveland, music has played a significant role in the education and vocation of the visually impaired. The history and output of that influence will now be represented in the Migel’s “Blind Musicians” collection, believed to be the only one of its kind in the U.S. A subject search for “Blind Musicians” will bring materials up in both the catalog, and at the Migel page at Internet Archive. Further, a music playback station will be installed in the Barr Library to provide access to audio materials.

APH is working with the Internet Archive to digitize portions of the M.C. Migel Library. Search the phrase “full text” to find these items at The digitized texts are available in a variety of formats, including DAISY, Kindle, EPUB, PDF, etc.

Contact Library staff:, 800-223-1839, ext. 705

Back to School with APH Quick Tips!

“Fall-ing” for APH Quick Tips!

September is here, and with it comes cooler days and longer nights. It’s easy to tell that fall is approaching – bringing crunchy leaves, sweater weather, hayrides in the country, and everything pumpkin!
What a perfect time of year for Quick Tips! As you don your favorite woolen cardigan while sipping a pumpkin spice latte by the fire, there’s nothing better than charging up the old laptop and watching an APH Quick Tip or two.

Check out these fall favorites! (And, we at Quick Tips apologize in advance that none of them are pumpkin-flavored!)

  • Sense of Science, Part IV – Sense of Science Astronomy is full of unique components that help students with visual impairments understand the planets and other celestial bodies.
  • Brailon Paper – Your favorite thermoforming paper is back by popular demand!
  • Digital Light Box Artwork – Follow along as Field Services Representative Cathy Johnson creates a cause-and-effect exercise with Digital Light Box Artwork.
  • SQUID Tactile Activities Magazine – SQUID is an activities magazine that offers young learners a recreational approach to tactile literacy.

Like the upcoming autumn weather, these brief videos about APH products are really COOL! Fall into a pattern of watching the newest Quick Tip every week at!

Got an APH Quick Tip request? Contact Kerry at with ideas and suggestions!

Looking for Braillos

APH is interested in acquiring your gently used or unused Braillo equipment models 200, 300, 400 or 600. If you have any Braillo machines you would like to remove from your facility, contact Mustapha Debbabi by phone at 502-899-2252 or email

Social Media Spotlight

Our blog, Fred’s Head from APH, has thousands of helpful posts and dozens of categories to help you find what you’re looking for. The Teachers’ Resources category contains over 500 articles relevant to TVIs, O&M instructors, and other professionals who work with people who are blind and visually impaired.

Do you have a suggestion for a teachers’ resource? Email and let us know!

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Sharon Giovinazzo, the World Services for the Blind in Arkansas.

Robert Hair, the Perkins School for the Blind-School Programs in Massachusetts.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


September 9-13, 2015
Envision Conference 2015
Denver, CO

September 14-18, 2015
ION GNSS+ 2015
Tampa, FL

September 15-18, 2015
Western Regional Early Intervention Conference
Albuquerque, NM

September 22, 2015
Toad/Tadpole Training
Owenton, KY

September 26, 2015
Indiana Vision Expo 2015
Indianapolis, IN

September 29-October 2, 2015
Louisville, KY

September 30-October 2, 2015
2015 Code for America Summit
Oakland, CA


October 21-23, 2015
GVEST – Georgia Vision Educators Statewide Conference
Macon, GA

October 22-24, 2015
National Braille Association Fall 2015 Professional Development Conference
Louisville, KY

October 26-27, 2015
Arkansas AER 2015
Little Rock, AR


November 4-6, 2015
AER – Vision Loss in Older Adults and Veterans: Leveraging our Collective Wisdom
Norfolk, VA

November 9-13, 2015
Legislative Visits on Capitol Hill
Washington, DC

November 18-21, 2015
Getting in Touch with Literacy Conference
Albuquerque, NM

November 20, 2015
Independence Science: Learning a New Direction (ISLAND) Conference
Portland, OR

APH Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Sizzlin’ Summer Savings Sale 2015, July 1—September 30. As always, first come, first served.

New Downloadable Manuals Available!

Get the manual you need instantly! APH offers a selected list of product manuals available for free download ( You may print or emboss these as needed. In most cases, we will continue to package hard copies of these manuals with their products and sell hard copy replacements.

