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Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

May 2011

Exciting New APH Products Announced!

Read on to learn about these new products – now available!

Redesigned Main APH Website Launched!

We are proud to announce the launch of a completely redesigned main website,

Some new features include:

Our shopping site continues to be

The site was developed entirely in-house by our web team: Malcolm Turner, Ricky Irvine, and Michael McCarty. Graphics support & photography were supplied by Stephanie Lancaster and content review was by Gwynn Stewart. Congratulations, team!

We welcome your feedback on our new site, please send your comments to

Field Testers Needed

Reach for the Stars is a product sold by APH on quota (Catalog #7-08410-00). The authors, Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and Diane Haines, decided to modernize this product to bring it in line with national standards for transition. They have completed their work and field testers are needed to review the product. If you are interested in field testing Reach for the Stars, please contact Burt Boyer, Early Childhood Project Leader, via email (

Fifteen field testers are needed and strong consideration will be given to those who express interest without delay. Thank you for wanting to be a field tester for this product.

You Can Be an "Unforgettable APH Star!"

APH is hosting a video contest in July, 2011. We want you to use your creative talent in making an "Unforgettable APH Product Video" to be posted on our site. Cash prizes will be awarded to the most Unforgettable Videos. For complete contest information go to:

ESAC Happened, Really Happened!

Jim Olson (CO), Sally Giitinger (NE), Jonn Paris-Salb (CA),
Marje Kaiser (SD), Patrick Clancy (IA)

The five outstanding members of the 2010 – 2011 Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) met at APH, April 18 – 21, for their annual spring meeting. The committee is charged with providing oversight and leadership in the planning, evaluation, and delivery of product-related services provided by the Act to Promote the Education of the Blind, identifying new services as needed, and assisting in the promotion of APH products through services.

The committee of APH Ex Officio Trustees, under the excellent leadership of Chair Marje Kaiser (SD), met their charge with flying colors. Committee members Patrick Clancy (IA), Sally Giittinger (NE), Jim Olson (CO) and Jonn Paris-Salb (CA) met with APH staff to discuss key areas such as the Federal Quota Census, the APH website, Louis, NIMAC, and more! Their generous commendations and thoughtful recommendations will guide APH in the coming year as we continue to find ways to improve.

Thanks, ESAC, it was a pleasure to have you here!

Run to Independence Team Raises over $13,000 for APH!

We did it! Over 20 runners, walkers and scream-team members participated in the Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon and miniMarathon on April 30, 2011. Thanks to generous donors from all over the country, we raised more than $13,000 for APH’s accessible magazine department.

A special thank you to our sponsors:

For a complete list of donors, please visit

"Running Strong Since 1858"

While the rest of Kentucky prepares for May’s Run for the Roses, here at APH we’re stepping into the starting gates in our preparations for the 143rd Annual Meeting of Ex Officio Trustees and Special Guests. We will return to the Galt House Hotel and Suites, October 13–15 this year, and you can bet there will be lots of opportunities for learning about APH products, networking with APH staff, greeting old friends, and making new ones. Our speakers and presenters will be waiting in the paddocks to share their expertise and knowledge. We aren’t horsing around – you will want to be here for this one!

What Does an EIR Do?

Kay Ferrell

by Kay A. Ferrell, Ph.D.

What Does an Executive-in-Residence actually DO, anyway? The answer is EVERYTHING . . . and NOTHING. By everything, I mean that the APH leadership includes you in every meeting and every event possible. By nothing, I mean that what the Executive-in-Residence does pales in comparison to what individual staff members do on a daily basis. I am humbled by the experience and grateful for the opportunity to know more about how one of the premier institutions in our field works.

My APH residency occurred as part of my sabbatical from the University of Northern Colorado. I had several goals for my sabbatical, but the primary one was to develop a tactile adaptation of the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (Boehm—3). I worked with Barbara Henderson on this effort, as well as with the author, Ann Boehm, Professor Emeritus at Teachers College, Columbia University. But the number of other people who were involved in what I thought was a tiny little project was simply amazing – Dr. Ralph Bartley facilitated the whole process; Frank Hayden, Tom Poppe, Katherine Corcoran, and Andrew Dakin designed and produced the prototype; and we consulted with Terry Gilmore, Elaine Kitchel, Loana Mason, Fred Otto, Karen Poppe, Terrie Terlau, and Suzette Wright, all of whom helped in large and small ways. How can you beat having that much expertise at your fingertips? I learned so much about test development from Ms. Henderson—how much more difficult this project would have been without her! By the time I left APH, after 11-1/2 weeks, the tactile prototype was just about ready, the large print version was in process, and we were lining up field test sites.

