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Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

June 2011

Exciting APH Products!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

Expert Panel Reviews APH Products!

Front Row (left to right): Annette Reichman, Jim Durkel, John Glenn; Back Row: Jennie Mascheck, Terry Ray, Cay Holbrook, Diane Wormsley, Joseph Petrosko

The U.S. Department of Education Expert Review Panel met at APH on May 23 and 24 for the 5th consecutive year to review and evaluate the APH quality of research, the relevance of the products to our customers, and the utility of APH products. This year’s panel focused on the new catalog items that were made available for sale during federal fiscal year 2010. Dr. Cay Holbrook, at the request of the Department of Education, again facilitated the panel. Panelist’s resumés are reviewed and approved by the U. S. Department of Education. Ms. Annette Reichman, Director/Liaison, Office of Special Institutions, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, monitors the APH administration of the 1879 Act to Promote the Education of the Blind. These reviews are of immense help to APH in assuring that the products you purchase through the federal quota system meet the high standards of the U. S. Department of Education and APH.

Want to Earn Some Cash this Summer While Having Fun?

You could be the winner of up to $150 in cash this summer! All you need to do is go to, fill out a form, and send us a video demonstrating the use of your favorite APH product. Your name will also be entered to win gift cards. Click the above link for more detailed information. The deadline to submit your video is July 7, 2011.

APH Webcasts Coming in June, 2011!

This summer, the American Printing House for the Blind will be offering FREE video training presentations and interactive webcast discussions for braille transcribers and teachers nationwide.

On June 13 2011, we will be posting four pre-recorded video presentations at

These presentations include:

  • Important Tactile Skills for Literacy by Karen Poppe, Research Department
  • Key Elements in Designing Tactile Graphics by Yan Zhang, Accessible Textbooks Department
  • Tactile Graphic Image Library + Graphic Freeware = Meaningful Cost Efficient Graphics by Anthony Slowinski, Accessible Textbooks Department
  • What is a Consumable Textbook by Jayma Hawkins, Accessible Textbooks Department

Anyone interested in participating will have a month to view these four video presentations at their leisure and email presenters any questions or comments about each one of these presentations.

The following month, on July 12, viewers will be able to join a live Q and A discussion with the four video presenters via webcast. This live discussion will take place at 11:00 am ET, 10:00 am CT, 9:00 am MT, and 8:00 am PT. During this one hour webcast discussion, presenters will answer all previously emailed questions, as well as any new questions participants may have. All information will be archived and made available to those who can’t attend the live discussion.

To participate in the July 12th live webcast discussion, you must:

  1. Register by sending an email with your name and contact info to Maria Delgado at
  2. Have a computer with internet access and speakers. The use of a computer microphone to talk to presenters is optional. A text messaging feature is available to all participants.
  3. Test the computer you will be using ahead of time to make sure your equipment can access the live discussion. Information on how and when to test your equipment will be emailed to you when you register to participate.

If you have additional questions about this training opportunity, please email Jane Thompson at: or call 800/223-1839, ext. 370.

Need Advice? EPAC’s Got It!

Left to right: Paula Mauro (OH), Yvonne Ali (MO), Stacy Grandt (WI), Chair, Carmen Grove-Suminski (ND), Todd Reeves (PA), and Linda Lyles (NM)

The 2010–2011 Educational Products Advisory Committee (EPAC) traveled to APH May 1–5, for their annual spring meeting. The role of the committee is to (1) review products under development, (2) to consider approval of finished products for purchase with Federal Quota funds, and (3) to advise APH in establishing priorities, standards, and policies regarding publications and products.

The committee worked under the excellent leadership of Chair Stacy Grandt (WI). Committee members Yvonne Ali (MO), Linda Lyle (NM), Paula Mauro (OH), and Todd Reeves (PA) were joined by special guest star Carmen Grove-Suminski (ND), who stepped in as a last minute alternate. Committee members met with APH staff in product related discussions and visited will all APH project leaders to hear about the latest and greatest APH products.

This outstanding committee provided APH with a thoughtful report full of commendations and recommendations that will help shape our future. Thanks, EPAC, it was a pleasure to have you here!

