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APH News: June 2014

Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

Exciting Product Announcements!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

Get the "Spirit" at Annual Meeting 2014 (October 16-18)!

Spirit of Peoria

Mark your calendars (and Mark your Twains!) for Annual Meeting 2014, which will kick off with an excursion down the Ohio River on an historic river boat! On the evening of Thursday, October 16, Annual Meeting will begin on the Spirit of Peoria, a stern-wheeler riverboat that is visiting Louisville as a part of the Centennial Festival of Riverboats. This festival celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Belle of Louisville and features 10+ riverboats along the Louisville waterfront!

Annual Meeting participants will enjoy a two-hour cruise (during which the Peoria will race the Belle of Louisville!), heavy hors d’oeuvres, an opening session with a welcome from APH President Tuck Tinsley, award presentations, and an historical presentation.

The cruise will set the tone for this 146th Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests. This critical meeting will include an inspiring keynote address by Smith-Kettlewell Associate Scientist Dr. Josh Miele, product input sessions where APH listens to your ideas, product training sessions, informative general sessions, and the APH InSights Art/Hall of Fame awards banquet.

For more information about the meeting, contact Janie Blome, Director of Field Services, So get the "Spirit" and roll on the river with us at Annual Meeting 2014! Additional details will soon be available on the website.

Announcing Josh Miele, Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker

We are excited and honored to announce that Dr. Josh Miele will be the 2014 Annual Meeting keynote speaker! Josh has a bachelor’s degree in physics and a Ph.D. in psychoacoustics from the University of California, Berkeley. Early in his career, Josh, himself blinded as a child, developed software to help blind people navigate graphics-based computer programs. He developed software for the Mars Observer spacecraft for NASA. Currently, Josh is an Associate Scientist at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center. At Smith-Kettlewell, Josh conducts research in the areas of tactile maps and auditory displays.

Josh helped develop tactile/braille/audio maps of San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit system. His latest project is a cloud-based software program, the Descriptive Video Exchange, that lets volunteers narrate videos or movies to create crowd-sourced descriptive video.

Please join us to hear Josh weave a fascinating story that incorporates many of his contributions to science and technology, as well as his dreams for the next improvements of the lives of blind people. You will be inspired as you get a boost from his infectious optimism!

Committees Double Up for Meeting at APH

Click to Enlarge

Front (l to r): Jim Durst (IN), Karen Duffy (NE), Jim Olson, Chair (CO), Karen Ross (MA), and Christine Hinton (NJ). Back: Craig Meador (WA), Collette Bauman (MI), Madeleine Burkindine (KS), Stephanie Bissonette (VT), Dornida Rife (MA), Eric Guillory (LA), and Paula Mauro, Chair (OH).

There are two standing Ex Officio Trustee Advisory Committees that provide ongoing advice and counsel to APH. The Educational Products Advisory Committee (EPAC) focuses their efforts on the development, production, delivery and performance of APH products, and the Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) shares their wisdom regarding services provided in support of APH products.

Every spring the two committees come to Louisville to spend a number of days meeting with APH staff members to hear reports, engage in interactive dialogs, and provide APH with a written report of commendations and recommendations.

For the past several years the committees have held separate meetings, but this year both groups were in house May 4–9. A day of joint discussions on topics such as UEB, technology, leveraging federal funds, and other “big picture topics” took place on Monday, with the committees meeting in their separate groups the rest of the week. Members of both committees met with key APH staff to review progress made on their 2013 recommendations, hear about ongoing and upcoming projects, learn about initiatives and activities, and exchange ideas with APH staff. The committees each produced an outstanding report with generous commendations and thoughtful recommendations. We thank these dedicated committee members for their time and support!

You may now read their reports.

3D Printing: What Is Your Opinion?

APH is currently considering providing some products designed for students with visual impairments as downloadable, customizable, and producible 3D printer files. (For example, one type of file could produce a cube with several cuts showing geometry students the possible intersections of a plane.) We would like to know about your current access to 3D printers and your opinion about this new product delivery approach. If you are interested, please take a survey at:

The survey will only take you about 8 minutes to complete and will be open until July 31st, 2014. Thank you!