Another sabbatical goal was to create a blog on how a print textbook becomes a braille textbook. Jane Thompson and the Accessible Textbook Department were generous with their time and took me through the steps, allowed me to view the files to get an idea of the timeline, and posed (sometimes under duress) for photographs. This blog will be used in my courses at UNC to teach my students about the process. I also used the blog to document the progress of the Boehm—3 tactile prototype and to keep track of some memorable quotes made by some memorable people.

There were other goals that ran out of time: I had hoped to work with Gary Mudd on public affairs and with Burt Boyer on the Babies Count project. I was able to provide feedback on multiple other projects at various stages of development during my time as Executive-in-Residence. I was struck by a couple of observations: (a) APH takes its role as innovator seriously and is working, directly and indirectly, on some really exciting products; (b) APH relishes (not just encourages) ideas and comments from the field; and (c) APH truly practices quality control and continuous improvement (many of us talk about it, but how many of us actually do it?). The next time I think it takes too long for a book or product to reach the shelves, I will remember all of the alphabet meetings, the persistence and dedication of staff, the attention to detail, and the iteration of proofreading, design, and specifications that accompany each project.

I think sometimes we outsiders take APH for granted, because we are so often on the outside looking in. I had the opportunity to observe APH up close, in action, and to interact with staff on various projects. Dr. Bartley spoke often about how the staff’s opportunity to interact with ME was so important; I think it was the other way around. I hope I gave as much as I received, but I don’t know . . . . I think I am richer for the experience.

The National Instructional Materials Access Center Celebrates a Milestone!

Johanna Argo and Tiffany Bradford

NIMAC celebrates the end of its first five years coming on May 31—and the accomplishment of having accepted over double the predicted number of NIMAS files to be received during the grant period. We look forward with anticipation to the next five years of growth and expansion that will allow even more students who are blind or print disabled to get their accessible textbooks on time.

Are You Creative?

U.S. Entries Invited in International Tactile Book Competition!

Typhlo & Tactus, an organization comprised of western and eastern European nations, exists to improve the quality and quantity of tactile books available to young children with visual impairments in member countries. As a part of T&T’s efforts, the organization has conducted an annual tactile book competition each year, beginning in 2000. In the past, the competition has been open only to T&T members, but this year’s tactile book competition has been opened to a worldwide audience.APH News, May 2011

A panel of U.S. judges, including APH, will review each entry and select the top five books to send overseas for final adjudication by an international panel of children and adults with visual impairments, as well as professionals in the field. A single winning entry will be chosen, along with ten shortlisted books. Selected books may be featured at the T&T website and appear in posters and promotional materials used by T&T.

If you reside in the U.S. or U.S. outlying areas, this is your chance to send us your completed tactile book, designed for a child with visual impairment from birth to 12 years of age, by Friday, September 2, 2011!

The T&T website provides the competition guidelines as well as a list of suggestions for desirable features in your tactile book creation! Go to:

Getting In Touch With Literacy Comes to Louisville

The 2011 Getting In Touch With Literacy Conference will be held in Louisville December 7–10, at the historic Seelbach Hotel. The Seelbach, a grand hotel, has offered great rates of $129 for a single room and $139 for a double room. Louisville is within easy driving distance of many parts of the country, so grab your co-workers, your colleagues, your friends and anyone else you can find, stuff ’em in the car, and show up in Louisville for this great conference! If it’s too far to drive, the Louisville airport is very close to downtown, very easy to manage, and full of friendly people, so hop a flight and join us.

Call for Papers deadline extended!

Please consider submitting a paper to GITWL. The deadline has been extended to May 20th.

BANA Dialogues about Braille at Spring Board Meeting

The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) held its spring meeting on April 1 – 3, 2011, in Cincinnati, Ohio. This meeting was hosted by The Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CCBVI), a BANA member organization.