Strengthening The Bonds

Front Row (left to right): Melanie Hennessy (IL), Dorothe Mumford (DE), Tiffiany Jones (DC), Anisio Correia (GA), Cheryl Heibeck (MI), Norma Villanueva (DC); Back Row: Dan Wenzel (WI), Mathis Calvin (NY), Lee Speer (SC), Jim Olson (CO)

Ten Ex Officio Trustees gathered at APH May 16-18, to learn just exactly what it means to be an Ex Officio Trustee. The nine new EOTs were joined by ESAC member Jim Olson to hear about the history of APH, learn more about the Federal Quota Census, meet key APH staff, tour the facility, learn from each other and more! Lots of information was shared with them in a very short time, but most will agree that they "staggered home refreshed" after a couple of intense days!

"Running Strong Since 1858"

The 2011 Annual Meeting for Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests will take place October 13–15, at the Galt House Hotel and Suites in downtown Louisville. Many exciting related meetings are scheduled before and after Annual Meeting as well. Lots of good things are being planned, and more information will be available in the July APH News. Stay tuned for further details!

Announcing the 2011 APH Scholars

During their busy days at APH in the spring, the members of the Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) were challenged with the task of selecting five direct service providers to come to Annual Meeting in October as APH Scholars. There were many exceptional nominees which made choosing only five to attend Annual Meeting especially hard this year.

These five worthy individuals, all first time attendees, were nominated by their Ex Officio Trustee to attend the event as guests of APH. They will be provided with transportation to the meeting, conference registration, and hotel accommodations.

Congratulations to this year’s winners, and thank you to the EOTs who nominated them. They are:

  • Toni Hardin, KY, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Meg Stone
  • Kevin Hollinger, MO, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Yvonne Ali
  • Maria Paone-Zulli, NY, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Joe Catavero
  • Kara Peters, MA, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Karen Ross
  • Ginger Schmidt, GA, nominated by Ex Officio Trustee Jim Downs

If you are a direct service provider in an education or rehabilitation agency and would like to be considered as a 2012 APH Scholar, please contact the Ex Officio Trustee in your area!

Congratulations once again, Scholars, and we look forward to seeing you in October!

Getting In Touch With Literacy Comes To Louisville

The 2011 Getting In Touch With Literacy Conference will be held in Louisville December 7–10, at the historic Seelbach Hotel. Louisville is within easy driving distance of many parts of the country, so grab your co-workers, your colleagues, your friends and anyone else you can find, stuff ‘em in the car, and show up in Louisville for this great conference! If it’s too far to drive, the Louisville airport is very close to downtown, very easy to manage, and full of friendly people, so hop a flight and join us.

The program committee is busy preparing an awesome agenda featuring topics such as social media literacy, functional literacy, emerging literacy, workplace literacy, academic literacy and more! Round table discussions will give you an opportunity to have a conversation over breakfast with others who share your interests and passions. The exhibit hall is shaping up to be a hot spot for products and information.

The 2011 Celebrity Auction will give you the opportunity to bid on autographed items from some of today’s hottest celebrities AND from some entertainment legends. Where else can you support such a good cause and get some truly one-of-a-kind Christmas presents?

More information is available at Check it out!

Oldies but Goodies: The "Established" APH Product Series

Fine Motor Development Materials Kit: Twist, Turn, and Learn was designed to help young children who are visually impaired or multiply disabled in developing and refining fine motor functions. Fine motor activities encourage the development of eye-hand coordination and help children practice the skills required to handle or manipulate small objects with their fingers. The eight specially designed modules included in the kit assist students in developing such skills as reaching, grasping, raking, pincer grasp, wrist rotation, searching technique, palmar grasp, and visual-motor/visual-perceptual coordination and attract the child’s attention with bright colors and ringing bells. The modules nest together for convenient storage in a durable carrying bag. Also included is a set of straps designed to allow the modules to be hung on playpens or cribs. This product comes with a teacher’s guidebook that contains ideas and suggestions for utilizing the modules.

This PowerPoint provides photographs and a brief explanation of each module.

Please keep in mind that while APH strives to give you products that are timeless and durable, some of the materials that we use will eventually show signs of age. Please always inspect products—especially older products that may have been sitting unused for a period of time—before use, to ensure there are no signs of breakage or loose parts that could be dangerous for small children.