Product Survey: U.S. & Canada Tactile/Print Atlas

APH would like customer feedback on a recently released product, the U.S. & Canada Tactile/Print Atlas. If you have used this product, we hope you’ll take this brief online survey to tell us what you think:

Thank you!

Product Tip: Putting Together the Pieces of Tactile Tangrams

Are you curious what Tactile Tangrams (Catalog No. 1-08439-00) is all about? We have prepared a quick overview of the various components and geometry concepts addressed with the use of this new product. The kit also offers a recreational outlet for those who need an assortment of challenging puzzles to solve. Additional information about Tactile Tangrams can be located on APH’s shopping site.

Tech Tip: Clarification about Braille Displays and iOS 7.1.1

A number of users have been confused about a change in behavior with respect to Bluetooth braille displays for iOS 7.1.1. Some have even speculated that iOS dropped support for some braille displays. In some cases, no braille shows up on the display even if the devices have already been paired. Typically, if iOS cannot connect to the display, the user can go to the braille settings in VoiceOver and select the device to connect it. In previous versions of iOS, when the display did not reconnect, the blind user could tell that the display was not connected, because VoiceOver would announce only the name of the display and not say, "connected."

In the current version, VoiceOver incorrectly announces that a Bluetooth device is connected, even when it is not. Sighted users can see there is no checkmark next to the name that indicates the device is not connected.

This bug has led a number of refreshable braille display users to believe iOS had dropped support for their display, since VoiceOver announces that it is connected, while the braille display remains blank. To connect to the device, simply select it, and all should be back in order.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Pair a braille device.
  2. Allow the device to sleep long enough, toggle Bluetooth on and off, or disable VoiceOver for a time.
  3. With VoiceOver and Bluetooth on, attempt to connect to the previously paired Bluetooth device.
  4. VoiceOver will say that the device is connected, even if it is not.

Expected Results

VoiceOver should not say that a disconnected braille device, one that does not have a checkmark, is connected.

Actual Results

VoiceOver says that the braille device is connected, even when it is not. The name is blue, but there is no checkmark.


iOS 7.1.1

Questions? Comments? Contact Technology Product Manager Larry Skutchan at

Oldies but Goodies: The "Established" APH Product Series

The Tactile Graphics Starter Kit is a great kit for those who have little or no practical experience in making tactile graphics. This kit is ideal if you need only a limited number of graphics. This kit includes three bottles of craft ink to draw raised lines, several different textured fabrics, paper point symbols that may be cut out and glued to a graphic, an alphabetical Index of Braille Signs for reference in making braille labels, and a slate and stylus for making braille labels. The materials provided can be used to create maps, graphs, illustrations, and more.

This kit includes a print manual with rules for making tactile graphics, samples of good and bad graphics, a bibliography, and more. The guidebook is available as a free-of-charge PDF file download from our downloadable manuals page at Individuals interested in more information about creating quality tactile graphics can also refer to our website for Guidelines for the Design of Tactile Graphics.

If you have any suggestions for other products you would like to see highlighted in this monthly feature, please send your comments to Monica Turner at

From the Field:

UEB Ready – NBA Training Opportunity

A 3-day intensive training on the Unified English Braille Code will be offered at the National Braille Association’s Professional Development Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 23-25, 2014.

For more information, visit or call (585) 427-8260.

Recent Actions of the Braille Authority of North America: Spring 2014

The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) held its 2014 spring meeting April 3 – 5 in Philadelphia, PA. Associated Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, (ASB), a BANA member organization, hosted the meeting.

During its three-day meeting, the BANA Board reviewed and acted on semiannual reports from its eighteen committees, considered committee recommendations, and deliberated issues and challenges facing braille users and producers. The UEB Task Force reported on the development of a plan for the transition to UEB in the United States as well as the collaborative steps that have been taken to initiate dialogue and planning among the various braille communities. The development of resources for training teachers, transcribers, consumers, and family members is a focus of BANA’s efforts at this time.

BANA welcomed three new organizational representatives to their first meeting as members of the Board. Dawn Gross is the new representative from the Alternate Text Production Center of the California Community Colleges (ATPC). Peggy Schuetz now represents the California Transcribers and Educators of the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI). Kyle Key has recently been appointed as the representative from the Clovernook Center for the Blind.