The Board Meeting was preceded by its traditional open forum on the evening of Thursday, March 31, at the Hyatt Regency. This round-table meeting provided an opportunity for participants to learn more about the workings of BANA and to offer feedback about issues surrounding braille and its future.

The BANA Board welcomed two new participants. Friday morning, at the opening session of the business meeting, Chair Judy Dixon introduced Kim McEachirn, Clovernook’s new representative to the BANA Board. Later in the business meeting, the Board voted unanimously to accept the application of Crawford Technologies to join BANA as an associate member. Congratulations to both Mr. McEachirn and Crawford Technologies.

Topics on the agenda included tactile graphics, foreign language braille, strategic planning, and the recent review of the formats guidelines. Pete Osborne, Chair of the United Kingdom Association for Accessible Formats (UKAAF), attended the full meeting and provided a helpful international perspective. UKAAF was formed in 2009 when the Braille Authority of the United Kingdom merged with two other industry organizations.
The Board participated in lengthy and thoughtful deliberations as they explored the evolving ways in which braille is produced and used. These essential considerations have been spurred by the rapid changes and impact of technology as well as the escalation of changes in print materials.

The Board approved a code change recommended by the Braille Mathematics Technical Committee. This change to Rule XXV Sections 191a(v) and 191b(vi) in the Nemeth code is effective as of April 3, 2011. The change – which is posted at eliminates the blank line between a cell-5 heading and directions that immediately follow the heading.

For additional information and resources, visit

APH Celebrates with the Kentucky Chapter, AER

KAER members participate in the opening activities

APH was on hand this year to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Kentucky Chapter of the Association of Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired (KAER) during the annual state conference, March 23-25. Various APH staff members serve as chapter officers and board members, as well as on the conference planning committee. APH took advantage of the opportunity to focus on products from the past 25 years, including the Light Box and Focus on Mathematics (new 25 years ago, but recently revised) and several of the other newly released items. Congratulations KAER on celebrating 25 years of support to our vision professionals and the students and clients they serve!

University of Arizona Students Get Acquainted with APH

Students dive into an activity exploring APH products

Fifty students from the University of Arizona’s Visual Impairment program gathered to learn about APH products and services, including the Federal Quota Program. APH Field Services Representative Cathy Johnson presented to a group of them in Las Vegas, NV, April 9, and then traveled to Tucson, AZ for the on-campus class. Additional students from the Methods of Teaching Students who have Visual and Severe Disabilities course also joining the group for a second presentation April 12. Inge Durre, Director, Arizona Instructional Resource Center and an APH Ex Officio Trustee, was on hand in Tucson to add to the discussion regarding Federal Quota and procedures in Arizona. Products of interest included Focus On Mathematics, the Sensory Learning Kit, ToAD and the newly released Tadpole Kit, CVI Complexity Sequences Kit, Life Science Tactile Graphics and the Digital Light Box Artwork. Students enjoyed an opportunity to explore the products. It’s always a pleasure to speak with our next generation of teachers of students with visual impairments and to see their excitement as they prepare for their next challenge!

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)

Research Project leader, Tristan Pierce presents her poster session on the Tactile Food Pyramid study

APH was on hand again this year at the 2011 AAHPERD Convention in San Diego, CA, March 29-April 1. Cathy Johnson, Kerry Isham, and Tristan Pierce worked the exhibit booth and introduced APH products and services to physical education and adapted physical education teachers, as well as university personnel. This conference drew 4,000 participants from around the country as well as many international attendees! Sparking high interest were 30 Love, Jump Rope to Fitness, Walk/Run to Fitness, and the new Tactile Food Pyramids. APH Physical Education Project Leader, Tristan Pierce, presented a 1½ hour poster session during the conference titled, “The Effects of Using Tactile Food Pyramids with Visually Impaired Students.” The Tactile Food Pyramid (TFP) study was conducted for 3 months with 42 students. Teachers used the TFP as an educational aid while following national guidelines and state educational standards. The TFP proved to be an accessible tool to teach students who have visual impairment or blindness about healthy choices related to diet and exercise. The product submission for the Tactile Food Pyramid was submitted by teacher Joanne Judge, New Holland, PA.

