Products from APH
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APH products are ideal for creating fun activities in the gym, schoolyard, basement, or backyard.
These children wait anxiously for a turn to run the Tangle Toy Relay. The Portable Sound Source, Sport Edition (right) guides them to the Tangle Toy basket.
Gross Motor Development Curriculum
for Children With Visual Impairment
Gross Motor Development Curriculum provides the foundation to an active lifestyle during childhood and beyond.
This three-part book addresses the specific skills of children with visual impairments based upon research findings on fundamental motor skills. The curriculum (Part I and Part II) discusses general instructional strategies that are effective in teaching gross motor skills to individuals with visual impairment, blindness, and deafblindness while it details specific teaching techniques, cues, and modified equipment for instruction of 16 gross motor skills. Part III, the appendices, provides protocols for children who have visual impairments, lead-up activities, and practice records. In addition, the practice records are available as a free download from the APH website.
The curriculum provides teachers and parents with a detailed breakdown of each locomotor skill and object control skill: description, materials, task analysis/practice, and teaching modifications and adaptations. Whether you use the Test of Gross Motor Development, FitnessGram®, or another gross motor assessment, GMDC will help your student learn and master the needed skills to perform with his or her peers.
Video! Watch children work around instructional barriers using whole-part-whole instruction, verbal instruction, task analysis, modeling, and demonstration.
Teaching Gross Motor Development to Children with Visual Impairments
Gross Motor Development Curriculum (Large Print)
Gross Motor Development Curriculum (Braille) Multiple .brf files zipped into one downloadable file.
Gross Motor Development Curriculum (HTML): able to browse HTML edition (requires internet connection); HTML edition zipped for download to your device
GMDC Practice Records (Dynamic PDFs): Print or Large Print
Everybody Plays!
How Kids With Visual Impairments Play Sports
Everybody Plays! is a fun storybook written by Cindy Lou Aillaud and Lauren Lieberman that follows an elementary school-age child to a sports camp for children who have visual impairment, blindness, or deafblindness. Written at a 4th grade reading level, readers learn about sports and recreational physical activities that are enjoyed universally and about specific sports designed for persons with visual impairment and blindness.
The young storyteller describes how sport modifications and equipment adaptations help the campers have a blast when they learn about sports and play with new friends and coaches. Young readers learn about Paralympic sports and are encouraged to identify the Paralympic sports that the storyteller experiences while at camp.
Each sport and recreational activity has a Listen Up! page that introduces the sports novice to each sport or activity. If a reader does not need the detailed explanation of a particular activity, the print, braille, and electronic books are designed so the Listen Up! pages can be skipped.
Both the braille and large print items come with a CD.
Everybody Plays! How Kids With Visual Impairments Play Sports (Braille) 5-13095-00
Everybody Plays! How Kids With Visual Impairments Play Sports (Large Print) 7-13095-00
GAMES for People With Sensory Impairments: Strategies for Including Individuals of All Ages
A valuable book that initiates exploration and stimulates the reader’s creativity and resourcefulness!
Physical education teachers and activity/recreation directors find GAMES for People With Sensory Impairments: Strategies for Including Individuals of all Ages to be practical, relevant, and realistic. Adapted physical education (APE) professors find it to be a valuable tool when teaching future APE teachers. For novices, this publication provides a wealth of information on what to do, how to do it, and why. The authors, Lauren Lieberman and James Cowart, draw on their extensive experience in teaching students of all ages who have visual impairments, blindness, deafblindness, and multiple disabilities.
- The book’s Game Finder helps teachers locate games and activities that are appropriate for their students.
- The Game Finder Key identifies each game by name, category, sport skill, physical and motor fitness, and fundamental motor patterns and skills.
- The games and activities in the book are creative innovations submitted by 15 outstanding teachers, coaches, and leaders who work in schools or programs for students who have sensory impairments.
- The binder allows game pages to be removed for easy use in the gym, on the field, or poolside. The game pages are printed on heavier paper stock to accommodate frequent handling.
