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Sign instruction teaches a boy to kick a beeping ball.

Suggested Journal Titles

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American Annals of the DeafOpens a new window

Disability and RehabilitationOpens a new window

Disability & SocietyOpens a new window

Exceptional ChildrenOpens a new window

Education and Training in Autism and Developmental DisabilitiesOpens a new window

Education & Treatment of ChildrenOpens a new window

Human KineticsOpens a new window, journal categories by

International Journal of Disability, Development and EducationOpens a new window

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf EducationOpens a new window

Journal of Developmental & Behavioral PediatricsOpens a new window

Journal of Developmental and Physical DisabilitiesOpens a new window

Journal of Disability Policy StudiesOpens a new window

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD)Opens a new window

Learning Disabilities Research & PracticeOpens a new window

Learning Disability QuarterlyOpens a new window

Perceptual & Motor SkillsOpens a new window

TEACHING Exceptional ChildrenOpens a new window

The American Journal of Clinical NutritionOpens a new window