Newly added manuals include:

  • Building on Patterns UEB Teacher Supplements
  • PATTER: Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines
  • Orion TI-30XS MultiView™ Talking Scientific Calculator

NEW! UEB-Compliant Building on Patterns: Kindergarten, and First Grade: Unit 1 & Unit 2

BOP Kindergarten

Student Kit (Teacher’s Materials in braille): 6-78550-00 — $199.00
Teacher’s Edition:
Print: 8-78451-00 — $130.00
Braille: 6-78451-00 — $172.00

Optional Item, Kindergarten

Posttest Teacher’s Manual:
Print: 8-78452-00 — $15.00
Braille: 6-78452-00 — $22.00

Replacement Items, Kindergarten

Posttest Consumable Set (Print & Braille): 8-78455-00 — $16.00
Assessment Check-up Forms (Print & Braille): 8-78456-00 — $20.00
Student Textbooks (7 per set): 6-78553-00 — $99.00
Color Me Book: 6-78454-00 — $18.00

Building on Patterns UEB Teacher Supplements
* Note: The supplements do not cover the Reference Volumes.

BOP First Grade, Unit 1, Not Far From Home

Student Kit – UEB: 6-78560-U1 — $139.00
Teacher’s Edition (includes Reference Volume, also available separately):
Print: 8-78561-U1 — $65.00
Braille: 6-78561-U1 — $139.00

Building on Patterns UEB Teacher Supplement, First Grade, Unit 1
* Note: The supplements do not cover the Reference Volumes.

  • Building on Patterns First Grade Unit 1 UEB Teacher Supplement (.docx) (.brf)

First Grade Reference Volume Also Available Separately (is included in First Grade, Unit 1 Teacher’s Edition):
Braille: 6-78461-RV — $44.00
Print: 8-78461-RV — $49.00

Replacement Items, First Grade, Unit 1

Student Textbook: 6-78463-U1 — $19.00
Assessment Check-Up Forms (print & braille): 8-78466-U1 — $18.00
Lesson Monitoring Sheets (print & braille): 8-78463-U1 — $21.00
Worksheets Pack – UEB: 6-78564-U1 — $24.00

BOP First Grade, Unit 2, Going and Doing

Student Kit – UEB: 6-78560-U2 — $139.00
Teacher’s Edition:
Print: 8-78461-U2 — $65.00
Braille: 6-78461-U2 — $75.00

Building on Patterns UEB Teacher Supplement, First Grade, Unit 2
* Note: The supplements do not cover the Reference Volumes.

  • Building on Patterns First Grade Unit 2 UEB Teacher Supplement (.docx) (.brf)

Note: Each First Grade student kit includes Lesson Monitoring Sheets, Assessment Check-up Forms, Student Textbooks, and Worksheets Pack.

Replacement Items, First Grade: Unit 2

Student Textbook: 6-78463-U2 — $19.00
Assessment Check-Up Forms (print & braille): 8-78466-U2 — $18.00
Lesson Monitoring Sheets (print & braille): 8-78463-U2 — $22.00
Worksheets Pack – UEB: 6-78564-U2 — $24.00

Building on Patterns – UEB

APH is now offering UEB-compliant Building on Patterns (BOP) so teachers can continue to use the current Building on Patterns program while teaching Unified English Braille (UEB)! The student materials have been re-transcribed in UEB as needed and teacher supplements have been created inform the teacher about UEB changes.

Note: You do NOT need to buy new Teacher Editions. Just download the free-of-charge supplements and use them to mark up your existing manuals.

We are also now packaging all the materials needed for a student in a “Student Kit.”

  • Kindergarten Student Kit includes: Posttest Consumables, Textbook Assessment Check-up Forms, set of 7 Student Textbooks, and Color Me Book.
  • First Grade Student Kits include: Student Textbook, Worksheets Pack – UEB, Lesson Monitoring Sheets in print and braille, an Assessment Check-Up in print and braille.

The print and braille teacher’s editions and other posttest materials are sold separately.

Future BOP Releases: The materials for Units 3-7 of BOP First Grade will be released over the next several weeks. BOP Second Grade materials will be released by early 2016.

Note: The English Braille American Edition versions of BOP Kindergarten and First Grade are no longer available for sale.

About Building on Patterns

Building on Patterns (BOP) is a complete primary literacy program designed to teach beginning braille users all language arts — reading, writing, and spelling.

The Building on Patterns series addresses phonemic awareness (ability to hear and interpret sounds in speech), phonics (the association of written symbols with the sounds they represent), comprehension, fluency, and oral vocabulary, all of which have been identified as important for reading instruction.

This program also addresses specific skill areas needed by the child who is blind, such as language development, sound discrimination, tactual discrimination, and concept development. Braille contractions are introduced from the beginning along with sound and letter associations. Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Skills such as using tactile graphics and technology are also included.