If you have any suggestions for other products you would like to see highlighted in this monthly feature, please send your comments to Monica Turner at

2011 STAER Award “For All the Things You Do”

At the 2011 Kentucky AER Conference, March 24, APH was presented the 2011 STAER Award “For leadership in developing and maintaining numerous initiatives to meet the needs of students who are blind and visually impaired and for overwhelming commitment in providing quality, customer friendly service and support to professionals in the field. You are ‘our’ shining STAER!” It is through the wonderful partnerships we enjoy with our Ex Officio Trustees, consultants, transcribers, teachers, researchers, administrators, assessors, authors, artists, designers, developers, students, families, vendors, and other professional organizations that we are able to provide quality products and product-related services that help meet the needs of individuals who are blind and visually impaired across the country.

Sally Rogow and Edward Allen to be Inducted into the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field

The Hall of Fame for the Blindness Field, founded in 2001, is housed at the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) in Louisville, Kentucky. The Hall, which belongs to the entire field of blindness, is dedicated to preserving the tradition of excellence manifested by specific individuals through the history of outstanding services provided to people who are blind or visually impaired in North America. The Hall is guided by a nine member Governing Board.

To date, forty-six outstanding professionals have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Joining those legends are two remarkable icons whose impact has been felt internationally. The ceremony to induct Dr. Sally Rogow and Dr. Edward Allen will take place Friday evening, October 14, 2011, in conjunction with APH’s Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Class of 2011:

  • Edward Ellis Allen (1861-1941)

    Dr. Edward Ellis Allen was instrumental in professionalizing the field of education for students who are blind and visually impaired. His high personal and professional standards infuse the work of our schools for the blind daily. Allen oversaw the design and construction of two residential schools for the blind: Overbrook (1899) and Perkins (1912) which are still in use. In 1920 he created the first teacher training program for students who were blind and visually impaired in partnership with Harvard College, now housed at University of Massachusetts Boston. Allen Introduced the first interpoint and interlinear braille embossing equipment in the U.S. in 1898 and sponsored research and the development of standardized testing which established that the intelligence of people with visual impairment is unimpaired.

    “Edward Ellis Allen’s greatest contribution lay in his insistence that educational methods focus on the student. His forward-thinking innovations presaged the child-centered teaching methods that are the foundation of our field today. His educational innovations were driven by the understanding that the needs and gifts of the individual student must be integrated into the teaching plan.” Jan Seymour-Ford

  • Sally Rogow

    Dr. Sally Rogow is a renowned educator, researcher, author, and human rights advocate who pioneered teacher preparation programs in the area of visual impairment across Canada. Among her accomplishments were creating and directing the master’s program at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and her studies significantly expanding our understanding of language development and literacy in children with disabilities. Rogow has shared her findings in numerous books, articles, stories, and presentations. Following her retirement from UBC, Dr. Rogow became an international advocate against the abuse and neglect of children with disabilities through her writings, lectures, and as director of The Person Within program.

    “Dr. Rogow’s boundless energy stems from her uncompromising belief in human potential and equality and from her celebration of diversity. Her unflagging resolve to advance the needs of students with visual impairments is a wonderful inspiration to all and I, like so many others, am deeply indebted to her. Dr. Rogow exemplifies the commitment, self-reflection, professionalism, expertise, and humility needed to enable children to reach their full potential.” Dr. Erika Forster

Additional information regarding the 2011 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will soon appear on the APH website,

Visit the Hall of Fame website at for information on the Hall and those inducted.


BANA Releases Part One of Article on the Evolution of Braille

The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) has just released the first segment of a three-part article on the evolution of braille. In this initial piece, BANA focuses on the changing nature of communication methods used by braille readers. It also looks at other relevant transitions, such as how blind children are educated, the range of available technologies, and the evolution of braille and print.

Part One of “The Evolution of Braille: Can the Past Help Plan the Future?” is now posted on the BANA website at: Parts two and three of this article will be released in the coming weeks. BANA will announce their publication through press releases and email announcements.

You can follow the work of BANA by signing up for BANA-Announce, a one-way email list that disseminates news and information. To join this list, send a blank email message to and follow the directions in the confirmation email that will be sent in response. You can also follow BANA on Facebook and Twitter!

For additional information and resources, visit

CVI Complexity Sequences Card Images Are Now Available in Digital Format!