- Both the large print and braille versions contain a CD-ROM with an HTML file.
GAMES for People With Sensory Impairments Strategies for Including Individuals of All Ages (Large Print): 7-08609-00
30-Love Tennis Kit
Learn this new and exciting sport that’s making news around the world! Meets national standards on physical education.
Whether practicing against a wall, playing singles against an opponent, or participating in a round of doubles, tennis is a great sport for practicing sound localization skills and socialization.
Playing tennis helps your aerobic fitness by burning fat, improving your cardiovascular fitness, and maintaining higher energy levels. It helps your anaerobic fitness by offering short, intense bursts of activity during a point followed by rest, which helps muscles use oxygen efficiently.
- Ability to accelerate
- Leg strength
- General body coordination
- Gross motor control
- Fine motor control
- Bone strength and density
- Agility
- Balance
- Flexibility
- To compete one-on-one
- To accept responsibility
- To manage adversity
- To accommodate stress effectively
- How to recover
- To plan and implement strategies
- To solve problems
- Sportsmanship
- To have fun
Kit includes
- 2 blindfolds
- 2 rackets
- Set of 6 sound-adapted tennis balls
- 30-Love: Tennis Guidelines for Players with Visual Impairments, Large Print
- 30-Love: Tennis Guidelines for Players with Visual Impairments, Braille
Watch videos of tennis on:
30-Love Tennis Kit: 1-08110-00
Jump Rope to Fitness Kit
Improve your cardiovascular health; 10 minutes of jumping rope can be as effective as 30 minutes of jogging!
The APH Jump Rope to Fitness Kit provides individuals with visual impairment the tools to jump rope independently, learn specific skills, and set goals.
The kit includes three different styles of jump ropes and a mat for shock absorption that defines a safe space in which to jump.
- Plastic cord jump rope
- Short beaded jump rope
- Medium beaded jump rope
- Long beaded jump rope
- JumpSnap™ talking-ropeless jump rope
- Orientation anti-shock mat
- Jump Rope to Fitness Guidebook, Large Print
- Jump Rope to Fitness Guidebook, Braille
The guidebook describes the benefits of jumping rope, explains how to get started, introduces jump rope social awareness, leads you through the progressions of jumping rope, and helps you set goals.
Jump Rope to Fitness Kit: 1-07521-00
Going Places
Transition Guidelines for Community-Based Physical Activities for Students Who Have Visual Impairments, Blindness, or Deafblindness
Going Places is a resource guide for introducing teens and young adults to community-based, independent physical fitness activities. Designed to help foster independence and self-advocacy, it outlines a step-by-step process for choosing and participating in sports and other physical activities outside of school.
Using the acronym PLACES, Going Places guides the user through this process:
- Preferences
(What do you like to do?) - Leisure, sport, and fitness activities
(Here’s what you might do) - Awareness
(How can you find out where and how to do it?) - Choices
(How do you decide in what to participate?) - Exploration
(How can you get the most out of it?) - Skill development
(How can you get better at it?)
With over 40 activities listed, the guide includes a description of the activity, modifications or accommodations that may be necessary, and suggestions for developing needed skills. For many activities a rating chart is included, offering evaluation for that activity on social, exertion, inclusiveness, and participation levels. Included throughout the guide are real-life stories from individuals who are visually impaired, blind, or deafblind who participate successfully in a sport or physical activity.
Going Places meets the six national content standards on physical education established by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education (NASPE). In addition, Going Places contains specific advice and information for the user who is deafblind. Eight appendices include additional information on activities to do at home, nutrition, worksheets, and profiles of famous athletes who are visually impaired or blind.
Going Places, Large Print/CD: 7-13090-00
Going Places, Braille/CD: 5-13090-00
Replacement Item
- Braille Worksheet Packet: 5-13091-00
Portable Sound Source, Sport Edition
Create audio tones that provide directional cues for orientation and mobility, sound localization training, or for playground games and sports.