  • Braille taught and presented in a logical manner
  • Tactile graphics for teachers to explore with the student
  • Flexible activities designed to fit individual needs
  • Lesson Monitoring Sheets
  • Unit Check-ups/Assessments (includes timed tests)

BOP Kindergarten lessons include a selection to be read to the student, questions to discuss, and an activity for the child to complete. Textbooks are consumable. First Grade lessons require students to read selections themselves with emphasis on decoding skills, comprehension, and fluency. Creative writing, related to the reading selections, is included with each lesson. Spelling is based upon phonics skills. Worksheet packs, lesson monitoring sheets, and unit assessment packs are consumables and are available separately.

Reference Volume for BOP First Grade Level — Included with Unit 1 Teacher’s Edition (and also available separately)! The Reference Volume is packed full of features to help a teacher understand the program and teach a young braille reader.

Posttest Assessment for BOP First Grade Level — updated for UEB

Unlike the Unit Check-ups, included in the child’s textbooks, the posttest is an important, separate item that assesses the concepts and skills covered throughout the First Grade Level of BOP. A set of consumable forms is provided in braille for the student and in print and braille for the teacher. The teacher’s manuals, available in both print and braille editions (sold separately), give complete instructions for administering and scoring the tests and analyzing the results. Results can be recorded tactually on an accompanying line graph showing target scores for each subtest. This sheet makes it easy to see areas where the child is excelling as well as areas where remediation may be needed. Both the unit tests and the posttest assess the following critical areas of literacy development:

  • Phonemic awareness & phonics
  • New reading word recognition
  • Dolch word recognition
  • Braille symbol recognition
  • Reading & comprehension
  • Reading & fluency
  • Spelling
  • Braillewriting
  • Passage miscue assessment for speed & accuracy
  • Language: grammar & usage

Pre-order UEB-Compliant Second Grade Building on Patterns (BOP) Materials

As we did with BOP Kindergarten and First Grade, APH is now requesting orders for the BOP Second Grade UEB materials to help meet demand and ensure availability. We are working to have these materials available to ship by January, 2016.

Please follow the instructions below to place your order by fax, 1-502-899-2284, or call APH Customer Service at 1-800-223-1839, Option #5 for the new UEB Second Grade student materials and posttest. You cannot order these new items on the shopping site at this time.

If possible, please place your order(s) by October 1, 2015. Please note that your Federal Quota funds will be encumbered to cover orders placed before October 1. In other words, you will be using Quota funds from fiscal year 2015 for the materials ordered.

Orders for Second Grade materials that have already been placed are on file with Customer Service. You do not need to reorder.

If there is any way that we can support you in this exciting new transition, please contact our friendly Customer Service Department.

Instructions: Pre-Ordering UEB-Compliant Building on Patterns Second Grade

Estimated Delivery Date: January, 2016

  1. Go to the following link to obtain the official Federal Quota Order Form:
  2. Fill out the top half of the Federal Quota Order Form (customer, ship to, and bill to information).
  3. Enter the information on the catalog items (listed below) you would like to order on the Federal Quota Order Form.
    Write “See Attached” on the Federal Quota Order Form and fill in the quantities for the items you are ordering in the form below.
  4. Fax or mail the Federal Quota Order Form and, if used, the form below to APH Customer Service:
    • Fax: 1-502-899-2284
    • Mail:
      Attn. Customer Relations Dept.
      American Printing House for the Blind
      1839 Frankfort Ave.
      Louisville, KY 40206-3152

BOP Second Grade items not listed individually below will not change and we will base production on past purchases.