For those customers who have purchased the CVI Complexity Sequences Kit, you can now utilize all 80 of the images in digital format!

  • To access the images, please go to the following link:
  • For your convenience and teaching use, the images are accessible via computer, laptop, smart phone, and iPad.
  • One image appears on the screen at a time.
  • On-screen buttons allow the user to navigate from image to image and from set to set, both forward and back.

Note: We do not recommend that you use these images with students unless you are following the protocols described in the Guidebook that accompanies the CVI Complexity Sequences Kit.

CVI Complexity Sequences Kit:
CVI Complexity Sequences: Guidebook, Braille: 5-08156-00–$11.50
CVI Complexity Sequences: Guidebook, Large Print: 7-08156-00–$10.00

If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions regarding the images, please contact Rosanne Hoffmann, APH, 502-899-2292,

Light Box Accommodations for Wheelchair Users

Positioning and stabilizing the APH Light Box for use with children who have visual impairments or blindness and who are also wheelchair users might pose an extra challenge. Students with visual impairment and additional (physical) disabilities have very individualized and unique positioning needs. It may be helpful to follow these steps to determine how your student accesses the APH Light Box best:

  • It is advisable to first determine in what position the student must be to best access vision. Physical therapists, occupational therapists and the teacher of the visually impaired can work together with the student to determine optimal positioning for the student. Once this is accomplished, a decision about equipment needs can be made.
  • Once optimal student positioning is established and equipment needs are identified, use the Light Box in combination with the necessary equipment, which may include specially designed work tables that are adjustable in both height and angle, to accommodate student needs. Possible sources include:
  • Positioning a non-slip material (e.g., Dycem® mats) underneath the Light Box to stabilize it on a desired working surface may be necessary.

As always, APH is very interested in hearing from those in the field about innovative ways to make the Light Box (and other APH products) fully accessible to children with multiple disabilities. Please feel encouraged to share your own suggestions and tips by visiting APH’s Product Forum at

Intelligence Testing of Individuals Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Are the Results Meaningful?

An Intelligence Testing Committee made up of APH staff and field experts was formed. During initial teleconference, members determined the priority was to develop and disseminate key points and guidelines.

The following position statement was formulated: When appropriate practices are followed, cognitive or intelligence testing of individuals who are blind and visually impaired provides useful and valuable information to test-takers, their families, instructors, and other decision-makers.

Key points addressed are administering intelligence tests, specialized training, reasons for evaluation, collaboration, eye condition and developmental history, adaptations, tactile and symbolic representations, direct observation, qualitative interpretation, and reporting results.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the authors of this historic and valuable document. Steve Goodman, Marnee Loftin, and Carol Evans dedicated themselves to developing and refining these key points and accompanying guidelines. Visit for a copy.

Feel free to share the paper and URL with colleagues and interested parties. The document is a “work in progress.” Your feedback may be addressed to Debbie Willis, Director of Accessible Tests, at

APH Introduces Free Online Tool to Help With Your Estate Planning Needs

The American Printing House for the Blind is making it easy for you to plan for your retirement, provide for your family, and help your support of APH live on. Our brand new online estate planning tool includes an easy-to-understand explanation of the many different types and benefits of planned giving. We also include inspiring stories from supporters just like you who are committed to promoting the independence for blind and visually impaired children and adults throughout the country. Learn about Gift and Estate Planning.

Wish Upon APH Products!

We have recently improved our Wish List on the APH shopping site. The Wish List allows you to save a list of desired products for future reference. You can now enter multiple quantities for each item in the list, then click the "Update Qty." link to save the multiple quantities.

One way this list can be helpful is that you can email a link to your Wish List to administrators, friends, family, or others to them learn about products in which you’re interested. Some Ex Officio Trustees allow teachers to submit a Wish List to them. The information from the Wish List can then be used to create an actual Federal Quota order.

You’ll always find a link to the Wish List toward the top of the shopping site page.

Tell Us Your Story of Independence

The Fred’s Head blog from APH contains thousands of articles organized into over 180 categories. This award-winning blog contains tips, techniques, tutorials, in-depth articles, and resources for and by blind or visually impaired people.