In addition to extensive deliberations involved in the 44-item meeting agenda, actions of note included the following:

Revisited and revised organizational priorities in order to balance BANA’s work during this time of focus on the transition to UEB.

Approved a recommendation from the Tactile Graphics Technical Committee that any braille volume containing one or more tactile graphics should contain a note on the Transcriber’s Notes page stating: “The Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 2010 was used in the preparation of the tactile graphics.”

Approved a document detailing specific factors and specifications that should be employed when producing braille signage. This new fact sheet will be posted on the BANA website.

Voted that, in light of the major revision underway to align the Braille Formats publication with UEB, BANA will not produce for sale hardcopy editions of Braille Formats 2011, which can be downloaded free of charge from the BANA website and printed or embossed. The Board also voted to add the recently posted errata in the HTML, PDF, and BRF files of Braille Formats 2011 that are posted on the BANA website. These decisions followed an extensive deliberation of the complex issues impacting BANA’s current obligations and resources. NOTE: Braille Formats 2011 went into effect in January 1, 2013. Materials now being transcribed should follow these guidelines.

BANA also hosted an Open Forum, which was well attended by individuals from the Philadelphia community. BANA Board members and forum participants enjoyed reading example documents transcribed in Unified English Braille and discussing the characteristics of the code. They also discussed the progress of the transition to UEB as well as ongoing plans for informing braille readers and preparing educators and transcribers about specific code changes.

For more information and additional resources, visit

Around the House:

APH Partners Print Braille Book Program Receives Generous Donation

Sharon and her daughter, Jasmine, doing what they love best – reading braille books!

The Woman’s Club of Louisville donated $1,000 to APH’s Partners Print Braille Book Program so that blind or visually impaired children who live in Louisville can receive a free braille book mailed to their home every other month. Four-year-old Jasmine loves receiving her book in the mail. Her mother, Sharon, said that as soon as the book arrives in the mail, they have to stop everything, sit down and read the book together. This program has been a double blessing for Sharon and Jasmine since they are both blind. “It’s such fun and we do appreciate all those involved who make this possible, laying down the foundation for my little girl to have a love for reading and providing books that she herself will be able to read when she gets older,” Sharon said.

To apply to receive print braille books, no matter where you live, or to donate to the program, go to and select “Free Books” for young children and/or parents who are braille readers or click on the Dolly Parton Imagination Library banner. To be eligible, either a child or parent must meet the definition of blindness. In either case, the child must be age five or younger and reside in the United States or outlying areas.

APH Receives Award to Develop New Accessible Calculator

After the wildly successful development of the Orion TI-84 Plus Talking Graphing Calculator (Orion TI-84), APH is thrilled to announce that the James Graham Brown Foundation (Louisville, KY) has awarded $170,000 for the development of an accessible scientific calculator geared specifically for students who are blind and visually impaired. APH will again collaborate with Texas Instruments and Orbit Research to develop an accessible version of the TI-30XS, the latest scientific, educational calculator. "We believe this calculator is vitally important to students with visual impairments as it will provide equal access and the capacity for full classroom participation," stated Kate Herndon, Assistant Director of Research and Product Development. Although APH is just in the beginning stages of development, we are excited about providing an accessible version of the latest Texas Instruments scientific calculator in the coming years!

APH on the Road

APH Products are the Stars of the Show in L.A.

As part of APH’s Collaborative Instructional Partnership (CIP) initiative, Field Services Representative Kerry Isham presented to a very enthusiastic group of 15 students at California State University, Los Angeles, on May 14th. The presentation covered information on APH products for the core and expanded core curricula. Everyone also took part in a small group exercise, allowing them to enjoy some hands-on time with materials (including Tactile Town, Paint Pot Palette, Giant Textured Beads with Pattern Matching Cards, and the CVI Complexity Sequences Kit). The participants reported that the presentation and activity provided a valuable learning experience.

Say “Cheese!” — APH Visits Wisconsin!