This new, lightweight sound source comes with a remote control and carrying strap. The carrying strap can be used as a belt for hiking or a game of Follow the Leader; use it to identify home base, a safety zone, or a basketball goal.
- Receiver is powered by 5 AA batteries (not included) that are easy to replace
- Transmitter is powered by a 23A 12 Volt alkaline battery (included) and is programmable
- Rate of tone is variable using step increments from 36 to 360 pulses per minute
- Pitch is variable using step increments from 600 to 1200 hertz
- On/off switch and rate, volume, and tone knobs are mounted on the front face for easy operation
- Large speaker measures 3.5″
- Dimensions: 7 1/8″ x 4 7/8″ x 1 9/16″
- Weight: approximately 1 1/2 pounds (with batteries)
- Large Print Sound Localization Guidebook
Recommended ages: 6 years and up.
Note: The Sound Localization Guidebook provides teachers of young learners who are visually impaired with specific activities that may be used to develop sound localization skills. Group games are presented to practice those skills. The braille version is sold separately.
To Order
Portable Sound Source, Sport Edition with Large Print Guidebook and Remote Control: 1-03045-00
Optional Item
The Sound Localization Guidebook, Braille: 5-03045-00
Replacement Items
The Sound Localization Guidebook, Large Print: 7-03045-00
Remote Control (for Portable Sound Source, Sport Edition only): 1-03045-01
Push Button Padlock
The traditional push button padlock is now accessible!
Does this sound familiar to you? “Excuse me, but I just purchased a push button padlock. Can you please tell me what my combination is?“ If you have to ask someone else what the combination is, then security has been compromised. You can now have a combination that is known only to you. Each lock comes with large print and braille instructions, plus two large print/braille combination cards. Secure your personal items at home or join a gym without the worry of losing the lock’s key. Just push five buttons and presto you are in!
Not available on quota: Push Button Padlock: 1-03990-00
These fun balls are easy to grab and have high contrast ribbing. ‘Crinkly’ fabric in the ribs adds an auditory component.
Jacob’s Rib-It-Ball
Less Visually Complex! The original multicolored balls have been redesigned in two-color combinations, making them easier for visual orientation and are available in three inflatable sizes: 14′ (red/yellow), 18′ (blue/yellow), and 30′ (black/yellow). The 30′ ball is sold with a foot pump.
Auditory Feature! The ribs are made of a unique fabric that naturally makes noise, enhancing auditory awareness every time the ball is touched.
Latex Free! The balls are latex-free, providing an opportunity for children who have severe allergies to play ball with their peers. Each ball contains a PVC inflatable bladder. This ball is great for water play.
Easy to Grab! The handle-like ribs make it easy for children to grab and aid in the development of balance and motor skills.
Easy to Throw! Filled with air, the light weight of the ball combined with the easy-to-hold ribs makes it easy for children to successfully throw the ball.
Stays within Reach! The unique rib design keeps the ball within reach so children experience more hands-on ‘play time’ instead of frustrating ‘chase time.’ This is especially beneficial to children with special needs.
Note: Not designed to be used as a therapy ball. Excessive weight should not be placed upon it.
- Rib-It-Balls
- Jacob’s 14′ Rib-It-Ball: 1-07513-00
14′ Replacement Bladder: 1-07513-01 - Jacob’s 18′ Rib-It-Ball: 1-07514-00
18′ Replacement Bladder: 1-07514-01 - Jacob’s 30′ Rib-It-Ball (with foot pump): 1-07515-00
30′ Replacement Bladder: 1-07515-01
These three balls ARE available on Federal Quota.
Score Card Set
Generic Score Card made of durable plastic. It has 20 “buttons” in 2 rows of 10. Push down on a button to register one event. Pop up buttons to clear. You can assign one row as the “tens” row to keep track of up to 110 events.
Includes one yellow and one green card. Instructions in print and braille.
Recommended ages: All ages.