A popular category is Personal Stories, containing true-life stories by visually impaired folks from all walks of life. We also have a link to this category on our website homepage, listed as: "Blog: Stories of Independence." If you would like to tell your story of learning independence, or highlight another life experience that might be inspirational to Fred’s Head readers, please submit an article to Michael McCarty, APH’s Social Media Coordinator,

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Kim Boles, the Nevada Department of Education, replacing Rorie Fitzpatrick.

Naira Munden, the Idaho State School and Hospital, replacing Tom Snyder.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


June 2-3, 2011
Talladega/Alabama School for the Blind Association Assistive Technology Symposium;
Talladega, AL

June 3-5, 2011
Family Café – 13th Annual Conference;
Disney Coronado Springs in Orlando, FL

June 4, 2011
KSB Alumni Event;
KSB in Louisville, KY

June 9, 2011
INSIGHT Post Secondary Preparation Program Exhibitor Fair;
Morehead State University, Adron Doran University Center, Morehead, KY

June 13, 2011
DIAGRAM Annual Meeting;
Washington, DC

June 15, 2011
Braille Plus Hands-On Training;
Forsyth County Schools Education Building in Winston-Salem, NC

June 15, 2011
CIP Event: University of South Carolina Upstate Training;
Spartanburg, SC

June 19-22, 2011
2011 CCSSO Conference;
Orlando, FL

June 19-23, 2011
American Association of the Deaf-Blind National Symposium 2011;
Drawbridge Inn at Fort Mitchell, KY

June 22-23, 2011
Operational Best Practices Working Group Meeting (follows 2011 CCSSO Conference);
Orlando, FL

June 23-26, 2011
Visions 2011-Foundation Fighting Blindness;
Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore, MD

June 24-25, 2011
Texas Parent to Parent 2011;
San Marcos, TX

June 24-25, 2011
National Braille Challenge;
Los Angeles, CA

June 27, 2011
CIP Event – University of Arizona Product Training;
Phoenix, AZ


July 3-8, 2011
NFB 2011;
Orlando, FL

July 8-16, 2011
ACB 2011;
John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Resort Casino in Reno, Nevada

July 13, 2011
CIP Event: Dominican College Presentation;
Dominican College, NY

July 17-20, 2011
OSEP Project Directors Conference 2011;
Washington, DC

July 17-23, 2011
NFB Youth Slam: A 2011 STEM Leadership Academy Exhibit;
Towson, MD

July 26-28, 2011
Exhibitor 2011;
Chicago, IL

July 28-31, 2011
CHARGE Syndrome Conference, 10th International;
Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL


August 10-11, 2011
FVLMA Product Training-Region 4 Educational Service Center;
Houston, TX

August 12-14, 2011
AER Regional Conference/MACRT;
Boston, MA

August 16-20, 2011
BVA 2011;
Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, NV


September 21-24, 2011
Envision 2011;
Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark in St. Louis, MO

September 25, 2011
Indiana Vision Expo;
Indianapolis, IN, Main Library

Spring Fever Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Spring Fever Sale 2011, April 1—June 30. As always, first come, first served.

New Downloadable Manuals Available

Get the manual you need instantly! APH offers a selected list of product manuals available for free download ( You may print or emboss these as needed. We will continue to package hard copies of these manuals with their products and sell hard copy replacements.

Newly added manuals include:

  • Adapting Science for Students with Visual Impairments: Advance Preparation and Skills Checklists (7-00001-00)
  • Portable Sound Source: Sound Localization Guidebook, Large Print (7-03045-00)
  • Making Picture Recipes, Manual Only (7-03450-00)
  • Walk-Run for Fitness: Guidebook, Large Print (7-07520-00)

Get Organized with Super-Sized Folders!

— $13.50

Need to do some spring cleaning? Organize your braille pages with APH’s Super-Sized Folders! These folders holds full-sized braille sheets and are made of a semi-rigid blue polyblend plastic. Measures 12 x 11 1/4 inches with a depth of 3/4 inches, allowing full 11 1/2 x 11 inch braille sheets to fit. A part of the braille page remains uncovered so that the contents of each folder can be quickly scanned.

Each set includes 3 blue folders that have a die cut APH logo on the front.

Create Durable Braille and Tactile Graphics Using Amazing Permabraille!