Notes about BOP Second Grade UEB

  • Like BOP First Grade UEB, there will no longer be “Print Kits” and “Braille Kits.” We will now provide a “Student Kit” for each level that contains all the materials needed for one student.
  • The Teacher’s Editions will be available separately and will not change at this time. UEB Teacher Supplements will be provided to inform teachers about the UEB changes and provide any instructional changes needed.
Order Quantity   Estimated Price*
  6-78570-U1 BOP Grade 2 Unit 1 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U1 BOP GR2 U1 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U1 BOP GR2 U1 Worksheet Pack, UEB $26.00
  6-78570-U2 BOP Grade 2 Unit 2 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U2 BOP GR2 U2 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U2 BOP GR2 U2 Worksheet Pack, UEB $31.00
  6-78570-U3 BOP Grade 2 Unit 3 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U3 BOP GR2 U3 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U3 BOP GR2 U3 Worksheet Pack, UEB $26.00
  6-78570-U4 BOP Grade 2 Unit 4 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U4 BOP GR2 U4 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U4 BOP GR2 U4 Worksheet Pack, UEB $28.00
  6-78570-U5 BOP Grade 2 Unit 5 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U5 BOP GR2 U5 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U5 BOP GR2 U5 Worksheet Pack, UEB $73.00
  6-78570-U6 BOP Grade 2 Unit 6 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U6 BOP GR2 U6 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U6 BOP GR2 U6 Worksheet Pack, UEB $25.00
  6-78570-U7 BOP Grade 2 Unit 7 Student Kit, UEB
lesson monitoring sheets, consumable unit assessment pack, student textbook, worksheet pack
  Replacement items:
6-78573-U7 BOP GR2 U7 Student Textbook, UEB
  6-78574-U7 BOP GR2 U7 Binder, UEB $40.00
  6-78572-00 BOP GR2 Posttest Teacher’s Manual Braille, UEB $28.00
  8-78572-00 BOP GR2 Posttest Teacher’s Manual Print, UEB $21.00
  8-78575-00 BOP GR2 Posttest Consumables Pack, UEB $28.00

NEW! Orion TI-30XS MultiView™ Talking Scientific Calculator

1-07330-00 — $399.00 + shipping

Additional Shipping Charge: All shipments will incur UPS shipping charges based on actual destination.

A fully-accessible handheld scientific calculator — ideal for all students, middle school through college. And this calculator is available on Quota!

The Orion TI-30XS MultiView Talking Scientific Calculator is a modified TI-30XS MultiView with a small attachment that adds accessibility and additional controls. APH partnered with Orbit Research® and Texas Instruments® to make this powerful calculator accessible.

Unique Access and Screen Review Capability to a Multiline Scientific Calculator: The attachment consists of a unit on the back of the calculator with three function keys on the front of the calculator, above the display. These function keys control preferences, volume, rate, pause, silence, and the unique "Learn" mode. The comprehensive screen review function allows the user to move to previous line, next line, next word, next character, read all, and spell out the last spoken text.


  • Identical display and keypad functionality as the standard TI-30XS; helpful to teachers already familiar with the TI-30XS
  • Full speech access to all menus, mathematical expressions, text, and symbols displayed on the screen
  • Clear, high-quality recorded speech
  • Each key is announced when pressed
  • Comprehensive screen review
  • Unique Learn mode for instantaneous key identification without interrupting operations
  • High capacity, user replaceable, rechargeable battery
  • Battery or AC adapter operation
  • Easy on/off control and auto power-off
  • Fraction/decimal conversion
  • Edit, cut, and paste entries
  • (x-y) tables
  • 1- & 2- variable statistics


  • Talking Scientific Calculator with specially designed hard plastic slide cover and original TI-30XS MultiView hard snap cover
  • Standard A male to Micro-B male USB cable
  • USB wall plug
  • Earphones
  • USB flash drive with documentation
  • Quick-Start Guide in print and braille

Dimensions: 6.8 inches x 3.8 inches x 0.8 inch.

New! Labeling, Marking, and Organization: A Self-Help Guide for Persons After Vision Loss

Large Print with CDs: 7-08870-00 — $69.00
Braille with CDs: 5-08870-00 — $69.00

This book with accompanying recordings of the text on CDs teaches you to organize with and without labeling, and to create customized marking systems. Vision rehabilitation therapists can use this book as homework for their consumers — and consumers losing vision can use this book on their own.

If you are tired of opening apricots instead of tomatoes, wearing your navy shirt with black slacks, or floundering through files when trying to find your utility bill, then Labeling, Marking, and Organization may be the book you need! Written by Lisa-Anne Mowerson, a renowned vision rehabilitation therapist, it contains practice activities in to help you get started on labeling tasks. "Explorers" (fictitious persons who lost vision) are working through the book along with you, to keep you motivated and encouraged!

Helps You

  • Identify items without labeling or marking them
  • Clear out clutter
  • Organize by using placement systems and organizers
  • Identify items by using your non-visual senses and your remaining vision
  • Select the label or mark that will fit the task
  • Stay in charge of your labeling system

Learn to Label

  • Food (frozen, canned, boxed)
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Paperwork, credit cards, keys
  • Medications, personal grooming products
  • Clothing and accessories
  • Remotes, DVDs, CDs, TVs, stereos
  • Hobbies, games, crafts


  • Large Print Book with CDs (recording of book)
  • Braille Book (3 volumes) with CDs (recording of book)

Recommended ages: 14 years and up.