APH Sound Ball
Available in two colors with two distinct sounds!
Children should learn to throw, catch, jump, and kick a ball when they are young so they will gain skills needed to participate in physical activities as teens and adults. Education standards state that children should accomplish the under-hand roll by age 6 and the over-hand throw by age 8.
The APH Sound Ball is a 7.5′ foam ball that emits a constant two-tone sound when activated. The two-tone sound is designed to accommodate individuals who wear hearing aids and who may have difficulty hearing higher pitched sounds. Dual speakers guarantee that one speaker will always be exposed to open air and easily heard, making it fun to locate and play games. The APH Sound Ball is engineered to roll straight and true. The dual volume control allows for close and distant play.
This durable, rechargeable ball can be used to improve motor skills, play games, and practice sound localization skills.
- Dual speakers
- Dual volume
- Two-tone sound
- Recharger stylus (light emitting)
- High bounce
- Rolls true
- Non toxic/latex free materials
Yellow Boing Boing Ball: 1-07510-00
Red Techno Beat Ball: 1-07516-00
The Walk/Run for Fitness Kit
Two pedometers encourage family and peer participation.
A personal guidewire system, can be set up in one’s backyard, at school, or in a local park. The guidebook explains the five major components of fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body mass index. The kit includes a convenient shoulder sling pack for storage and travel.
APH’s Walk/Run for Fitness Kit includes:
- Personal guidewire system
- Two talking pedometers
- Guidebook in both large print and braille
- Shoulder sling carrying pack
Complete Kit:1-07520-00 Walk/Run for Fitness Kit
Replacement Guidebooks
- Guidebook Large Print Edition: 7-07520-00
- Guidebook Braille Edition: 5-07520-00
Tangle Toy and Tangle Book Kit
The Tangle Toy’s visually and tactually interesting surface helps catch a child’s attention.
With its infinite knot shapes and variety of colors and textures, Tangle Toy® encourages a child to explore, move, and play.
The Tangle Toy includes segments that feature bright colors, each color with its own unique texture. Combine the curved segments to create a high-contrast toy that can twist into an infinite number of shapes.
Because each colored segment has its own texture, activities focused on using colors are easily adaptable.
The activities and games included in the The Tangle® Book help sighted and visually impaired peers refine motor skills, color discrimination, and tactile discrimination.
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD — Small parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.
Tangle Toy and Tangle Book Kit
Catalog Number: 1-08750-00
Touch ’em All Baseball, Game Kit
This tactile and visual game is a fun way to learn about baseball and practice numerous other skills.
Touch ’em All Baseball is meant for two players (although you may play against yourself). The game is easy to learn, and you may change the complexity for different levels of play. You’ll need to be familiar with the basic rules of baseball for counting balls, strikes, and outs; for advancing runners; and for scoring, but you don’t need a lot of baseball expertise to enjoy this game.
- A board depicting a baseball field, including the infield, bases, pitcher’s mound, and outfield stands, designed for tactual and visual contrast
- Player pieces backed with hook material, to show the placement of runners and fielders
- Two Basic and two Advanced game spinners to indicate the results of pitches and of balls put in play
- An “Umpire Card” for recording balls, strikes, and outs
- A scorecard for keeping track of runs
- Game Rules and Variations (such as tee-ball® and home run contest) in large print and braille
The Teacher’s Kit (7-08101-00, sold separately) provides suggestions for using Touch ’em All Baseball with students, not only to teach about baseball but to develop other skills. The Teacher’s Guide is provided in large print and as a free download in accessible formats.
This kit includes a set of tactile/print “stick figure” diagrams, which illustrate the motions of pitching and batting along with some of the spatial arrangements that apply in baseball, and suggested physical activities that correspond to the images. For students who show an interest, consider these activities for broadening their appreciation and tying the game into other content areas such as writing and notetaking; math and measurement; probability; and physical education.
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD — Small parts. Not intended for children ages 5 and under without adult supervision.
Age Range: 8 and Up