Permabraille Sheets (50 sheets in each package):

11" x 11.5" Catalog Number 1-08885-00 $15.00
8.5" x 11" Catalog Number 1-08884-00 $12.50
4" x 6" Catalog Number 1-08883-00 $8.50
4" x 6" hole punched for the Braille DateBook Catalog Number 1-08882-00 $8.50
5" x 3" Catalog Number 1-08881-00 $8.50

If you are a TVI, how do you feel when you see your young students scratch out those dots you carefully and painstakingly transcribed? How often have you had to re-emboss material because the dots were just too worn down by so many fingers reading them over and over again? How many times have you wished that you could rescue the brailled pages from the spilled juice, wipe them off, and have clean, useable pages again instead of a puddle of melted pulp?

If you are a braille-using adult, are you tired of struggling to read the addresses and phone numbers in your braille address book because dots are worn down from so much use? Are the dots getting faint in those stories you brailled so that you could read and reread them to your toddlers? How often have you had that favorite recipe become unreadable because you looked at it once too often with cake flour on your hands?

If you can relate to any of these scenarios, or if you just wish you could store and reuse braille without loss of clarity of dots, then Permabraille is the right product for you. Made of opaque vinyl, it holds dots through thousands of uses, does not "melt" when substances are spilled or smudged onto it, responds well to wiping with a damp cloth, and is very difficult—if not impossible—to tear. It is pleasant to the touch and is not likely to evoke tactual sensitivity. Consider it for classroom materials that will be used by a number of students, such as supplemental stories or flash cards; braille teaching materials that will be used by a number of adult learners; and any personal braille that you want to keep and reuse over time such as recipes, address cards, or important brailled documents.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Annie and Snowball and the Teacup Club, The Third Book of Their Adventures
by Cynthia Rylant: T-N1830-90 — $8.50
Annie wishes she had some friends to enjoy a dainty tea party with. Her cousin Henry helps her make a sign to start a club, and his idea works! Three short chapters. Grades K-3. *(AR Quiz #122336, BL 2.6, Pts. 0.5)

Three Presidents Died on the Fourth of July and Other Freaky Facts About the First 25 Presidents
by Barbara Seuling: T-N1831-90 — $12.00
Presents unusual facts about U.S. presidents, such as who gave the shortest inaugural speech, who had the first indoor plumbing at the White House, who was the last to have a beard, what Abraham Lincoln carried in his stovepipe hat, and much more. Uncontracted braille. Grades 3-6. *(AR Quiz #116560, BL 5.7, Pts. 1.0)

by Jennifer Bradbury: T-N1834-40 — $56.00
Best friends Chris Collins and Win Coggans bicycle from West Virginia to Washington State after high school graduation. When Win disappears near the end of the ride, Chris returns home without him. Win’s wealthy father soon has the FBI on the case. Senior High readers. *(AR Quiz #122857, BL 4.8, Pts. 9.0)

The Day of the Locust
by Nathanael West: T-N1838-30 — $50.50
Formerly a fine arts student at Yale, Tod Hackett hopes for success in Hollywood as a set designer. Through his apartment neighbor, aspiring actress Faye Greener, Tod meets a cast of seedy characters and has a series of misadventures. Some strong language. Adult reader.

On the Road
by Jack Kerouac: T-N1835-20 — $90-00
The adventures of free-spirited Dean Moriarty, Sal Paradise, and their eclectic friends as they traverse North America by bus, car (both stolen and borrowed), and thumb on a wild, anarchic quest for identity and purpose. Classic autobiographical portrayal of the beat generation. Mature content and some strong language. Adult reader.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Ralph Bartley, Director, Research
  • Kristin Binkowski, Director, Planned Giving
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Jan Carroll, Coordinator, Braille Transcription Services
  • Maria Delgado, Field Services Representative
  • Nicole Gaines, NIMAC Manager
  • Rosanne Hoffman, Research Assistant
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Julia Myers, Director, Resource Services and Project Director NIMAC
  • Artina Paris-Jones, Assistant, Field Services
  • Gwynn Stewart, Administrative Assistant, Communications
  • Terrie Terlau, Adult Life Project Leader, Research
  • Jane Thompson, Director, Accessible Textbooks
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative
  • Debbie Willis, Director, Accessible Tests

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

Please share this web link or any items that appear in this publication with anyone who might benefit.

Thank you.

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