Joining 3,000 OTs in Philly!

APH’s booth was consistently busy with inquisitive conference-goers at “Occupational Therapy in High Definition: OT in HD,” the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 91st Annual Conference, April 14-17, 2011, in Philadelphia, PA. APH Field Services representatives Monica Turner, Maria Delgado, and Kerry Isham exhibited over 25 products for approximately 3000 enthusiastic attendees.

Oldies but Goodies: The "Established" APH Product Series

by Monica Turner

Geometry Tactile Graphics Kit is a set of thermoformed raised-line drawings depicting geometry concepts, figures, and relationships which are covered in nearly all geometry textbooks. The graphics in this kit, however, are larger and easier for students to measure than those in most braille textbooks. They are intended to supplement, not replace, the graphics in a student’s adapted textbook.

This kit includes 26 white plastic thermoform sheets measuring 8 1/2 x 11 inches (52 drawings total), two specially adapted protractors, a teacher’s guide in print and braille, and a storage binder. The protractor itself has several unique features, designed specifically for use with the graphics in this kit, which make it easier to use than an adapted commercial model. The teacher’s guide provides specific instructions about the recommended procedure for using the protractor, as well as a description of each drawing and instructional hints for teaching each concept.

In the PowerPoint that follows, you can see the line drawing of each graphic provided in the kit. Note: The black line drawings shown are not included in the kit, only the thermoformed graphics, but each line drawing is currently available for download from the Tactile Graphic Image Library.

Download the Geometry Tactile Graphics Kit PowerPoint.

We are aware that oftentimes the short descriptions of our items in the catalog do not give you a complete picture of many products, which is why your trusty Field Services Representatives bring some of the products out on the road to conferences, exhibits, and training sessions to allow you to get a firsthand view of them. Of course, with numerous new products being released every year, some of the older products find themselves being neglected and gathering dust, which is the purpose of this segment of the APH News. If you have any suggestions for other products you would like to see highlighted in this monthly feature, please send your comments to Monica Turner at

Social Skills Cinema: Lessons for the Real World

Mary Ann Siller shares that this year the Texas Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Advisory Committee is challenging teachers, parents, and students with visual impairments to submit a short video on the theme, "Social Skills: Putting the C in Cool." This contest is open to people throughout the United States and Canada. It is a perfect opportunity to show your colleagues a favorite lesson that you use to teach social skills at home, school, or in the community.

Join the fun! The application and outline for the new cinema project are on the front page of the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) website. Don’t forget….the video lesson needs to be submitted by May 27, 2011. Go to for all of the details.

New Instructional Products Catalog Available!

The new Instructional Products Catalog 2011-2012 is now available! Over 30 major new products are featured in this catalog, which is a complete listing of APH products other than textbooks. Find new products in the areas of orientation & mobility, mathematics, early childhood, science, early literacy, and more.

To request your free print catalog with the bright red cover, please email or call 1-800-223-1839 M-F, 8am to 4:30pm EST.

Accessible editions of this catalog will be posted on our website soon. All products listed in the catalog are available for purchase on our shopping site.

Prices in this catalog are effective as of June 1, 2011.

CORRECTION to Instructional Products Catalog 2011-2012

In our zeal to provide an extensively redesigned Products Catalog to our customers, we made an accidental deletion: Talking Typer software was omitted from the catalog. Rest assured that this popular typing tutor program is still available in both CD-ROM and Digital Download editions. We are sorry for any confusion.

"Like" APH at Our Facebook Page!

We invite you to visit our Facebook page and "Like" us! You can find APH at these social media sites: Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and at our blog, Fred’s Head from APH.