On May 16th through 18th, APH was well-represented at the 2014 Conference for Families of Children with Blindness or Visual Impairments in Green Bay, WI. Field Services Representative Kerry Isham provided a hands-on APH products exhibit, and also presented on APH Products for Cortical Visual Impairment. Throughout the event, children who are blind or visually impaired and their families took time to check out the APH tables which featured such products as the Light Box Materials Sets, ToAD (Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skills) Kit, Sensory Learning Kit, and Swirly Mats. The family conference provided valuable time for play, networking, and learning—and APH was honored to be a part of it.

Michael Collins and Newel Perry to be Inducted into the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field in 2014

The Hall of Fame is dedicated to preserving the tradition of excellence manifested by specific individuals through the history of outstanding services provided to people who are blind or visually impaired in North America. It is housed at the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) in Louisville, Kentucky, but belongs to all.

The ceremony to induct Collins and Perry, will take place on Friday evening, October 17, 2014, in conjunction with APH’s 146th Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Joining the 52 outstanding legends previously inducted, are these two remarkable figures who changed lives around the world. Their stories of accomplishment are powerful.

The Class of 2014

  • Michael T. Collins 1947–2008

    Mike Collins dedicated 30 years of his career to Perkins; first as supervisor of the Perkins School for the Blind’s campus-based Deafblind Program and then as founder and director of the Hilton/Perkins International Program, with the mission of training teachers to teach children who are deafblind with multiple disabilities in developing countries. Collins received the distinguished Perkins’ Annie Sullivan Award and Deafblind International’s Lifetime Achievement Award and their Distinguished Service Award.

    "His love for children with multiple disabilities and his deep understanding of their needs was evident when he visited programs and dangled children on his knee." Nandini Rawal, project director of the Blind People’s Association in Gujarat, India

  • Newel Perry 1873–1963

    Dr. Newel Perry is called the father of the modern civil rights movement of the blind. According to Matson (1990), Perry "presided as mentor and godfather to the [organized blind] movement," spawning the California Council of the Blind (1934), and the National Federation of the Blind (1940). In 1912, Dr. Perry took the post which would define his career, Director of Advanced Studies at the California School for the Blind, and was in this position until retirement in 1947. He is best known for having mentored "Perry’s Boys (and Girls)," a group of talented blind young men and women who would, with Perry’s assistance, begin the organized blind movement of advocacy and civil rights.

    Honors include California Council of the Blind, Hall of Fame, 1996 (original member); California Council of the Blind’s Newel Perry Endowment Trust; the National Federation of the Blind’s highest award – named for Newel Perry; and, within NFB’s Jacobus tenBroek Library, the Newel Perry Conference Room–appropriately named for tenBroek’s beloved mentor.

    "Newel Perry educated, indoctrinated and persuaded a distinguished group of cohorts to join him in carrying on the struggle and carrying out its goals. Those whom Doctor gathered around him were other blind men and women, mostly former students whose special talents and professional positions uniquely supplemented his." Jacobus tenBroek, 1961

For more on these inductees, please visit:

Additional information regarding the 2014 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will soon appear on the APH website, Visit the Hall of Fame website at for information on the Hall and those inducted.

"Like" the Hall of Fame, then ‘Tube with Us!

The Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends of the Blindness Field is now on Facebook! "Like" the page to learn more about this year’s inductees, Michael T. Collins and Newel Perry, as well as updated information on the 2014 induction ceremony, and items of interest on the other 54 Hall inductees.

The URL is or you can search Facebook for "Hall of Fame for the Blindness Field."

Also visit the Hall on our recently launched YouTube channel—click on "Playlists" to watch the inspiring Hall of Fame induction ceremonies!

Treasures From the APH Libraries

The APH Barr Library supports research initiatives at APH, while the Migel Library is one of the largest collections of nonmedical information related to blindness in the world. Although the collections do not circulate, arrangements can be made to use the materials on-site. In addition, an ongoing digitization effort means APH will continue to make materials available through the online catalog at

From the Barr Library: Pérez, Luis. Mobile Learning for All: Supporting Accessibility with the iPad. Thousand Oaks: Corwin, 2013.