NEW! Feel ‘n Peel Stickers: Basic Math Symbols

Nemeth: 1-08892-00 — $32.00
UEB: 1-08893-00 — $32.00

Related Products

Feel ‘n Peel Sheets:
Carousel of Textures: 1-08863-00 — $85.00

Feel ‘n Peel Stickers:
Assorted Stickers Kit (over 2,300 stickers): 1-08843-00 — $77.00

Assorted Stickers II Kit (over 2,300 stickers): 1-08864-00 — $96.00

Nemeth Braille/Print Numbers 0-100: 1-08876-00 — $24.00

These multi-use braille/print stickers are embossed on clear, durable plastic.

Feel ‘n Peel Stickers: Nemeth Basic Math Symbols and Feel ‘n Peel Stickers: UEB Basic Math Symbols (available separately) are intended for the creation and adaptation of math related materials.

Example Uses

  • Creating addition/subtraction/multiplication/division tables in combination with number stickers
  • Embellishing and applying to tactile graphs and diagrams
  • Adapting commercially available flash cards
  • Labeling household/office equipment (e.g., volume or temperature controls)

Each Pack Includes

  • 10 sheets: 1,690 stickers total (330 plus signs, 320 minus signs, 330 multiplication signs, 320 division signs, and 390 equal signs)
  • Suggested Uses Inserts, in Large Print and in Braille

Recommended ages: Preschool and up.

WARNING: Choking Hazard — Small Parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Charlie the Ranch Dog: Stuck in the Mud
by Ree Drummond: T-N2067-30 — $17.00
When Abigail the calf gets stuck in the muck at the ranch, cattle dog Charlie springs into action to help out. Grades K-3. *(AR Quiz No. 146353, BL 2.2 Pts 0.5)

The Case of the Weird Blue Chicken: The Next Misadventure
by Doreen Cronin: T-N2063-90 — $20.50
When a weird blue chicken comes to the chicken squad headquarters for help, siblings Dirt, Sugar, Poppy, and Sweetie search for her missing home. Sequel to The Chicken Squad. Grades 2-4. *(AR Quiz No. 170565, BL 3.2 Pts 1.0)

O My America!: Six Women and Their Second Acts in a New World
by Sara Wheeler: T-N2065-70 — $150.00
Profiles of six women exploring life in mid-1800s America. Examines writer Fanny Trollope, actress Fanny Kemble, sociologist Harriet Martineau, homesteader Rebecca Burland, traveler Isabella Bird, and novelist Catherine Hubback. Discusses challenges they faced and successes they enjoyed.

The Girls at the Kingfisher Club
by Genevieve Valentine: T-N2070-00 — $118.00
In the Roaring Twenties, a wealthy man keeps his twelve daughters locked in their Fifth Avenue town house. The girls sneak off most nights to dance in local nightclubs, until they learn their father plans to marry them all off to strangers. Some adult content.

A Fine Summer’s Day: An Inspector Ian Rutledge Mystery
by Charles Todd: T-N2065-60 — $176.50
Set in 1914, tells the story of the last case the Scotland Yard detective tackled before he was forever changed by World War I. Trying to solve a series of murders of well-liked members of various communities, young Inspector Rutledge travels across England looking for similarities and clues. Some adult content.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Ralph Bartley, Executive Director, Research
  • Janie Blome, Director Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Justin Gardner, Special Collections Librarian, Resource Services
  • Kate Herndon, Director, Educational Product Research
  • Rosanne Hoffmann, STEM Project Leader
  • Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative
  • Nancy Lacewell, Director, Government and Community Affairs
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Drew Lueken, Support Specialist, Communications
  • Heather MacKenzie, Program Manager, Technology Product Research
  • Mary Nelle McLennan, Executive Advisor to the President
  • Emmy Malinovsky, Special Collections and Cataloging Librarian, Resource Services
  • Artina Paris-Jones, Assistant, Field Services
  • Tristan Pierce, Multiple Disabilities and Physical Education Project Leader
  • Mary Robinson, Assistant, Field Services
  • Cathy Senft-Graves, Braille Literacy and Technology Project Leader
  • Becky Snider, Coordinator, Public Affairs
  • Roberta Williams, Special Projects and Public Affairs Manager
  • Carolyn Zierer, Tests & Assessment Project Leader

Craig Meador, Vice President, Educational Services and Product Development

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Louisville, KY 40206

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