APH Travel Calendar

on the road with APH


May 1-5, 2011
EPAC 2011;
APH in Louisville, KY

May 10, 2011
Low Vision Vendor Day;
Owensboro, KY

May 16-17, 2011
Arkansas AER 2011;
Wyndham Hotel-Riverfront in North Little Rock, AR

May 18-20, 2011
COSB (Council of Schools for the Blind) Outreach Forum-General APH Information Presentation;
Great Falls, MT

May 23-25, 2011
Expert Review Panel & Onsite Visit;
APH in Louisville, KY


June 2-3, 2011
Talladega/Alabama School for the Blind Association Assistive Technology Symposium;
Talladega, AL

June 4, 2011
KSB Alumni Event;
KSB in Louisville, KY

June 15, 2011
CIP Event: University of South Carolina Training;
Spartanburg, SC

June 3-5, 2011
Family Café – 13th Annual Conference;
Disney Coronado Springs in Orlando, FL

June 19-24, 2011
American Association of the Deaf-Blind;
Drawbridge Inn in Fort Mitchell, KY

June 23-26, 2011
Visions 2011-Foundation Fighting Blindness;
Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore, MD

June 24-25, 2011
Texas Parent to Parent 2011;
San Marcos, TX

June 27, 2011
CIP Event – University of Arizona Product Training;
Phoenix, AZ

Spring Fever Sale

Load up a world of savings on selected APH products with APH’s Spring Fever Sale 2011, April 1—June 30. As always, first come, first served.

New Downloadable Manuals Available

Get the manual you need instantly! APH offers a selected list of product manuals available for free download ( You may print or emboss these as needed. We will continue to package hard copies of these manuals with their products and sell hard copy replacements.

Newly added manuals include:


1-08155-00 — $349.00

Replacement Items:

TADPOLE Practitioner’s Guidebook: Large Print with CD: 7-08155-00 — $47.00
Tasha Tadpole’s Puzzle Book: Large Print with CD: 1-08155-01 — $175.00
Object Cards: 1-08155-02 — $15.00
TADPOLE Mini-Lite Box Overlays: 1-08155-03 — $77.00
Report of Visual Skills (10-pack): 1-08155-04 — $11.50
Black & White Coloring Cards (5-pack): 1-08155-05 — $52.00
APH Innovations Tote Bag: 4-66001-01 — $19.50

Optional Items:

TADPOLE Practitioner’s Guidebook: Braille with CD: 5-08155-00 — $47.00
Tasha Tadpole’s Puzzle Book, Braille with CD: 5-08155-01 — $47.00
Soft Snap Puzzles (8-pack): 1-08155-06 — $100.00

Related Products:

ToAD Kit: 1-08152-00 — $650.00

Sensory Learning Kit (SLK): 1-08611-00 — $499.00

ISAVE Visual Field/Acuity Grid: 1-08540-00 — $54.00

Invisiboard: 1-08541-00 — $140.00

Tools and Activities for the Development of Visual Skills (TADPOLE) is an array of activities, materials, and tools for use with 0-2 level learners.

TADPOLE is a set of standardized tools that aids in performing functional vision evaluations or visual skills development activities. It is similar to APH’s kit Tools for Assessment and Development of Visual Skills (ToAD), but is geared for younger learners. TADPOLE is a natural precursor to the ToAD Program.

Note: Materials from the ToAD kit are required to use the TADPOLE program.

TADPOLE does not provide a formal assessment—there are several excellent assessment tools available, including ISAVE from APH. TADPOLE provides materials that assist the educator as he or she performs vision assessments or activities. Note: TADPOLE also functions as the Vision Modality section for APH’s Sensory Learning Kit (SLK).

The TADPOLE Practitioner’s Guidebook is a collection of suggested activities, mainly for use with students who are very young (0-2 level), or who have communication and/or cognitive delays. These activities are functional, and uncomplicated, natural to the learner’s environment.

Practitioners should to purchase the ToAD kit prior to using the TADPOLE kit, since items from ToAD should be used when student’s personal items are not available. Items from the ToAD Program are used with TADPOLE because they embody visual characteristics of objects that are typically helpful to students with low vision and cortical visual impairments. Some of these characteristics are:

Suggested uses for TADPOLE:

TADPOLE includes:

Note: The optional Soft Snap Puzzles are useful with both TADPOLE and ToAD activities.

NEW! Building on Patterns: Primary Braille Literacy Program, First Grade: Reference Volume

Print: 8-78461-RV — $55.00
Braille: 6-78461-RV — $55.00

Building on Patterns (BOP) is a complete primary literacy program designed to teach beginning braille users all language arts — reading, writing, and spelling.