While Dr. Pérez’s core audience consists of educators, parents and other professionals working with students who have special needs, this book is for anyone seeking knowledge about how technology can be instrumental in the classroom. Most noteworthy is the chapter on “VoiceOver and Supports for Low Vision,” where the author enumerates the iPad’s accessibility features and apps that accommodate learners with visual disabilities. The book describes 25 apps that can assist visually impaired users with common tasks, some of which include: Digit-Eyes, TapTapSee, oMoby, Light Detector, and Over 40 Magnifier. Pérez also recommends exploring AppleVis, a community-based website to help visually impaired Apple users keep current on the latest VoiceOver apps.

From the Migel Library: Keller, Helen. The Song of the Stone Wall. New York: Century, 1910.

The Song of the Stone Wall is a free-verse poem about enduring strength. The poem also illustrates the adventure and reflection that Helen Keller experienced while exploring the wall. While the Migel Library holds several editions, the first edition really stands out. Each page of text has been framed in art nouveau borders. This edition also includes eight large, unique photographs of Helen Keller actually exploring the stone wall. This book is an outstanding example of the detail that can be captured through digitization, and is available at Internet Archive at

APH is working with the Internet Archive to digitize portions of the M.C. Migel Library. Search the phrase “full text” to find these items at The digitized texts are available in a variety of formats, including DAISY, Kindle, EPUB, PDF, etc.

Contact Library staff:, 800-223-1839, ext. 705

New Instructional Products Catalog Now Available!

The new Instructional Products Catalog 2014-2015 is now available! Over 20 major new products or product families are featured in this catalog, which is a complete listing of APH products other than textbooks. Find new products in the areas of geography, biology, mathematics, early childhood, assistive technology, and more.

To request your free print catalog with the bright orange cover, please email or call 1-800-223-1839 M-F, 8am to 4:30pm Eastern time.

You can download accessible editions of the Products Catalog in our Catalog Download Center. All products listed in the catalog are available for purchase on our shopping site.

Social Media Spotlight

APH Now on Pinterest!

Pinterest is a wildly popular social bookmarking website. We are now "pinning" helpful resources and information about various topics of interest to parents, teachers, students, and individuals who are blind and visually impaired. We currently have "boards" on 15 topics and we’ll be adding more boards in the future.

Some of our boards include:

Follow us on Pinterest today!

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Welcomes New Ex Officio Trustees

Carrie Brasier, the Massachusetts Department of Education public account, replacing Elizabeth Matsulla.

Grace Willis, the Massachusetts Department of Education private, non-profit account, replacing Elizabeth Matsulla.

Paula Penrod, the Kentucky Department of Education, replacing Meg Stone.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


June 2, 2014
GW Ethics and Publishing Conference
Washington, DC.

June 7, 2014
KSB Alumni
Louisville, KY

June 11-15, 2014
RESNA 2014
Indianapolis, IN

June 19-20, 2014
Visions 2014
Denver, CO

June 23-27, 2014
Appropriation: Various Legislative Visits on Capitol Hill as scheduled
Washington, DC

June 24-25, 2014
Warrenton, VA

June 25-27, 2014
CCSSO National Conference 2014
New Orleans, LA

June 27-29, 2014
West Virginia AER 2014
Terra Alta, WV


July 1-6, 2014
NFB 2014
Orlando, FL

July 9, 2014
George Mason University Student Webcast Training

July 10-19, 2014
ACB 2014
Las Vegas, NV

July 20-23, 2014
OSEP Directors Project Conference
Washington, DC

July 21-23, 2014
2014 ACTS Conference: Engines of Change: Powering Current and Future Instructional Resources
Indianapolis, IN.

July 24, 2014
Portland State University Training
Portland, OR

July 30-August 3, 2014
AER International Conference 2014
San Antonio, TX


August 8, 2014
Jacksonville, Illinois

August 18-21, 2014
BVA 2014
Sparks, NV


September 27, 2014
Indiana Vision Expo 2014
Indiana State Library in IN

APH Spring Fever Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Spring Fever Sale 2014, April 1–June 30. As always, first come, first served.