The Building on Patterns series addresses phonemic awareness (ability to hear and interpret sounds in speech), phonics (the association of written symbols with the sounds they represent), comprehension, fluency, and oral vocabulary, all of which have been identified as important for reading instruction.

The new BOP Reference Volume is packed full of features to help a teacher understand the program and teach a young blind child to read:

NEW! Lighting Guide Kit Video

1-30018-DVD — $10.00

In this Homegrown Series DVD, APH Low Vision Project Leader Elaine Kitchel discusses the research behind the development of the Better Vision Lamp and APH’s commitment to provide the best light possible for students with visual impairments.

Elaine and other Lighting Guide Kit users discuss the types of tasks they enjoy while using the lamp – from doing homework, completing reading assignments and paying the bills, to hooking a rug, making jewelry, and looking at photos – as well as some of the benefits, like less eye fatigue and being able to work longer and more efficiently.

Runs approximately 19 minutes. Closed Captioned.

NEW MEDIUM! Picture Maker Video

1-30008-DVD — $10.00

Now on DVD!

Product creator Patty Wheatley offers many tips and tricks for using the Picture Maker in all areas from classroom to everyday life. Approximately 14 minutes. Closed captioned. The content of this video has not changed, but it is now available on DVD.

NEW! MathBuilders, Unit 7: Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Decimals

Large Print Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Large Print): 7-03564-00 — $265.00
Braille Kit (Teacher’s Guide in Braille): 5-03564-00 — $265.00

Optional Item

General Guidelines Book:
Large Print: 7-03560-03 — $24.00
Braille: 5-03560-03 — $24.00

Replacement Items

Teacher’s Guide:
Large Print: 7-03564-01 — $59.00
Braille: 5-03564-01 — $59.00
Consumables Pack, Braille: 5-03564-02 — $15.00

MathBuilders is a supplementary math program designed for young braille users in grades K-3, separated into eight units by content standards and grade level. This allows the teacher to focus on specific standards or provide remedial material for individual students. APH has now released four units, with more planned for the future.

Unit 7 includes

Note: General Guidelines book is included on the CD-ROM with every unit. It is not included in print or braille in the kits, but can be purchased separately in large print and braille editions. It’s a good resource for teachers who need information about teaching math to students with visual impairments.

WARNING: Choking Hazard — Small Parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.

Recommended ages: 5 years and up.

NEW! Verbal View of Word 2007

D-10518-00 — $50.00

Verbal View of Word 2007 is a comprehensive tutorial designed to teach the basic features of Microsoft Word 2007. The Verbal View Software Tutorial Series emphasizes the use of the keyboard. Some of the topics omitted from most books are discussed at length because they greatly benefit blind users.

Delivered on CD-ROM, this tutorial comes in DAISY 3.0 format with its own presentation software. This CD also contains Microsoft Word 2007, html, contracted braille, and text versions of the document so you may send it to a portable device like the Braille+ Mobile Manager or other note taker with a refreshable braille display.

NEW MEDIA! GED Basics, 2002

NLS Flash Cartridge: D-53866-FC — $20.00
CD-ROM: D-53866-CD — $5.00
Braille: T-N1405-40 — $136.00

Now available as an audio book on CD and on a flash cartridge (mp3 files)! GED Basics, 2002 is an introductory guide to the basic skills you need to tackle the General Educational Development (GED) test:

Note: The content of GED Basics 2002 has not changed. We have discontinued the cassette tape edition and are introducing the CD and flash cartridge editions.

Note: GED Basics 2002 Braille Edition is produced on receipt of your order, therefore please allow several weeks for delivery.

NEW! Tactile Food Pyramid: Primary and Secondary

Tactile Food Pyramid Kit:
Primary: 1-03016-00 — $39.00
Secondary: 1-03018-00 — $64.00

Replacement Items

Primary Desktop Food Pyramid, blank (10-pack): 1-03017-00 — $30.00
Secondary Desktop Food Pyramid, colorful/tactile (5-pack): 1-03019-00
— $55.00

Note: Tactile Food Pyramid is now available for sale. It will appear on our shopping site in the near future. You may also order via Federal Quota order form, via purchase order, or by calling our 800 number and using a credit card.

APH’s Tactile Food Pyramid helps you make healthier choices.

Primary Tactile Food Pyramid

Teaches primary grade children to make smart choices for an 1,800 calorie diet.


Students follow the key and gradually build a tactile pyramid, by gluing the punch & paste pieces to the blank desktop tactile pyramid sheet, as they learn about the different food groups. When complete, students have a "take home" item to share with family and friends. Printed and embossed on heavy paper.

Secondary Tactile Food Pyramid

Teaches teens and adults to make smart choices for a 2,000 calorie diet.


The colorful/tactile desktop pyramids are a great educational aid that can be used in the classroom and at home. Printed and thermoformed on plastic.

Both Tactile Food Pyramids are intended to be used as educational aids with your state or school district educational standards. Teachers, parents, and students are encouraged to visit to find classroom lessons and exciting activities to help teach about healthy food choices and exercise.

APH Braille Book Corner

APH offers a number of recreational books in braille (Quota funds can be used). Each of these titles was originally transcribed and produced by APH for the National Library Service which has graciously granted permission for this offering. As usual, these titles have been added to the APH Louis Database where you can find thousands of titles produced in accessible formats.

Note: all books are produced upon receipt of orders, therefore, please allow several weeks for delivery.

Just Grace Goes Green
by Charise Mericle Harper: T-N1832-40 — $22.00
When Miss Lois teaches her class ways to "go green," Just Grace learns to recycle, conserve, and reuse things to save the Earth. But convincing her mother to cooperate is not easy. Grades 2-4. *(AR Quiz #130420, BL 5.2, Pts. 3.0)

The Wild Girls
by Pat Murphy: T-N1831-30 — $59.00
In 1972, twelve-year-old Joan regrets moving to California until she meets Sarah–a kindred spirit with whom Joan enjoys romping in the woods and making up stories. The girls are recruited for a summer writing class that changes their perspective about storytelling and themselves. Grades 5-8. *(AR Quiz #117801, BL 4.1, Pts. 9.0)

Dope Sick
by Walter Dean Myers: T-N1831-40 — $28.50
Seventeen-year-old Lil J, a suspect in the shooting of an undercover cop, hides in an abandoned crack house. He encounters Kelly, a man who is watching clips of Lil J’s life on television. Kelly urges Lil J to examine choices he’s made. Some strong language. For senior high readers. *(AR Quiz #128140, BL 4.5, Pts. 5.0)

Forecast: The Consequences of Climate Change
by Stephan Faris: T-N1834-30 — $63.00
Journalist examines the ecological, social, and political effects of climate change as evidenced in worldwide events. Posits that global warming is responsible for third-world agricultural changes and subsequent land deterioration is a catalyst for regional conflicts. Also highlights environmental refugees, coastal insurance, diseases, and wine production.

Black Hills
by Nora Roberts: T-N1846.60 — $129.00
Childhood friends and briefly young lovers, former New York cop Cooper and cougar expert Lil are uneasily reunited years later when Coop returns to South Dakota to help his injured grandfather. Now they must work together to outsmart a killer. Violence, strong language, and mature content. Adult Reader.

*Accelerated Reader quiz number, book level, and point value. For more information on the Accelerated Reader program, see the January 2006 APH News or

APH News Credits

Dr. Tuck Tinsley

Malcolm Turner, APH Website Coordinator

Thanks to the following APH staff:

  • Cindy Amback, Support Specialist, Field Services
  • Janie Blome, Director, Field Services
  • Scott Blome, Director, Communications
  • Burt Boyer, Early Childhood Project Leader, Research
  • Nicole Gaines, NIMAC Manager
  • Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative
  • Cathy Johnson, Field Services Representative
  • Nancy Lacewell, Director, Government and Community Affairs
  • Stephanie Lancaster, Graphic Designer, Communications
  • Mary Nelle McLennan, APH Representative to BANA
  • Julia Myers, Director, Resource Services and Project Director NIMAC
  • Artina Paris-Jones, Assistant, Field Services
  • Gwynn Stewart, Administrative Assistant, Communications
  • Monica Turner, Field Services Representative
  • Suzette Wright, Emergent Literacy Project Leader, Research

Bob Brasher, Vice President, Advisory Services and Research

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The APH News is a monthly publication from the American Printing House for the Blind:
1839 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206

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