NEW! Talking Typer for Windows: Digital Download, Licenses

25-49 Licenses, D-03430-ED1 — $69.00 per machine
50-74 Licenses, D-03430-ED2 — $63.00 per machine
75-99 Licenses, D-03430-ED3 — $55.00 per machine
100 or More Licenses, D-03430-ED4 — $47.00 per machine

APH is now offering a lower cost per copy for this classic keyboarding software if purchased as a multiple-machine license. The license is available for the non-enhanced voicing version of Talking Typer. Note: The price for an individual copy of Talking Typer is $79.00.

Talking Typer(TM) is computer keyboarding and typing training software that speaks and displays lessons on screen. It includes drills, practice, and typing games and is adjustable to the student’s level of skill and sight impairment.

NEW! APH InSights Art Calendar 2015

5-18971-15 — $7.00

This beautiful full-color calendar features the artwork of visually impaired artists. Suitable for low vision or blind students and adults or anyone who enjoys unique artwork.

Months, days, holidays, and moon phases appear in both braille and large print. This calendar can be used at a desk or hung on a wall and is ring bound to allow pages to be folded over easily.


  • Full-color artwork by visually impaired and blind artists
  • Large print and braille
  • Front cover can be imprinted and brailled with your company name, logo, address, website, 800 number, etc.
  • Makes an excellent fund-raiser!

Note: A special version of this attractive calendar can be custom-printed with your organization’s name for fund-raising purposes!

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Missing! A Cat Called Buster
by Wendy Orr: T-N1998-70 — $19.00
When Buster, a spunky orange kitten, gets adopted from Rainbow Street Shelter by elderly Mr. Larsen, they make a perfect team. After Buster goes missing, Josh, a boy who watched the pet and owner fondly from afar, decides to find the frisky feline. Book two in the Rainbow Street Shelter series. Grades 2-4. *(AR Quiz No. 147565, BL 4.8 Pts 1.0 )

The Odd Squad: Bully Bait
by Michael Fry: T-N1991-70 — $49.50
After twelve-year-old Nick repeatedly gets stuffed into his locker by bully Roy, guidance counselor Dr. Daniels decides to have Nick join Karl and Molly in the safety patrol club. The misfits are initially horrified, but things look up when they plot against Roy. Grades 4-7. *(AR Quiz No. 156817, BL 3.5 Pts 3.0)

Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different
by Karen Blumenthal: T-N1991-80 — $88.50
Recounts the life and career of the late founder of Apple, Steve Jobs (1955-2011). Covers his adoption and childhood, his friendship with Steve Wozniak, and his dynamic relationship with Apple — as chairman, head of the Mac department, advisor, and CEO — until his death.

Dolci Di Love: A Novel
by Sarah-Kate Lynch: T-N1950-70 — $115.00
Childless forty-four-year-old business executive Lily discovers that her husband Daniel has a secret family in Italy and goes there to confront him. In Tuscany, Lily stays with the matchmaking members of the Secret League of Widowed Darners, learns to bake, and falls in love. Some adult content.

The Lost Years
by Mary Higgins Clark: T-N1993-30 — $96.50
When Mariah Lyons’s father Jonathan, a biblical scholar, is murdered, her mother Kathleen has both a gun and a motive — Jonathan’s affair with a colleague. But Kathleen has Alzheimer’s, and the murder may have been over a rare biblical parchment. Family friend Alvirah Meehan helps Mariah investigate. Some adult content.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Jan Carroll, Braille Transcription Services Coordinator
  • Monica Vaught-Compton, Project Consultant, Research
  • Maria Delgado, Field Services Representative
  • Justin Gardner, Special Collections Librarian, Resource Services
  • Micheal Hudson, Director, APH Museum
  • Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Drew Lueken, Support Specialist, Communications
  • Mary Nelle McLennan, APH Representative to Braille Authority of North America
  • Fred Otto, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Research
  • Artina Paris-Jones, Assistant, Field Services
  • Cecilia Peredo, Grants Director, Development
  • Karen Poppe, Tactile Graphics Project Leader, Research
  • Chris Prentice, APH Business Manager
  • Larry Skutchan, Technology Products Manager, Research
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative
  • Li Zhou, Core Curriculum Project Leader, Research

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

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Thank you.

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